I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 122

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:10 AM

Chapter 122: plan

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Having said this, the high priest inevitably felt a lot of emotion in his heart. After a short understanding, Zhu Yue knew that Lin Hang had been in contact with cultivation for only one year, but now he has been rushing for the entire Huaxia and human race, and his young age has indeed endured a lot. .

Lin Hang smiled and said, "It's nothing, although the kid is weak now, but his mentality is still very good! What's more, there are so many seniors standing in front of me, which has given me a lot of confidence. So, you don’t need to worry about me, I will improve my strength as soon as possible, and before fighting for the catastrophe, my cultivation base can take my own responsibilities!"

Zhu Yue nodded and said, "Well, Lin Hang, although you are not very old, you are still more mature in your thinking. But, what you just said, you are planning to arrange your elite disciples from China to come to our "Candle World", what about you? Don’t you consider coming to us for a period of meditation practice?"

Lin Hang did not directly refuse. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "I have no way to decide this for the time being. I still don't know my plans and plans. I am going to go back and discuss with my master and others. I will come back anyway. I will tell you my decision in time!"

Zhu Yue smiled and replied, "Lin Hang, you are the person who knows yourself best, and I am just giving you some advice. In our "Candle Realm", if you bury your head in cultivation, you will not necessarily improve faster. It's up to you. So, next time you come back, no matter what decision you make, I will support you! Don't put pressure on it, you know?"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Okay, Senior Candle, I know. Then I will leave here now. It will take about one to two days for me to go out. I need to mobilize the Chinese military and major families. , You have to wait for us for ten days."

Zhu Yue waved her hand and said, "It's okay, you can arrange it, I will always wait!"

Lin Hang responded, took out the jade card of the Yu Family, opened a door of space, and left "Candle World".

Because of the time flow of "Candle Realm", the time of the outside world of China did not pass long. After Lin Hang came out, he saw the Yu family disciples who were still waiting here.

Under the leadership of the Yu Family disciples, Lin Hang once again saw the Yu Family Patriarch.

Old Yu said with a smile, "Lin Hang, looking at you, everything that should be done in this cavernous sky is done? Your master left directly after he came out. What can you do with me?"

Old Yu was indeed a little puzzled. When he heard Lin Hang begging to see him, Old Yu didn't understand Lin Hang's intention. Logically speaking, Lin Hang and their Jade Family have no intersection. This time they entered "Candle World" and both sides discussed it. Elder Yu was also happy, so he asked directly.

Lin Hang replied with a smile, "Lao Yu, my trip to "Candle World" is relatively smooth, and I am also grateful to Lao Yu for his generous release. This time I am looking for you because I have I made a major discovery, which may be great news for China, because of your previous reasons, so I naturally want to tell you this good news!"

Old Yu suddenly became interested, and when he was in his current grade, there were no major pursuits. The improvement in strength a few days ago can be counted as one, and the prosperity of the family and the prosperity of China.

Mr. Yu asked, "You said, if it is really helpful to us, I won't let you provide this information for nothing."

Old Yu's words are also very in line with his temperament. As an elder, he naturally does not want to take advantage of Lin Hang, so he said that he should give Lin Hang an equivalent reward.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Old Jade, you should finish listening to what I said, and then decide whether or not to say it like this! Do you still remember that I just entered "Candle World" before, the time my master and I mentioned Is the flow rate?"

Lao Yu thought for a while, nodded, and said, "It's true. I was puzzled at the time, but I didn't feel anything. Why, which good news did you say is related to the flow of time?"

Lin Hang didn’t sell the Guanzi anymore and said, “I have learned with the high priest of "Candle World" that the time flow of "Candle World" is indeed as expected by me and Master, ten times faster than the outside world. In other words, we One year in the outside world, ten years have passed since "Candle World", this function can be enabled all the time. Inspired by the high priest, I plan to select a group of talented young disciples to enter "Candle World" for a period of time. You can use this ten times the time to quickly improve your strength. When their strength rises, our middle-level strength will be greatly supplemented. I think this is a very important thing at this stage, so I came out quickly. We are going to contact the Chinese military and some family forces to let them all participate in this project."

Lao Yu had been listening carefully to Lin Hang's words, and when Lin Hang finally decided to unite all the forces in China, he couldn't help but sigh Lin Hang's mind and vision. His thoughts are completely beyond the youth, aggressiveness and fierce fighting of ordinary young people. The things he does and the decisions he makes are for the overall consideration of China. Old Yu thought about his granddaughter Yudie Yi, and couldn't help shook his head. Although there was a gap in strength than Lin Hang, the gap in vision was even greater.

Old Yu nodded and said, "Lin Hang, your idea is indeed the most suitable upgrade plan for China at this stage. I also admire your belly. But I have a question. Some of our Yu family have close ties with China's military. The family of, will naturally agree to your request and help you achieve your goals better. What about other families? They have always treated the Huaxia military with a positive attitude. How can you make them obediently follow your words? Action. Even if they ostensibly participated in this plan for their own strength, after their strength has increased, they are disobedient again, what should we do then?"

Lin Hang did not refute, but nodded, Yu Lao's problem is indeed the next problem to be solved.

Lin Hang thought for a while and replied, "Old Jade, what you said is very reasonable. Therefore, I think we should have a good discussion and try to find the most suitable plan, so as to be foolproof and improve China's overall strength. To ensure our influence on these forces."

Old Yu nodded and said, "I just make a suggestion. You can understand the best. Then, I will go to your master with you, let him summon other forces and discuss the next action!"

Lin Hang nodded and prepared to set off. First, he went to the Emperor Realm, brought out the people inside, and then went to find Mr. Wang.

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