I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 116

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:17 AM

Chapter 116: The kindness of Zhu Yue

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Hearing this, Lin Hang nodded and said, "Okay, I'm pretty sure after hearing what you said. Because the inheritance of "Emperor Realm" and "Hear Realm" is the same as you described, so let's , I will help you get the inheritance, what do you think?"

Zhuyue nodded and said, "Okay, I will trouble you!"

After speaking, he turned to Zhou Shu and Hou Lin and said, "You two, next time you call to you, don’t talk so much! Now my spiritual power is a little insufficient, well, this meeting is over here, and you can contact me if you have anything. I!"

After that, Zhu Yue withdrew the spiritual power on the Pearl of Time, Zhou Shu and the light and shadow of the latter disappeared in the room before they said goodbye.

Lin Hang wiped his cold sweat silently, the high priest Zhu Yue was so dignified and elegant in front of him, but he treated the two of them immediately after the week’s surgery was so rude, Lin Hang had to pretend to be invisible and follow him. The priest left the hall.

The high priest took Lin Hang to the outskirts of the inheritance land not far away, and said, "Lin Hang, I can temporarily create a channel for you to enter the inheritance land. The maintenance time is about three days. How to do?"

Lin Hang thought for a while, remembering the last time he went to "Back Realm", and said, "Priest, according to my judgment, you don't need to support that long, because I entered alone, so the first few levels are very fast. Yes, I only used less than two days last time. In my opinion, after you open the channel, you only need to maintain it for two days, so it won't be a waste of time."

In this regard, Zhu Yue was naturally very convinced of Lin Hang, after all, he had previous experience first.

Zhu Yue nodded and said, "Well, as you said, I will wait for you outside for two days. Don't worry if you do it."

Lin Hang nodded, and Zhu Yue raised the cane in his hand and tapped it lightly. A narrow passage appeared in the energy layer in front of the land of inheritance. Before Zhu Yue could speak, Lin Hang rushed in.

Zhu Yue let go of her cane to float it in the air, sat down cross-legged, closed her eyes, and waited quietly.

The situation in the Land of Inheritance was indeed as they expected, every cave and sky was the same, so Lin Hang successfully entered the fifth level. After seeing the familiar light curtain, he immediately started scanning. It didn't take long. When the scan was completed, Lin Hang breathed a sigh of relief, and now only needs to wait for the time to pass.

Two days later, Zhu Yue opened his eyes and reached out to recall the cane. The narrow passage slowly closed, and Lin Hang also appeared in Zhu Yue's sight.

Zhu Yue asked with concern, "How is it, Lin Hang, did you succeed?"

Lin Hang slowed down and checked his mental space, and found that there was an extra light curtain inside. Lin Hang nodded and said to Zhu Yue, "Senior Zhu, fortunately, I succeeded!"

Zhu Yue was also a little excited. For many years, it has been a pity for her to fail to obtain the inheritance of her ancestors. Today, relying on Lin Hang's magical ability, she finally completed it, and her heart was filled with infinite emotion.

Zhu Yue said, "Lin Hang, even though you said so easily, I still have to thank you very much! I know you don't want anything in return, but I do have a gift for you!"

Just as Lin Hang was about to refuse, he was stopped by Zhu Yue's eyes, and Zhu Yue said, "Lin Hang, come with me!"

Lin Hang had no choice but to follow Zhuyue slowly. It didn't take long for Zhuyue to stop. Lin Hang looked up and saw that there was a quaint building in front of him, and the plaque on it read "Zhubao Pavilion".

Zhu Yue stretched out her hand and said, "Come on, Lin Hang. This is the place where our "Candle Realm" is hidden, collecting the treasures of the cultivators of the past generations. You can choose one as your life saver in the future. I Looking at your current cultivation level, there is still a long way to go before the foundation. Although you said that the outside world has not been in the cultivation world for a long time, there are still many people who can threaten you, right? Zhou Shu and Hou Lin The old guy is really careless, so why don't you be so relieved that you are running away alone, and as an elder, you won't give you anything to defend yourself!"

Looking at the candle Yue who unconsciously counted down the Grand Elder and the High Priest, Lin Hang hurriedly said, "Senior Candle, I can't use it anymore! Now the Shenzhou land outside, the highest cultivation level is only the peak of Qi training. My current training progress will soon be able to enter the late stage of Qi training. At that time, although they are not their opponents, life-saving is more than enough!"

Zhu Yue frowned and said solemnly, "Lin Hang, you need to know how important your identity is! It's a special period now. Apart from our Wu clan, how do you know that no other forces will return early? So, Don't refuse, you should choose one for self-defense. It's really impossible to choose two!"

Lin Hang knew that Zhu Yue was really worried about her safety. Lin Hang conceited that he possessed the space power and the six-pointed star pendant given by Wang Lao. He could withdraw calmly in any situation, but now seeing Zhu Yue’s good intentions, Lin Hang's refusal was a little unspeakable for a while.

After a while, Lin Hang smiled and said, "Senior Zhu, do you know how I got the inheritance?"

Zhu Yue didn't know why Lin Hang said this suddenly, but still replied, "By the way, I did not ask you this question. How are you going to hand over the inheritance to me later?"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Senior Candle, do you know the situation of the fifth level? Because if you don’t get the complete inheritance in it, you will be clear about the memory of the fifth level after you come out. So no one knew that there would be What's the situation? When I participated in the battle for the inheritance of "Emperor Realm", I was lucky enough to enter the fifth level with a senior. The test of the fifth level is on the bright side. There is a huge light curtain inside. Engraved on it, you only need to master it within three days to successfully obtain the inheritance. But because the time is too short, no one has succeeded all the time. Every time I come out, the memory is cleared, and there is no way to remind the latecomers. This has caused the situation for many years."

It was the first time that Zhu Yue heard of such a situation. He thought about it and asked, "Then how do you retain your memory and successfully bring out the inheritance?"

Zhu Yue does not understand. According to Lin Hang, everyone who enters the fifth level of the inheritance will see the content of the inheritance. This also explains that everyone will have scattered inheritance fragments in their minds. Then lose all the memories in it. Since Lin Hang can pass the inheritance to others, it means that he does not master the inheritance. From this aspect, he should lose his memory. Why does he know the scenes happening inside?

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