I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 13

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:50 AM

Chapter 13: parting

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Ye Guangyuan said to Lin Hang, "Brother Lin, are you interested in discussing it?"

Lin Hang also wanted to check where his strength was now, nodded and agreed to Ye Guangyuan's request.

Soon, a clearing was made in the yard.

Lin Hang and Ye Guang were separated by a distance of five meters, standing opposite each other, holding each other's fists.

Lin Hang mobilized the psychic energy in his body, activated the supernatural power, formed a hard wooden spear in his hand, and then shot the wooden spear at Ye Guangyuan with his backhand. When Ye Guangyuan evacuated to the right, he found that there was a vine waiting for him by his feet. It spread into a big net and was about to wrap Ye Guangyuan in it.

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Hang's mouth. When he threw the wooden spear, he deliberately chose the angle on the left, and ordinary people would subconsciously evade to the right. On the right, Lin Hang set up a trap from the beginning and waited for Ye Guangyuan to take the bait.

At this moment, what Lin Hang expected did not happen. The vines passed through Ye Guangyuan's body and could not tie him at all. Ye Guangyuan turned into a stream, condensing his body again not far away, and looked at Lin Hang with a smile.

"Is this the Ye Family's "Elements-Water"?" Lin Hang knew in his heart, he was not depressed, and continued to attack.

Ye Guangyuan was obviously not the one who was beaten. Two water dragons appeared in his hands. Pushing forward, he rushed towards Lin Hang. Although the two water dragons were composed of water elements, they seemed to be full of vitality, and the attack on Lin Hang made him tired of coping. Taking advantage of Lin Hang's control by the water dragon, Ye Guangyuan put his hands together in the distance, preparing for the next attack.

Lin Hang murmured secretly in his heart. Facing Ye Guangyuan’s ability, the best response was Liu Family’s "Element-Fire". The wood power he was currently casting was over-controllable, and his attack was insufficient, but Ye Guangyuan’s water power was defensive. Too strong, if there is a fire element, Ye Guangyuan would not be so relaxed.

But Lin Hang is the kind of temperament to face difficulties. While avoiding the attack, he turned his mind, thinking of ways to crack. Because the psychic difference between the two is not big, and his consumption is obviously faster than Ye Guangyuan, it will be more and more difficult for him to drag it on.

At this moment, Ye Guangyuan's energy accumulation in the distance had obviously ended. He shouted and pushed up with both hands, only to see a huge cloud floating above the two of them, covering a radius of more than ten meters. After the clouds formed, it began to rain heavily in this area, which wetted both Lin Yi and Ye Guangyuan.

This is Ye Guangyuan’s move for the development of supernatural powers, mixing his own psychic energy with water vapor in the air to form clouds, causing a small area of ​​rainfall. This area can be called the domain of the caster. Within the domain, Ye Guangyuan's psychic energy consumption has dropped significantly, and the power of his moves will increase. Similarly, he will get feedback from raindrops, which is equivalent to keeping track of his opponent at any time! And the opponent not only has to consume psychic energy to fight the raindrops at all times, but also perceive a decline. Under the situation that the balance of victory will naturally be tilted towards Ye Guangyuan. So when the clouds were formed, Ye Guangyuan already showed the winner's smile.

Lin Hang saw that Ye Guangyuan used the trick of pressing the bottom of the box. He knew that such a tyrannical trick would definitely require a lot of psychic energy. Don't look at the situation on the scene now, and Ye Guangyuan must be very empty.

What Ye Guangyuan didn't know was that Lin Hang had already copied his power when he shook hands yesterday! Although Lin Hang has not exercised his ‘active skills’, he has automatically acquired the ‘passive ability’ that belongs to "Elements-Water", which means that under this cloud, it is also Lin Hang’s ‘domain’!

After a while, Ye Guangyuan discovered something was wrong, and Lin Hang was still alive and well after so long, and he didn't show any signs of significant consumption of psychic energy.

"Is Lin Hang's psychic foundation so good?" Ye Guangyuan was very puzzled.

At this time, Lin Hang found that the two water dragon offensives launched by Ye Guangyuan were getting weaker and weaker. He knew that Ye Guangyuan was clearly approaching his limit. Lin Hang sprinkled a seed, which instantly catalyzed it into a dense vine, blocking the attack of the water dragon in front of him, and he quickly rushed towards Ye Guangyuan.

Ye Guangyuan looked at Lin Hang who was rushing over, feeling Lin Hang's strong psychic energy, and with such a strong offensive, he knew he had lost. Then he dissipated the clouds and smiled bitterly at Lin Hang, "Brother Lin is really amazing, and Yemou admits he is not an opponent!"

Lin Hang hurriedly bowed his hands and said, "Wherever it is, I'm just lucky!"

Lin Hang knew that he could never defeat Ye Guangyuan by relying on the ability of "Elements-Wood". Not only was Ye Guangyuan not low in realm, he was also very familiar with his own abilities, and even developed such terrible moves by himself, even though he seems relatively immature now. , But later under Ye Guangyuan's continuous improvement, it was definitely a powerful assassin.

This kind of Ye Guangyuan also gave Lin Hang a great inspiration, every ability has great potential, and you must not just stay on the surface.

"Papa, papa, papa", there was applause from afar, but it was the Ye family father who came over.

"Wonderful! Guangyuan, now you know that there are people outside the world, right? Lin Hang, you are very like your father, with unconstrained ideas, and you are strong when you are strong, and you do not shrink back. I appreciate you more and more now!" Ye Always said with a smile.

Lin Hang smiled modestly, and asked Ye Lao some questions.

Three days later, Lin Hang received a call from Liu Ruyan, urging him to come back quickly. Lin Hang bid farewell to the Ye family and returned to the apartment.

"Sister Yan, are you leaving?" Lin Hang was very surprised.

Since getting acquainted with Liu Ruyan, Lin Hang has become accustomed to how this sister feels around her. Liu Ruyan not only taught him the knowledge and experience of supernatural powers, but also made him feel the warmth of his relatives. Now that Lin Hang heard the news that Liu Ruyan was leaving, he couldn't control his emotions a bit.

Liu Ruyan sighed and said, "Xiao Hang, I don’t want to leave now. But I received news from my father that Liu Tianlin in the capital Liu family died in Huicheng this time. Under the interference of the Ye family, they have not yet Found us. However, I was also one of Liu Tian’s goals when he came to Huicheng, although only incidentally. If I continue to stay here, they will definitely not let me go, and you, with me, are It's very dangerous. But if I return to the capital, they won't be so easy to deal with me, and you will naturally not appear in their sight under the protection of the Ye family."

Although Lin Hang knew that what Liu Ruyan said was reasonable and it was indeed the best solution now, he still felt uncomfortable.

Seeing Liu Ruyan's appearance, he still put away his sadness, and said with a smile, "Sister Yan, don't worry, you can stay in the capital with peace of mind, and I will find you soon!"

Liu Ruyan touched Lin Hang's head and said, "Well, Xiao Hang, I believe you. I won't be by your side in the future, you must pay attention to yourself, sister is waiting for you in the capital!"

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