I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 125

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:06 AM

Chapter 125: intend

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When Lin Hang used the copy ability before, if it was possible to copy, then a progress bar appeared in his mind. When the progress bar reached 100%, it indicated that the scan was successful. If it is an item that cannot be replicated temporarily, it will not be scanned at the beginning.

But this time, Lin Hang has never felt it before. He can feel the existence of the target Lingyun, and can also cover the spiritual power, but his copy ability has no response, giving Lin Hang feedback, It seems that the copy ability has never encountered such a situation, so there is no way to proceed.

Lin Hang secretly regretted that when he was about to stop, suddenly, his mental power was rapidly consuming. You know, although Lin Hang's spiritual power cultivation hasn't reached the foundation stage yet, his spiritual power has always been ahead of the spiritual power cultivation foundation, which can reach the initial stage of foundation foundation. But the current situation is just scanning an item from the early stage of Qi training, and he was absorbing his mental power quickly. Soon, the mental power was exhausted, but Lin Hang felt that the progress of the scan was still not completed.

Just when Lin Hang was about to give up, a mouthful of spiritual essence was suddenly poured into his mouth. As the spiritual essence entered his body, Lin Hang felt that his mental power was rapidly recovering, and immediately added to the scanning of the spiritual cloud.

The voice of the great elder sounded from the side, "Lin Hang, I see that your mental power has been rapidly consumed, and you have taken the clear spiritual essence. It will provide you with sufficient spiritual support. You only need to stay steady!"

After listening to the words of the great elder, Lin Hang was relieved a lot and began to concentrate on this special scan.

When the sip of clear essence provided by the great elder was almost exhausted, Lin Hang felt that in his mind, the progress bar about Lingyun was finally 100% complete.

Lin Hang breathed a sigh of relief and said to the great elder on the side, "Thanks to the great elder. If you hadn't provided this clear essence in time, this scan would definitely have failed. But to be honest, I can’t understand. , Its grade is only in the early stage of Qi training. My mental power was so strenuous in the early stage of foundation construction. Why on earth?"

The Grand Elder laughed and said, "Lin Hang, do you know the weight of the clear essence you just drunk? Can you add three of your mental powers, so you still think it is exaggerated?"

Lin Hang was a little shocked, and said, "But, the clear essence of essence is almost completely consumed! In this way, didn't I consume four times my mental power before reluctantly scanning it down? What is going on? What's the matter?"

The elder shook his head and said, "I can't explain the specifics to you, and I don't understand it very well. It may be because the word Xiantian in front of Linglingyun is so different! I vaguely remember my ancestors. As I said, in this world, most of the things are acquired, with the pollution of acquired qi, so there is a lot less aura. But the innate things are different, they are not polluted, so even if the grade is the same, the difference is also Very huge. Okay, since you said that the scan was successful, try it now to see if it can really be realized!"

Lin Hang came back to his senses when he heard the words of the Great Elder. Indeed, without realizing it, it does not mean that he has succeeded. This time, even the scanning was so laborious, and I don’t know what the difficulty is when it will be realized.

Lin Hang nodded and said to the elder, "Elder, you are right, now I am about to begin to manifest, and I have to trouble you to help me watch!"

The elder nodded, and Lin Hang began to touch the progress bar in his mind and began to manifest Lingyun.

The process of manifestation was no different from before, but at the beginning, Lin Hang felt the pouring of spiritual power. In less than ten seconds, Lin Hang felt that the spiritual power in his dantian was almost exhausted. At this moment, Lin Hang felt the gentle and majestic spiritual support of the elder, and he was relieved immediately. , Began to concentrate, just to ensure the realization of success.

After about an hour, Lin Hang shouted, and a cloud of white flowers slowly appeared in his hand.

Lin Hang excitedly handed the cloud to the elder, and said, "Elder, take a look, is there any difference?"

The elder nodded and began to check it carefully. After a while, the elder smiled and said, "Well, there is no problem, it is indeed the Innate Spirit Cloud. Do you know how much spiritual energy was spent on me? There is no way to talk to you Explain, I guess that so much spiritual power is to send this spiritual cloud to Xiantian, and this transformation is not something I can understand. I can only say that if so much spiritual power can be exchanged for Xiantian As far as things are concerned, everyone will be willing, but they just don't have your magical talent. Therefore, Lin Hang, your copying ability is really unprecedented. I am looking forward to your future more and more! "

Lin Hang touched his head and said, "Great Elder, don't say that! How do you use these two groups of spirit clouds, you can't refine these two pieces, right?"

The elder said, "It's very simple, because the Lingyun you copied is exactly the same as the original one, so they can be directly integrated, you see."

As the great elder said, he slowly joined the two spirit clouds together. A magical thing happened. The two spirit clouds slowly merged together without any repulsion, and the volume became a little bigger. Although the grade is still the same in the early stage of Qi training, the energy fluctuations have indeed improved.

The elder thought for a while, and said, "I just found a problem. I don’t know if it’s because you copied it. This cloud of spirit cloud has some rejection of me. Therefore, as you become more and more involved, In the end, maybe, it won't accept anyone except you. In this way, there is no way to mass produce it too much."

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Then you say, what should I do best now?"

The elder said, "Well, I suggest that you go to "Candle World" and ask sister Zhu Yue to help you and realize more spiritual clouds for integration. Didn't I say? If the volume of the spiritual clouds is large enough, It can breed innate spirit treasures. You can make up enough volume, and then use your own spiritual power to warm up every day. Finally, in the cloud, the innate spirit treasures that are bred will have a close connection with you. You You can refine it into your own life spirit treasure, because you cultivated it from scratch, and it can grow with you in the end."

Lin Hang nodded, the great elder said very reasonable.

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