I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 12

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:53 AM

Chapter 12: Ye family's kindness

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After everyone else had left, Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan also walked to Ye Lao's side.

Li Haoxuan still felt fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, he listened to his father's words. Otherwise, Zhou Mo would definitely have calculated his character to death.

On the day of receiving news that his subordinate was injured, Li Haoxuan contacted Li Anliang even though he was angry. Li Anliang only analyzed Zhou Mo’s thoughts for a while, and then he guessed Zhou Mo’s thoughts. After a secret investigation, the identity of the subordinate Anzi was also found out by Li Anliang. Such an ambition usually doesn’t matter. But it certainly cannot withstand such a rigorous investigation. The identity of Anzi also confirmed his guess.

Li Anliang wanted to ignore Zhou Mo, but he thought that with Zhou Mo's mind, Li Haoxuan would sooner or later be planted in his hands, so he planned to take his tactics and uproot the Zhou family directly. But with the strength of their Li family, although it is possible to take the lead, it is bound to be impossible to defeat the Zhou family with the support of the Liu family behind it. The biggest possibility is to lose both. So he could only find the Ye family, but he didn't expect that the old man of the Ye family was furious after hearing what he said, so he took this action.

At this time, Ye Botao said to Li Anliang, "Old man Li, wait a while to get clean!" After saying that, he beckoned to Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan to signal them to follow.

Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan followed Mr. Ye back to the Ye Family Villa.

After the three of them were seated, Ye Lao said with a smile, "Lin Xiaozi, do you know why I shot against Zhou's family?"

Lin Hang replied, "Isn't Ye Lao because they affected the order of Huicheng?"

Ye Lao turned the walnut in his palm and said, "Can they influence the order of Huicheng? This is just a statement to the outside world. Let's put it this way, if it is in Huicheng, the ten Zhou Mos are only on the palm of my hand. Only ants. I get rid of them this time, mainly for you."

"For me?" Lin Hang was very surprised. He didn't expect such a big battle tonight, Ye Lao actually prepared for him.

Ye Lao fell into the memory and said, "You are Lin Jingtian's son, I naturally want to take care of you more. Don't wonder how I knew that you came to Huicheng at that time. It was not accidental. Your father put you in Here, let me take care of you."

"Your father and I have been friends since the year, your father is really an amazing person. If it hadn't happened, the Lin family of the four major families in Beijing would definitely be overwhelmed by the other three! Really! What a shame!"

With a trace of apology on Ye Lao's face, he said, "But I can't pay too much attention to you, otherwise, once exposed, I won't be able to protect you. This time, it is also through Zhou Mo's own mistakes that I can attack him and pay attention to me. There are still too many people."

Back then, Lin Jingtian and Liu Jingxiu were abandoned by the two big families in Beijing, and the many forces outside made them tired of dealing with them, and they had no choice but to bring Lin Hang, who was still young, to anonymity. It was not until Lin Hang was fourteen that they had to leave Lin Hang again. Before leaving, they thought of Huicheng, a small quiet city, so they left Lin Hang here and the Tuye family took care of them.

Mr. Ye smiled and said at this time, "But your father did not expect that his son is not worse than he was in the past! I think you are in the middle of the bodybuilding stage, and the foundation is very solid. Yes, really. not bad!"

"Lao Ye, you praised him. How can the brat's strength stand up to your praise." Lin Hang scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Your ability is "Element-Wood"?" Ye Lao asked.

Lin Hang looked at Ye Lao with a gentle face before him, and thought that all his understanding of Ye Lao came from his one-sided words. He was not quite sure whether what he said was true and whether it had any other purpose. Although it seemed that Ye Lao didn't have any bad intentions towards him, he still decided to hide it for the time being, and he had to be defensive.

Lin Hang nodded looking at Ye Lao.

Ye Lao showed a pity, and sighed, "It's a pity that you didn't inherit your father's ability! However, the Liu family's wood element ability is also okay."

After that, he turned his head to Liu Ruyan and said, "Liu family girl, don’t be nervous, although I don’t deal with your grandfather, but I don’t want to embarrass you, a little girl! I also know that you are different from those in the Liu family. , Otherwise you think I will let you stay with Lin Xiaozi for so long?"

And Liu Ruyan, who has always been unafraid of the sky, is actually like a cat in front of Ye Lao, and Lin Hang by the side is also amazed.

Liu Ruyan winked at Lin Hang, motioned to go back and talked. Then he turned and said goodbye to Ye Lao, Ye Lao did not object.

However, Lin Yi agreed to stay in Ye's house for a few days under Ye Lao's kind invitation. From the outside, Ye Lao is obviously very interested in this kid, and Ye Lao is in the rivers and lakes, and he also has the reputation of supporting younger generations, which did not arouse outside suspicion.

Lin Hang, led by a young man, came to the third floor of the villa.

The man shook hands with Lin Hang and introduced, "Brother Lin, this is Ye Guangyuan. You can directly contact me if you need anything in our house these days. Don’t be polite. If Grandpa knows I didn’t entertain you well. , You must scold me again!"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Big Brother Ye has made a serious statement, I want to say that I trouble you."

Lin Hang chose a south-facing room in the room on the third floor. The two chatted for a while before Ye Guangyuan left. Lin Hang looked at the third floor of the villa and found that there were a dozen rooms here, but none of them seemed to live.

Lin Hang sat on the bed, thinking about the next arrangements.

Now the Zhou family has withdrawn from the stage of Huicheng, and after the loss of Liu Tianlin, the Liu family will certainly not enter Huicheng rashly before discovering the situation in Huicheng.

"I'm leaning on the Ye family now, so I can walk sideways in Huicheng in the future?" Lin Hang thought a little bit deadly. In fact, he also understands that although there are no enemies for now, he must not relax. Parents are now under a lot of pressure. If you miss a flaw on your side, you will inevitably affect your parents.

Thinking of this, Lin Hang locked the door and cultivated his mental energy in the room.

Early the next morning, Lin Hang got up and went downstairs. He thought he was getting up very early, but he didn't expect that in the villa yard, the young people of the Ye family had already begun to exercise.

At this moment, Ye Guangyuan came to Lin Hang and said with a smile, "These boys have not yet awakened, so they are still training their bodies and fighting strength."

Lin Hang also nodded. Liu Ruyan told him that after so many years of exploration, when the awakening ability is the most suitable, and the conditions and methods for the awakening ability, their big families have a very complete system.

However, even so, the possibility of their awakening abilities is less than 10%. Although the probability is low, it is already very scary compared to ordinary people. Therefore, these big families can be passed on from generation to generation and endure for a long time.

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