I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 124

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:07 AM

Chapter 124: Xiantian Lingyun

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Lin Hang couldn't help asking, "Elder, you won't lie to me, this little boy! You said that you are confident that you will not lose the treasure presented by the high priest, why you can't find it for so long!"

The great elder replied while looking for it, "Joke, I am the one who deceived the children by Zhou Shu's notice? You said that you need a treasure during the foundation period. I immediately thought of a treasure that suits you perfectly, and it is absolutely not the same as yours. , It’s just that the grade is indeed a bit too low, so it’s been too long in the "Dibao Pavilion", and it is really not found for a while."

Lin Hang still had a look of disbelief, looking down at the great elder who was constantly looking for it. About ten minutes later, the great elder said in surprise, "I found it! Good fellow, it's not easy!"

The elder held a long strip of box in his hand, blew the dust on it, and handed the box to Lin Hang.

Lin Hang took it curiously, felt the weight in his hand, and said, "Elder, isn't it empty inside? Look at the appearance of this box, it's so light!"

The elder said, "You open it first. After so long, I'm not sure if I'm still there."

Lin Hang had nothing to say, so he could only slowly open the box. After opening, a group of white objects popped out of it, soft and soft like cotton candy. Lin Hang stretched out his hand and touched it. The hand feels like cotton candy. After feeling the weight, Lin Hang said dissatisfiedly, "Elder, the treasure you want to give me is not this cotton candy, right? It's delicious, I shouldn't be able to eat it after putting it for so long!"

When the elder was looking closely at Lin Hang, he also took a look. Hearing Lin Hang's complaints, he immediately said, "You kid, what do you know! This is not cotton candy for you, this is a cloud of innate spirit." It is extremely precious. It cannot be carried by ordinary materials because of its innate reason. The box in your hand is made of ten thousand years of fine iron, and it is also very valuable. Your kid really doesn't know the goods!"

It's no wonder that Lin Hang would behave in this way. From the appearance of the innate spiritual cloud that the great elder said, it is indeed no different from cotton candy. The current practice world has fallen so far, and Lin Hang doesn't have much contact, so he can't recognize it at all.

Lin Hang asked incomprehensibly, "Xiantian Lingyun? Great Elder, didn't you just say something to fool me? Tell me, how does it deserve the word precious?"

The elder seemed to be a little angry and said loudly, "You kid, is it intentional? The reason it is called the Innate Spirit Cloud is because it is born congenital and has not been contaminated by the acquired nature. It is the absolute magic weapon for refining. Good material. If it is a little larger, it can become a spiritual treasure on its own, an innate spiritual treasure, the foundation of the Dao that many people dream of!"

Although Lin Hang felt very powerful, he was not fooled away by the Great Elder. After taking a closer look, Lin Hang asked, "Great Elder, it's not right! You said that it is an extremely precious innate spiritual cloud. So why have you stayed in the corner and covered the dust for so many years? Can it be said that the reason is the size of the problem you mentioned?"

The elder knew that Lin Hang had always been agile, but he didn't expect Lin Hang to directly see the problem. The innate spirit cloud is born innate, it is indeed precious, most of the innate spirit cloud will conceive the innate spirit treasure, and will be born with it. But there is still a very small part, because it is too small, not only there is no Lingbao in it, but there is no way to become a Lingbao. And this group of innate spirit clouds in their "Emperor Realm" collection is after the ancestors refined the spirit treasure, the leftover leftovers need to be a bit smaller, so it seems very tasteless, there is no way to refine a powerful magic weapon, directly refine Transformation is okay, but there is still the problem. The grade is too low and there is no room for growth. This has been kept in this "Dibao Pavilion", as a collection until today.

The elder nodded and said, "Indeed, you are right. The size of this spirit cloud is too small, which leads to its low grade, and it has no future for any purpose. Originally, this was a medium-sized spirit cloud with a diameter of more than ten thousand meters. Although it did not give birth to the Xiantian Lingbao, a senior still used it to refine his own magic weapon, and now you are holding the leftover leftovers. Because the grade is too low, the clansmen have not taken it away. ."

Lin Hang then understood the origin, and couldn't help but ask, "The elder, why did you give it to me? Since it is said that the grade is too low, it is useless for me to hold it. I think it seems Energy is only equivalent to the initial stage of Qi training, right?"

The elder nodded and said, "It's true that the grade is a bit too low. I brought you to find it because I remembered your special talent-copy. I want to know if you can copy it, if you can. If so, let’s talk about it. It’s really not good. I have also prepared an alternative for you."

As the elder said, he took out a small arrow about ten centimeters from his sleeve. Although the overall shape is small, the flashing luster at the arrow indicates that this is not a treasure that can be underestimated.

The elder introduced, "This arrow is called the airspeed arrow. It is made by myself. I have incorporated the power of our vein into it. Before using it, it can replenish energy. It only has one shot of power. You need to recharge afterwards. But don’t underestimate this power, because it is integrated into our family’s talents, within ten miles, within an instant, and because of the terror of its own speed, the attack power is also very high. Within the foundation period. There is basically no one who can stand the power of this arrow, and because you don't need to instill spiritual power yourself, it is an excellent helper to save your life."

Lin Hang took the airspeed arrow from the great elder, stroked it carefully, and compared the Lingyun on the side. Lin Hang only felt that the gap was really big, and there was an impulse to choose Space Arrow directly.

The elder continued, "Lin Hang, I am not asking you to do multiple-choice questions. If you like this airspeed arrow, just take it. But I want you to try if you can replicate that piece of spiritual cloud, if it succeeds. , Then your future achievements will inevitably go to the next level!"

Lin Hang nodded after listening to the words of the great elder. In the mouth of the great elder, the larger-volume spirit cloud obviously possessed infinite potential. Lin Hang also wanted to try it. His ability to replicate this congenital spiritual thing , Does it work?

Lin Hang directly put away the airspeed arrow in front of the elder, and then began to scan Lingyun.

Lin Hang slowly moved his mental power closer to Lingyun, but his senses were completely different this time.

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