I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 131

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:00 AM

Chapter 131: Lin Hang's expectations

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It is worth mentioning that, because of the ease of management, the older generation of powerhouses who entered "Candle World" this time, apart from the two who have known love for a long time, Ye Lao and Yu Lao, there is only one new addition, that is Wang Lao. Friends for many years, Tian Dayong's master-the military veteran Jiang!

Lin Hang thought for a while and said, "Teacher, I think this matter is reasonable. According to normal development, it will take at least ten years for this group of disciples to cultivate to the foundation building period. For the masters who have been at the pinnacle of innate for many years, like the seniors, it takes only a few months to break through to the foundation-building stage after obtaining the appropriate cultivation techniques. There is indeed a big gap. So, for this suggestion , I agree. But as we considered before, we must think more about the candidates to enter, and we can't leave ourselves a curse!"

Old Wang nodded and said, "The point of our entanglement is here. Of course we know which old man is suitable for the current plan. But we are not gods, and there is no way to determine the development direction of everyone. For example, some people are doing very well now. , But with the growth of strength, will there be growth ambitions? Therefore, we have been unable to unify our opinions and cannot find the final suitable candidate."

Lin Hang nodded and said that he understood the current situation. After thinking about it carefully, Lin Hang said, "Since there is no way to determine the candidate, I have a suggestion: We might as well wait for a year. In fact, it is now because of "Candle World". , Our time is ten times longer than that of the outside world. We can give the cultivation techniques and future paths to the candidates outside, but temporarily do not tell them the existence of "Candle World", a year is for them It's not very long. They have just entered the foundation building period, but we have been practicing for a full ten years! By that time, we should be able to control all situations and no longer have concerns."

The seniors present were all the people Wang could trust most, so Lin Hang didn't have any scruples when he spoke.

After listening to Lin Hang's words, everyone nodded one by one, and they obviously felt that Lin Hang's suggestion was very good.

Elder Jiang stroked his white beard and said with a smile, "Lao Wang, Lin Hang said this well. As long as we old men have a cultivation base that is far ahead of those people, we are not afraid that they have any other thoughts. I think, just as Lin Hang said, first teach them the cultivation method so that they have the motivation to move forward. After one year, they will be arranged here depending on the situation. In this way, not only will they not be too delayed, but they will also Make the situation easier to control."

Both Ye Lao and Yu Lao agreed one by one and agreed with Lin Hang's point of view.

Lao Wang naturally smiled with satisfaction and said, "Okay, in that case, I will go out in a few days and contact those old guys. You can stay here and practice with peace of mind!"

The three elders nodded, knowing that Mr. Wang had something to say to Lin Hang, and they left one by one, no longer disturbing the pair of masters and students.

As the highest level of cultivation among the Chinese people in "Candle World", the four Wang Lao are usually in addition to their own practice, but also shoulder the guidance of other juniors. Each has its own teaching team, so the three Ye Lao They all left to guide the students they were responsible for.

When the three of them walked away one by one, Mr. Wang asked about Lin Hang's cultivation progress.

Lin Hang replied respectfully, "Teacher, I will break into the late stage of Qi training in these two days, so I can't come to your side often."

Old Wang said happily, "It's coming to the late stage of Qi training so soon? Although you are the first to switch spiritual power, this speed is indeed very fast. According to the original Huaxia system, you have directly entered the innate. It's okay, you can make a breakthrough with peace of mind and focus on your own cultivation base, and you don't have to run to my side!"

Lin Hang replied with a smile, "Teacher, you are only me as a disciple, of course you should serve you more! But, teacher, I have a question, I don't know if you can answer me."

Old Wang had a foreboding of what Lin Hang wanted to ask, and said calmly, "Hang'er, if you have anything, just ask!"

Lin Hang did not hesitate, and said, "Teacher, since your breakthrough, I have always had an idea in my heart that can't be restrained. To this day, I can't help it anymore. I want to ask you, since you are in China and even The world is the strongest master, can that help me find my parents? Before, our voice in the world was not that loud, but now we should have enough strength to keep my parents, right?"

This matter has actually been bothering Lin Hang. When he hadn't discovered the Twelve Caves of the Witch Clan before, although Lin Hang had worshipped Wang Lao as his teacher, he had never asked Wang Lao to find his parents. Because Lin Hang knows that although Mr. Wang is super strong, there are many people who constrain him, and secondly, Mr. Wang has the burden of the entire Chinese nation, and he cannot be too arbitrary.

But after Wang Lao used the opportunity of "Emperor Realm" to break through to the foundation period, Lin Hang's mind became active again. After Wang Lao killed the two masters of the United States, Lin Hang understood that Wang Lao's combat power was no longer available. People can stop. Therefore, he was very puzzled, why did Wang Lao never tell me about Lin Hang's parents? It stands to reason that no matter what kind of power it is, it shouldn't be Wang Lao's opponent now. Wang Lao should have the confidence to challenge any force and protect Lin Hang's parents.

Wang Lao saw the appearance of Lin Hang and knew that the boy before him had not changed. His parents had always been the most concerned in his heart. Every time his strength improved, the first thing was to see if he could do it for himself. Parents share the pressure.

Old Wang said, "Lin Hang, as my only disciple, I naturally understand what you want. Our schedule after the release of "Emperor Realm" is relatively tight. After returning to China, I am also busy with military affairs. , I really can’t spare time. So, I want to say to you sorry for not paying attention to your parents’ affairs.”

Hearing Wang Lao say sorry, Lin Hang took two steps back and said, "Teacher, I didn't mean to blame you! I'm sorry, I was too anxious, I don't know you are also very busy, sorry teacher!"

Old Wang touched Lin Hang's head and said with a smile, "Hang'er, I won't blame you as a teacher! I know that the most important thing you want to do is to find your parents. So, this time I go out. I will take time to find out for you!"

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