I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 119

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:13 AM

Chapter 119: Candle

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Although for the people in "Candle World", this still pearl is a tasteless magic weapon, but for Lin Hang at the current stage, it is just right. Lin Hang is now only a cultivation base in the middle of Qi training. There is still a long way to go to the base. This magic weapon is not only more than enough, it feels a bit overkill.

Lin Hang said to Zhu Yue, "Senior Zhu, do you think this treasure is particularly suitable for me now, right? Then I listen to you, so I will choose it!"

Zhu Yue said, "Yes, because you said that the spiritual realm of the Divine Land is very declining. Except for those who have entered our cave, no one has reached the foundation-building level. So, you took this still pearl and prepared more. A few, there will be no problem with anything. Come, come with me!"

Lin Hang responded and followed Zhu Yue to a corner. Zhu Yue knelt down, picked up a small box, turned and handed it to Lin Hang.

Lin Hang took the dusty box and opened it slowly. Inside was a bean-sized bead with a light green luster in the transparency. The green was very pale, and you wouldn't find it if you didn't look carefully.

Lin Hang stretched out two fingers, slowly picked up the beads, and felt that there was indeed a burst of time energy in the beads. Lin Hang couldn't help sighing the strength of that senior. Aside from the development of his own ability to the limit, he still abruptly sealed time in such a small bead. He is really a talented person.

Zhu Yue said with a smile, "This bead is different from ordinary one-time treasures. It can only be used by people with time ability. Because, before using it, you need to connect your spirit with this bead. When using it, you only need to pinch it. Broken beads, the time energy enclosed in the inside will burst out. You can control this energy arbitrarily and choose the area and target where time is static. Because it is time energy, it can only be used by people with time ability. However, this Restrictions are really no problem for you."

Lin Hang nodded, expressing his understanding, silently closed his eyes and started the scanning process.

After a few minutes, Lin Hang put the beads back into the box and handed them back to the high priest Zhu Yue.

Zhu Yue originally wanted to give this bead directly to Lin Hang, but Lin Hang felt that since it was the research result of the genius senior, he would still keep it in this "Jingbao Pavilion" as a souvenir, and he could copy multiple copies. No need to take it away.

Next, with the help of Zhu Yue, Lin Hang re-engraved ten Still Orbs, which were enough for him to use the foundation period. After the foundation period, Lin Hang had a different idea.

The two left the area where "Zhubao Pavilion" was located, and returned to the priest hall where Zhuyue usually was.

Zhuyue said to Lin Hang, "Lin Hang, do you want to meet the one I talked to you just now?"

Lin Hang replied with some surprise, "Priest, is it really okay? Although I really want to see the demeanor of that senior, will it bother him?"

Zhu Yue said with a smile, "He has nothing serious now, what can I bother you? Besides, haven't I told you? The ancestral inheritance that you helped me bring out-"Jiu Yin Jue", I just want He inherited it. So, I was going to summon him. It just so happens that you are here now, and let him see who is better than him, and got the inheritance that he didn't get."

The last words of High Priest Zhu Yue were a bit joking. Although Lin Hang had always regarded himself highly, he still did not dare to be too arrogant in front of that senior.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Don't laugh at me, I want to learn from my predecessors!"

In fact, in Lin Hang's heart, he had already thought of seeing that senior. This time even if the high priest did not speak, Lin Hang was going to find time to see him. Because, Lin Hang is quite greedy for the time static ability developed by this senior himself. Although Lin Hang copied his time and space ability in Wang Lao's place, Wang Lao's strength is still low and his bloodline has not been developed, so his time ability is It was not liberated, and what Lin Hang copied was only a small part of Wang Lao's grasp. Of course, as the bloodline of Wang Lao wakes up, the time power will grow, and it may be stronger than this predecessor, but this is a long time later. Lin Hang's thought was whether he could discuss with his predecessors and copy his static time alone, so that after the foundation period, Lin Hang would lose the jewel of static and still be able to exert the power of static time.

The high priest arranged for someone to call the senior over. While waiting, the high priest told Lin Hang, "This is named Zhulong, you can call him Master. Everyone in the "Candle World" calls him this way. He is indeed a master of our "Candle World" in the application of time ability. He is elegant and easy-going. As long as you don't offend him too much, he is still very easy to talk. So, don't be too restrictive later. , Just be more natural."

Lin Hang nodded, looking forward to the arrival of Master Zhulong.

Not long after, a man in white came quietly into the hall and stood next to Lin Hang.

Lin Hang didn't notice the arrival at all, and felt the sudden appearance around him. Lin Hang couldn't help but glance again.

In Lin Hang's perspective, the man next to him was dressed in white and his face was very young. Upon closer inspection, he seemed to be changing. The whole body seemed to be enveloped by a layer of psychedelic light and shadow, which was originally clear, but slowly blurred.

Just when Lin Hang was about to sink deeply, the high priest opened his mouth and pulled back the absent Lin Hang, "Zhulong! You still don't have magical powers! How come five hundred years have passed, you still feel like a child!"

Zhulong laughed, restored to the original appearance, nodded to Lin Hang, and said, "Priest, for you and me, five hundred years is just a flick of a finger? I'm just a kid! Are you looking for me, what's the matter?"

The high priest was quite helpless with this talented disciple, and said, "There are two things that come to you. The ancestral inheritance that you have been pursuing with great pains-"The Nine Candles", I can give it to you now!"

Hearing this, Zhulong put a smile on his face and asked nervously, "Priest, what you said is true? How come, how did you get the inheritance that even I can't get?"

Zhuyue understands that for Zhulong, only this matter can attract his attention. In addition to cultivation, Zhulong usually only has the research of time talent, so he has always wanted to get the lifelong work of the Jiu Yin Ancestral Witch. Efforts-"Jiu Yin Jue", this allows him to go further and understand the essence of time, because, in a certain way, the nine Yin candles are a symbol of time.

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