I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 110

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:24 AM

Chapter 110: contact

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The Great Elder heard Lin Hang's words and said strangely, "Lin Hang, why did you suddenly ask this? Do you have any other news from the cave?"

As soon as the Great Elder spoke from Lin Hang, he keenly captured the details of Lin Hang's words.

Lin Hang laughed and said, "It is indeed as the great elder expected. I entered a cave named "Houjie". After learning about it, I learned that they are one of the twelve branches of the Wu Clan-Hou Tu. The inheritance of the ancestral witches, I met their high priest, and learned more about the rumors of the Wu clan during the Qin Shihuang period from his mouth."

The elder raised his brow and said, "Oh? Really? According to this trend, our twelve cave heavens should all emerge one after another, but I really can't contact other cave heavens now, so I can only try harder."

The great elder motioned Lin Hang to follow him. Lin Hang handed the eight Xiaoqiang to Zhou Yu to arrange, and followed the great elder to a low room in the depths.

When the two entered, Lin Hang saw that the entire room was about six or seven square meters in size, with only a table in the middle, on which was placed a silver scale-shaped object.

The elder bowed deeply, took up the scales, and introduced, "This is the scale left by our ancestors. Our ancestors once said that at the right time, through this scale, we can interact with other witches in the cave. In terms of family contact, I have tried countless times for thousands of years, but there is no response at all, and I don’t know what the ancestors said about the appropriate time or what exactly it meant."

Lin Hang looked at the scales curiously and found that there were many patterns on the silver scales, which represented patterns of space and speed.

Lin Hang asked, "Elder, isn't this the scales of the ancestors?"

The elder glared at Lin Hang angrily, and said, "What do you think! This scale is a spiritual treasure that our ancestors killed a space beast, took the most essence of it, and integrated the talents of our race. The ancestor’s fame spirit treasure was originally, but after opening up this cave, the ancestor felt that he could not survive, so he and other ancestors of the cave refined twelve treasures together, which became the basis for each cave. I tell you, apart from being able to contact other caves, this scale is also very powerful!"

Lin Hang nodded hurriedly, his thinking was indeed too divergent just now.

The great elder also stopped talking, and focused on injecting spiritual power into the scales. With the infusion of spiritual power, the scales began to emit a dazzling light, forming a light map on the top, with twelve points on the top, distributed in sequence .

Looking at the light map exactly the same as the shell in "Back World", Lin Hang understood a little that the two treasures did have some connections.

The elder took a look, "Huh", and said strangely, "This light pattern seems to be different from what I saw before. The previous twelve points were all dim and dull, and now there are two lights up. Got up."

Lin Hang nodded and said with a smile, "Great Elder, I have also seen their heritage treasures in "Back Realm" before. The light map shown above is exactly the same as this one. I analyzed with the high priest and the two lighted up One point, the silver one represents the "Emperor Realm", and the khaki one represents "The Back Realm". Because these two realms reappeared, this lights up. The other ten realms, we guessed based on this light map. It was not found, so it was still bleak."

The elder thought a little, and nodded, what Lin Hang said was indeed reasonable. When the Great Elder was about to speak, the light spot representing "Back Realm" suddenly flashed quickly, and both Lin Hang and the Great Elder were a little unclear. The great elder urged his spiritual force to contact the light spot of "Horse Realm", and the ochre-yellow light and shadow in between changed from small to large, slowly floating above the light spot of "Horse Realm".

After seeing the figure clearly, Lin Hang exclaimed, "High priest? How could it be you?"

The newly-appearing figure looks like a young man, it is the high priest. He looked at this small room and said with a smile, "I know Lin Hang, if you go to "Imperial World" again, you will definitely let them use "Imperial World". The treasure of inheritance. So, the old man has been waiting here, and finally he has a reaction."

The great elder looked at the young high priest and said, "After you come, how do you, with your pretending appearance, be ashamed to say this old man?"

The high priest had also noticed the great elder on the side, and retorted, "Zhou Shu! Don't talk about me, you don't care about contacting us at all. I think you have forgotten the instructions of the ancestors! "

Looking at the two elders who fought each other as soon as they met, Lin Hang was a bit big head for a while, and said hurriedly, "The two elders, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other. Has there been some research on the Fa?"

In front of the great elder, the high priest changed his former calmness and said triumphantly, “Of course, I am not the same as this inflexible Zhou Shu. Since the last time we discovered the changes in the light pattern, I have been studying, and now finally I have mastered a little usage."

Listening to the high priest's pride and not forgetting the words of the high elder, Lin Hang hurriedly asked, "High priest, do you have other ways to contact you besides the light and shadow that is now appearing?"

The high priest nodded and said, "This kind of light and shadow shows that it is the easiest way to connect two caves and heavens. Both sides urge the treasures of their respective caves. With the connection of the treasures and the support of spiritual power, one of us can Another cave sky generates a spiritual body, which is the light and shadow you see, so that it can facilitate communication. Of course, it is also possible to not generate a spiritual body, and our voices can also be transmitted in this way."

Lin Hang nodded with some understanding, and said, "Then how to contact the other ten caves, do you have any discoveries about the high priest?"

The high priest laughed and said, "I have discovered that the treasures of our twelve caves are made together by the twelve ancestors, so there is a universal spiritual space. What I just said is two caves The simple connection between the two, if there are multiple caves, we can divide our consciousness into this spiritual space, so that we can communicate between multiple people and many caves.

The Grand Elder couldn't help saying at this moment, "After you come, I thought there were so many amazing discoveries! I have discovered this spiritual space you mentioned a long time ago, but I haven't been able to enter it for so many years. As for your current Light and shadow, I can only say that everyone can find it, and you are just one step ahead of me!

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