I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 134

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:24:57 AM

Chapter 134: 500 numbers

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Lin Hang scratched his head embarrassedly and said, "Teacher, don't praise me anymore! When the first breakthrough, the high priest also said the same, which made me very embarrassed. I haven't built a foundation yet, said These are still a bit premature. I hope you can see the day when my cultivation base catches up with you! At that time, I can take all your praise and encouragement with peace of mind, and now you can give me more advice. Not enough!"

Lin Hang's speech obviously made Wang Lao very satisfied. He wanted this one, always strict with himself and always able to see his disciple clearly. If Lin Hang's strength is very strong, but there is no trace of the heart of a strong man, then there is no way to meet the requirements of Wang Lao. After all, Wang Lao felt that what Huaxia needed was not a combatant with extreme force, but a leader who could lead Huaxia forward. The qualities required by the two were completely different. Lin Hang's performance made it impossible for Wang Lao to single out the fault. This is undoubtedly the best news for him.

Old Wang smiled and said, "Hang'er, haven't you been studying the innate spiritual cloud with the chief priest and her elders all these days? How about, what progress is there?"

Lin Hang replied, "Although the high priest and I worked hard every day, we still haven't reached the standard we expected. The number of spirit clouds we need is still less than half, so we still have to keep working hard! In fact, the original I know the role of this Lingyun, and when I happen to be able to copy it, I want to help you get one too. But unfortunately, this copied Lingyun can only be used by myself, so I can’t do it, I can only eliminate it. This thought."

Old Wang waved his hand and said, "You don't need to feel frustrated because you are a teacher. According to what you said, this spiritual cloud is such a precious thing. If everyone has it, wouldn't it lose its meaning? Rules, such a thing will not happen, although your copy ability has already broken the rules!"

Thinking of this, Wang Lao was also emotional. Originally, the rules between heaven and earth are like this, the more precious things are, the less there will be, and the harder they will be to get. But Lin Hang is like a loophole in the world, perfectly avoiding this rule. The "Gathering Pill" used to break through the day after tomorrow is only the first show, and the Xiantian Lingyun copied now is really unreasonable. Most people can only look at it enviously, there is no way, who makes this a unique ability of others!

Lin Hang chuckled and didn't say anything about this. Instead, he asked the experienced Wang Lao about the direction of his spiritual cultivation accumulated during this time.

Although the high priests lived for such a long time, they did not cultivate their spiritual power because they were essentially witches. In this regard, the high priests could not guide Lin Hang's cultivation. Therefore, every time Lin Hang encounters a problem, he still finds Mr. Wang to answer his doubts. Fortunately, now, apart from the physical body, everyone started together. In other respects, Mr. Wang was far ahead of Lin Hang, and Lin Hang could also avoid many detours that Mr. Wang had taken. But Lin Hang knew that with his current strength and speed, sooner or later, he would catch up with Mr. Wang. At that time, everything was left on his own. And Lin Hang felt that this day was not far away.

As Mr. Wang returned from working abroad, Lin Hang began a peaceful practice life again.

Lin Hang still carried on in an orderly manner every day. Three months passed quietly. While Lin Hang raised his cultivation base, he unknowingly copied the Xian Lingyun 500 times.

In the hall of the high priest.

Lin Hang injected a freshly released group of little spirit clouds into the large army, and let out a long sigh of relief.

The high priest looked at the huge Lingyun in Lin Hang's hands. Because of the compression, it was not 500 times the size of the original Lingyun, it was only about 30 times, but it was also very huge.

After observing for a long time, the high priest said, "Lin Hang, in my opinion, now this group of innate spirit clouds has reached the level of self-giving spiritual treasures. It only needs to be placed in a place with abundant spiritual power, and it can breed one. Your innate spirit treasure!"

Lin Hang was also very excited. After all, for the birth of this Lingyun, he and the high priest had worked hard for more than six months. But there is a question in Lin Hang's heart. At this point today, Lin Hang asked, "Priest, in fact, from the beginning, there was a question in my heart. You said that the spiritual cloud at the beginning only needs five Around a hundred regiments will meet the basic requirements for cultivating spirit treasures. But I want to ask you, if there are more? For example, if the spirit cloud formed by a thousand regiments is combined, will the spirit treasure bred in the end be stronger?"

This question was something Lin Hang hadn't figured out for a long time. He wanted to know if the larger the spiritual cloud, the stronger the conceived spiritual treasure would be. If the answer is yes, then why not directly expand the Lingyun to the limit, so that you can get the strongest Lingbao directly?

The high priest smiled and explained, "Lin Hang, I understand what you mean. Indeed, the innate spirit treasures that were born at the beginning, or even the innate treasures, have been determined to be strong and weak after birth. But your current situation is different. The same, first of all, this group of spirit clouds is equivalent to just being born, and the spirit treasures that can be bred in it have not been formed. You can find your own ideas and influence the generation of spirit treasures, including the desired shape and function. According to your wishes. This is a situation that has never happened before. Even the first batch of innate gods have companion spirit treasures. Although they were born together, they are in a state of ignorance. Treasures are still formed by themselves, they have no subjective choice. Now, you can choose your favorite spirit treasure to be bred, once it is born, it will be your natural spirit treasure. This is also the reason why I let you stop now, you now If the strength is too weak, and the bred spirit treasure is too strong, you can’t bear it. The size of the bred spirit treasure is just within your tolerance, and it will slowly grow with you, so You don’t have to worry about power at all."

Lin Hang probably understood the meaning of the high priest. The congenital spirit treasures that were born before, according to the conditions that gave birth to them, were indeed strong and weak. Now that the volume of the spirit cloud is enlarged, it can indeed achieve the effect of enhancing the spirit treasure in it. But Lin Hang's strength was too weak, and the spirit treasure bred by the most basic five hundred regiments, he could only be able to grasp it, so there was no need to increase the size.

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