I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 120

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:12 AM

Chapter 120: request

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The twelve ancestor witches were born in accordance with the heaven and the earth, and by nature they represented part of the authority of the heaven and the earth. The nine yin of the candle is a symbol of time, and it has absolute suppressing power on most of the creatures in the world. But it’s a pity that in the early days of the Great Desolation, all budding creatures were born congenitally, and the top part was not affected by the nine yin candles at all. This also led to the failure of the struggle for hegemony. In addition to the physical body, the Twelve Ancestral Witch had other restrictions It was still too obvious, and there was no way to break through again, and only then withdrew from the stage of history.

After hearing Zhulong's words, Zhu Yue laughed and said, "If I have a way to obtain this inheritance, why have to wait for thousands of years? Thanks to this little brother next to you for all of this. Take a closer look! "

Zhulong turned his gaze to Lin Hang who was aside again, looked at it for a while, and then said with a light "Huh", "Priest, I look at his bloodline, it seems to be half man and half witch? Could it be that he is only half man? Only the half-witch can be recognized by the spirit of inheritance and get the inheritance of the ancestors?"

Zhu Yue smiled and shook her head, and said, "Zhulong, Lin Hang is indeed half man and half witch, but he can get the inheritance, not because of his own blood, but a kind of talent that will carry the light of inheritance. The curtain was copied, and then it was brought out perfectly."

After speaking, Zhu Yue waved her hand, and the light curtain copied by Lin Hang fell in front of Zhulong.

Facing the inherited light curtain in Zhu Yue's mouth, Zhulong temporarily put aside his doubts about Lin Hang, and stepped forward to carefully look at the content on the light curtain.

Zhuyue and Lin Hang waited quietly. After half an hour, Lin Hang was surprised to see that the content of the "Nine Candles" on the light curtain slowly disappeared, and Zhulong opened his eyes at this moment. Opened his eyes. Zhulong's accomplishments in time are truly unmatched, and it took only half an hour to roughly master the supreme classics in time, and his reputation as a master is well-deserved.

Zhulong nodded and said, "The High Priest, it is indeed the "Nine Candles". Next, I will retreat for two months, and then truly master the inheritance. During this period, I will There is no way to take care of it, and it will trouble the high priest!"

Zhu Yue nodded and said, "Your cultivation is naturally the top priority, but before that, you still have to get acquainted with Lin Hang a little bit. You have cultivated the ancestor's "Nine Candles". Carrying the burden of our "Candle World", Lin Hang, as the only half-man and half-witch for so many years, is naturally also the protagonist of the catastrophe. It is better for you two to get in touch with each other!"

Zhulong replied, and said to Lin Hang, "Little brother Lin Hang, right? Sorry, I just got the inheritance. I was a little too excited and forgot to thank you! Don't worry, I will be your brother in the future. Pleasing to the eye, just tell me and I will help you clean him up!"

Lin Hang didn't expect that Zhulong would have such a temperament, so he nodded and said, "Okay, Brother Zhu! Since you have said so, there is indeed something here, brother, I want you to help!"

Zhulong said unexpectedly, "Oh? Did someone really bully you? You said, Brother must support you!"

Lin Hang smiled and replied, "No, Brother Zhu! I really haven't been bullied. Didn't the high priest mentioned that I have a special talent-copying. I want to say that I can not only copy physical objects." , I can also copy the talents of others. Therefore, I want to copy your eldest brother’s ability to stand still in time, as my own life-saving trump card, and to deepen my understanding of time."

Hearing this, Zhulong was a little surprised. He was originally because of Lin Hang’s physique and helped him, plus the high priest’s instructions, which took care of Lin Hang. Now after hearing Lin Hang’s unique talent , Can't help but look at it with admiration.

Zhulong smiled and said, "Naturally, I have no problem with this, but, my brother, with all due respect, the gap between you and me is a bit too huge. In such a situation, can you also copy my abilities?"

Although Zhulong's words were straightforward, there was no problem. According to the truth, Lin Hang, who had not yet arrived at the foundation, wanted to directly copy the talents of the second master of "Candle World", it was indeed a fantasy.

Lin Hang explained, "Brother Zhu, as you said, I really can’t copy it directly on you right now, but I have a solution to this problem. I once copied a special ability called "Clone". I can On the basis of your non-resistance, create a low-level clone for you, and the clone will have your abilities, so that I can directly copy the time static talent of the clone."

Rao Zhulong was very knowledgeable and was still shocked by Lin Hang's special abilities. Zhulong sighed, "Listen to you, the land of China is gradually declining, but in my opinion, it also has some meaning! But I still have a question. If the clone you create is in the base-building period, does the ability of static time stay in the base-building period?"

Lin Hang explained, "This question has also been answered after my previous practice. I found that the ability I copied is a kind of essence, or use, that is, the power of time still depends on The spiritual power of my level and input will become stronger as my eyesight improves."

Zhulong nodded and said, "Well, I have no doubts, let's start now! After that, I still need to go to retreat and study "Nine Candles", time is a little tight!"

Lin Hang nodded and said to Zhulong, "Brother Zhu, wait a moment, I will hook a trace of spiritual power in your dantian, and then use the "Clone" ability to turn it into your clone. I need you to relax. , You can operate, my strength differs too much from you!"

However, Zhulong shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it won't work. My dantian has no spiritual power anymore, so you see if this works, I will transform a trace of spiritual power and give it to you, how about you use this spiritual power to create a clone? ?"

Lin Hang lowered his head for a moment and said, "Is that right? I really don't understand your realm, if that's the case, then we can only try this way, although I haven't tried it before."

Zhulong nodded, stretched out the index finger of his right hand, and pointed out a thin spiritual power thread that floated towards Lin Hang. Lin Hang also stretched out the index finger of his right hand and touched the green spiritual power thread personally, slowly launching " The "Clone" ability, because this spiritual power is not in the body of the candle, and has no connection with his body, it is extremely difficult to create a clone.

Zhu Yue and Zhulong also watched quietly, looking forward to Lin Hang's success.

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