I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 130

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:00 AM

Chapter 130: Three months

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On this day, Lin Hang and the high priest had just completed today's copy task. After it was over, the two discussed their recent practice.

The high priest smiled and said, "Yes, Lin Hang, the time for you to copy a cloud of spirit is getting shorter and shorter. In a few days, I think we can increase the number of copies every day."

Lin Hang copied more than 180 groups of Lingyun in these three months. At the beginning, the speed was relatively slow. Later, as he became more proficient and improved his own cultivation level, Lin Hang spent less and less time on this every day.

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Well, starting from tomorrow, let's copy the three groups every day! It's just that I have to prepare for a breakthrough in these two days."

Lin Hang still pays more attention to the improvement of spiritual power, so he spends a lot of time on it every day. Now the spiritual power in his body has reached the peak of the middle stage of Qi training, and the next step is the late stage of Qi training. Regardless of the next breakthrough is only a small realm, but before in Huaxia, the later stage of Qi training was equivalent to the cultivation base of the innate realm. Within two years, Lin Hang could step into the Huaxia cultivation from an ignorant boy. The highest state of the world is still very difficult.

The high priest also nodded in satisfaction, Lin Hang's progress speed still surprised her. Although he knew that Lin Hang had a special physique and was a unique genius, he still marveled at Lin Hang's rapid progress.

The high priest smiled and said, "Well, the progress of cultivation is very good. I will look at you in the past two days and give you tips on breakthroughs. However, based on your solid foundation, such breakthroughs are not difficult."

Lin Hang also nodded. If it were the previously incomplete cultivation system, it would be more difficult for the acquired world to break into the innate than before, and it would be hundreds of times more difficult than forging the body into the acquired day. This is not a problem of aptitude, but a problem caused by the incomplete cultivation system. Therefore, the talents of these innate realm masters that currently exist in China are absolutely top-notch. This is also the reason why Wang Lao felt a little bit unbearable when he killed the two masters of the United States. Although they and Wang Lao had different positions, their talents were indeed worthy of attention.

In his spare time, the high priest asked about the cultivation situation of everyone in Huaxia, "How about the cultivation situation of the more than 60 people who came to Huaxia this time?"

Lin Hang was quite happy when he thought of this, and smiled and replied, "Priest, these people who came in this time, except for a few old people, the others are basically our disciples with perfect body from Huaxia. After these Tian’s cultivation has now all entered the middle stage of Qi training, and the cultivation base has basically been consolidated. Looking at them, I feel that our hope in China will always be there!"

The high priest smiled and said, "You are a child yourself, how can you feel that way! How about your teacher? I haven't paid attention to them recently. According to Zhou Shu, I should pay more attention to your master. Correct."

Lin Hang thought for a while and replied, "My master and Ye Lao, because they built the foundation one step earlier than the others, so in these three months, relying on the deep accumulation of the past, it is now the foundation of the mid-term foundation , And are still advancing towards the later stage. Of course, we had expected this. After all, they have been trapped in the congenital peak for too long. As long as there is a suitable path, they will inevitably move forward all the way. As for the other seniors, now They have also completed the transformation of spiritual power, and have begun to break through to the foundation!"

The high priest lowered his head and meditated for a while, and said, "Your master's bloodline will gradually awaken, and his cultivation will become more and more smooth in the later period. But what I think now is that after he awakens his bloodline and becomes the purest witch race, he will Will there be any special changes?"

Lin Hang couldn't help getting energetic when he heard what he said about his master, and asked nervously, "Priest, does the change you mentioned have anything to do with it? Is it a bad change?"

The high priest replied, "No, I can't say with certainty, because our current blood is not pure, so our personality is relatively mild. However, some of the predecessors of the wizard in ancient times have different performances. For example. Bloodthirsty, belligerence, irritability, etc., so we need to beware of changes after your master. However, your master's current cultivation level is still low, and it is not time to consider this issue. During this time, I will discuss countermeasures with Zhou Shu and the others, and I will definitely find a suitable plan!"

Lin Hang nodded without saying anything. It's about his master. Although Lin Hang can't do much now, he still keeps this matter in his heart, and will pay attention to this aspect in the future, so he can't put his master in danger.

Lin Hang walked out of the main hall and went to the practice site of everyone in China.

The high priest delineated a large area on the east side of the inheritance land, allowing everyone in China to practice here. The high priest has no hidden personalities. Not only did everyone in China practice "Ren Huang Jue", but also gave them to them according to each person's different physique. Different physical cultivation methods, I only hope that they can develop more comprehensively.

When Lin Hang arrived, Wang Lao and a group of seniors were gathering together, discussing something.

Seeing Lin Hang coming, Wang Lao said with a smile, "Hang'er, come here, we need to discuss something!"

Lin Hang approached curiously and asked with a smile, "Teacher, you are discussing things with a few seniors, what am I mixing up with here?"

Hearing this, a gray-haired old man on the side spoke, and said with a smile, "Lin Hang, you don't have to be so humble! Here, the old man dares to say that he is more important than you? You really have to make up your mind about this matter! "

Lin Hang replied with a wry smile, "Old Jiang, you really can't stand this kid! However, if you can really help, the kid is still very happy. What happened?"

Old Wang smiled and said, "Hang'er, the old men of them have been practicing for three months, and they have made some suggestions for our plan."

Following Wang Lao's statement, Lin Hang also understood what happened. It turned out that after three months of cultivating, the old seniors who came in this time all started to make breakthroughs. Therefore, they felt that it would take a long time for the young disciples now to catch up with them. If that's the case, why don't you find more old and powerful people? Although they appear to be very old in the outside world, after being able to continue to practice, they can only be called young adults when they are less than a hundred years old. They have the potential to not lose or even exceed young people.

Lin Hang lowered his head, thinking about the feasibility of this suggestion.

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