I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 133

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:24:58 AM

Chapter 133: Parent message

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According to Lin Hang's original idea, he would need to try several times before he could take this step. He also went to Wang Lao and others to learn from the experience of previous breakthroughs, but Wang Lao and others broke through the innate, and they finally succeeded after many failures. As the first person to cultivate to the innate after converting his spiritual power, Lin Hang had no reference in front of him, so he was groping forward. This smooth breakthrough also added a lot of confidence to Lin Hang's subsequent cultivation.

Because it had already broken through, but lacked spiritual power, the high priest directly took out a pill and threw it into Lin Hang's mouth. Lin Hang knew that the high priest was not malicious, so he opened his mouth and swallowed it. As the pill was poured into his stomach, Lin Hang felt a vigorous and gentle spiritual power filling his dantian quickly. After a while, the spiritual power in the dantian was replenished and Lin Hang felt that he had returned to his heyday.

The high priest was silently feeling the situation in Lin Hang's dantian, but after Lin Hang stood up, the high priest couldn't help but nodded and said, "Yes, yes! Lin Hang, your dantian is very open! Although it is just now You break through to the late stage of Qi training, but your spiritual strength is not inferior to other peak practitioners of Qi training. Your potential and background are at the top of the world!"

Lin Hang was a little embarrassed by what the high priest said. He scratched his head and said, "The high priest, you dare not accept this. However, I am still very happy to break through so smoothly today. This shows that I paid His efforts have been rewarded!"

The high priest smiled and said, "Lin Hang, don't be too eager! You know, your cultivation speed is already much faster than most people, and your foundation is so solid now, if you focus too much on speed Well, that would be a bit of a small loss!"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Well, this kid understands naturally. I will put my future first!"

The high priest nodded in satisfaction, and began to guide Lin Hang on the areas that need attention in his next practice.

In this way, after ten days, Lin Hang left "Candle World" on time, and took Wang Lao who had been waiting outside for a long time back to "Candle World".

As soon as Mr. Wang came in, Lin Hang was a little impatient. Looking at Lin Hang's appearance, Mr. Wang couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Hang'er, don't worry, when I get to the place, I will tell you more!"

Wang Lao took Lin Hang back to his room in "Candle World", and the two sat separately. Wang Lao talked about the experience of going out for a short day.

Old Wang took a sip of his tea and said, "Hang'er, this time I'm going out, because I have a lot of things to do in the day I agreed with you, so I was still a little rushed! After giving the cheats to those old men, I just I contacted the military and called up all the news about your parents during this time, including all kinds of wind and clues. I found some more reliable information and pursued it, and found some strange things."

After Lin Hang heard this, he also felt strange. With Wang Lao's current cultivation base, how could something strange to him also happen?

Lin Hang asked puzzledly, "Teacher, what did you find?"

Mr. Wang said, "I went to several places where you are rumored to have traces of your parents. I have carefully checked each place. Except for a few wrong places, I found the same characteristics of these places. Your father, I am still a good one. It’s relatively familiar, so I am familiar with his spiritual power. I did feel your father’s spiritual power in these places. But what surprised me was that the spiritual power left by your father fluctuated very strongly. Strong! What I want to say is definitely not under me, which makes me feel incredible. Your father seems to have broken through the foundation building early in the morning. But if this is the case, why has he not returned? What I understand is not your father's profound cultivation, but what is he avoiding?"

Lin Hang was also shocked by the news that Wang Lao said, and couldn't help but say, "My father was in the foundation building period early in the morning? China has not been able to break through the foundation building method, how did he do it?"

Old Wang shook his head and said, "I haven't seen your father himself, but I seem to have vaguely felt his existence. He is avoiding me. It's not because of fear of me, it seems that I don't want to have **** with me. Involved, I don't want to involve me. I roughly understand what he meant, so I didn't continue to pursue it. Come here and tell you the news."

Lin Hang lowered his head, thought silently, and then said, "I seem to understand what Uncle Zhao meant before. After he came back, he told my parents about the safety situation, but he didn't elaborate on it. Now I want to come, he is I don’t want me to intervene in my parents' affairs prematurely. Before Lenovo, my cultivation level improved step by step, and finally I even worshipped you as a teacher. Logically speaking, I should be qualified to understand the situation of my parents, but Uncle Zhao did not Did not take the initiative to mention it to me. Now I understand that in his heart, our current energy is still unable to help my parents bear the pressure on them. Teacher, in the future, you don't have to run about my parents for me. I want to understand. When my strength gradually grows stronger, the truth of everything will appear before my eyes!"

Old Wang nodded and said, "Hang'er, who is this Uncle Zhao in your mouth?"

Lin Hang explained, “I was a close friend of my parents. I lived next door to my house when I was a child and watched me grow up. In addition to thanking Liu Ruyan, I also depended on him. Enter the gate of cultivation."

Wang Lao thought a little bit, thinking of the surname Zhao, Wang Lao already knew who Lin Hang's Uncle Zhao was.

Old Wang thought for a while and said, "Well, Hang'er, you can think so. I'm afraid that this matter has always been in your heart and will become an obstacle to your strength improvement. That would be difficult to clean up!"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Teacher, don't worry! Although I really want to know the whereabouts of my parents very eagerly, but now after hard work, I can't achieve my goal for the time being. I will keep this in my heart. , Has become my driving force for continuous progress, and will not let him hinder me from moving forward step by step!"

Lao Wang nodded with satisfaction. Only then did he have time to check Lin Hang's cultivation base. After checking carefully, Wang Lao said with a smile, "Hang'er, your cultivation base has improved! And, I see you. It’s just a breakthrough, and the spiritual power in my body is not far from when I was at the peak of the innate! Yes, it’s really good!"

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