I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 126

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:06 AM

Chapter 126: discuss

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Lin Hang said, "It's true that going to "Candle World" is the best, and the time there is more abundant. But what I want to say is, will the time for gestating a spiritual treasure be too long? Do you think I can Have you been waiting?"

The elder smiled mysteriously and said, "You don't have to worry about this. When you arrive in "Candle World", tell sister Zhuyue clearly, she naturally knows what to do. Don't worry, you won't be allowed to wait that long!"

Lin Hang didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the elder gourd, but since the elder said so, he didn't continue to ask. He only waited for the "Candle World" and asked the high priest to understand the matter.

Lin Hang returned to the previous palace of the elders with the great elder, the eight small strong in the army and Ye Guangyuan had already been waiting here for the news.

Lin Hang looked around, and Ye Guangyuan had already stabilized his spiritual power, so his cultivation was the highest among the people, and he was very stable in the middle of his Qi training. And because the eight Xiaoqiang has only been in contact with the new cultivation system for a long time, they are still in the transitional stage, but they are all on the right track, and there are no major problems. Jiang Huacong and Hua Zhi are already acquired, so the transformation is a little troublesome, but once the transformation is completed, they will still be ahead of the other six.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "You guys have had a good harvest recently? I'm looking for you this time, I have something to tell you."

At this time, Lin Hang is not only as simple as the old disciple Wang but also the champion of the new type of hegemony in the hearts of the eight Xiaoqiangs. Lin Hang’s position in these caves is also in their eyes. Therefore, Lin Hang is here. When asking questions, although they were puzzled, they still listened carefully.

Looking at the crowds, Lin Hang continued, "I forgot to tell you before, there are twelve caves like this. This time I came to "Emperor Realm" just to take you out and then to another cave. "Candle World" continues to practice."

Because of the familiar relationship between Huazhi and Lin Hang, he directly said, "Lin Hang, we don't need to change the cave to practice! I am used to it here, I don't think there is any need to change!"

Although the others did not speak, they all nodded in agreement with what Huazhi said. During the few days they were in "Emperor Realm," the elder arranged for them to introduce them into the new cultivation system. No, Lin Hang asked them to change places just after they got on the right track, and he was a little unwilling in his heart.

Ye Guangyuan knows Lin Hang better. He knows that every decision Lin Hang makes must have been carefully thought out. Although he also felt that there was no need to change, he still said, "Everyone, I know everyone's practice habits in "Emperor World". So I definitely don’t want to change places. But since Lin Hang said that, he must have his plan to let us go to "Candle World". We might as well listen to it before making a decision."

Lin Hang nodded to Ye Guangyuan, and then said, "You are all my elite disciples of China, so I definitely want to strengthen everyone's strength as soon as possible. The "Candle World" I asked everyone to go to is quite special. The time flow inside is Ten times that of the outside world, that is to say, you have cultivated inside for ten years, and only one year has passed outside. This is an excellent place for us to practice. I have only one requirement for you, that is, during this period of time, Improve your strength as much as possible. When you become stronger, our cornerstone of China will be more stable! There is no need to worry about cultivation resources. I will agree with "Candle World" and will definitely support you!"

Hearing this, everyone also understood what Lin Hang meant. Lin Hang was running for China, and finally found the most suitable training venue for them.

The great elder on the side said, "You just go, our "Emperor Realm" still welcomes you back at any time. I hope to see you at that time, and you have all grown into generals who can be alone!"

Everyone bowed to the great elder, thanking them for their teaching and guidance over the past few days. Lin Hang said to the great elder, “Elder, then I will take them away first. When we get to the "Candle World", I will meet again when I have time. You contacted!"

The elder waved his hand and said, "You can go with peace of mind. Remember, no matter how busy you are, you must never leave your practice. Don't forget the daily practice lessons!"

The elder was afraid that Lin Hang would abandon his training time because of China's rush. In his opinion, even if there are 10,000 growing talents in China, there is no way to compare with Lin Hang and Wang, so here is a special reminder.

Lin Hang smiled and replied, "What this kid saves, I know my mission, and I will work hard to cultivate, and strive to be worthy of my own blood!"

Lin Hang and the elder exchanged a few more words, and then left "Emperor Realm" with a few people.

Returning to the outside of Huicheng, he nodded with Mr. Yu who was waiting outside. Lin Hang said to everyone, "Lao Ye, you want to come with me. Brother Guangyuan, please take everyone to Ye's house for a temporary rest. I'm going to meet my teacher and discuss the next actions, and then we will come back here and take everyone to "Candle World".

Everyone naturally had no objections, and they all nodded and agreed to Lin Hang's arrangement.

Lin Hang knew that after Mr. Wang had left "Candle World", he had been presiding over the overall situation in the capital, so he took the two elders and sent it directly to the capital.

Wang Lao Xiu became more advanced. When Lin Hang arrived in the capital, Wang Lao felt the abnormal spatial fluctuations, and slightly sensed that Lin Hang had returned to the capital.

Elder Wang cast a spell from the air and was about to pull Lin Hang back to him. Lin Hang felt the force involved and said, "Don't resist the two seniors. My master is casting the spell and is pulling us to him."

The two elders who were going to resist, heard Lin Hang's words, nodded, then relaxed, waiting for Wang Lao to pull.

Soon, the three of them disappeared where they were, and when they opened their eyes, they saw Wang Lao with a smile on his face.

Mr. Wang said, "Hang'er, what's the major issue when you come to the capital suddenly?"

Ye Lao on the side was a little unhappy, and said, "I said, old man Wang, you are all your baby apprentice now, right? Lao Yu and I are also standing here, why don't you think you haven't seen it? ?"

Mr. Wang was not embarrassed at all, and he smiled and replied, "Old man Ye, can you say that my apprentice is not good? Besides, I understand that my apprentice will not come to me if there is nothing serious, so don't delay things here. child!"

Lao Ye had nothing to say. Lin Hang called Lao Wang this time, and there was indeed a major event, so he didn't reply again.

Lin Hang said at this moment, "Teacher, you are right, I really have a major event this time, and I want to discuss it with you!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!