I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 135

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:24:53 AM

Chapter 135: Magical barrier

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The spirit treasure bred by the five hundred group of spirit clouds, although it was only the first level spirit treasure at the beginning, because Lin Hang was able to intervene in the contact from the beginning, this spirit treasure had the potential for upward improvement. This is also the best plan for nurturing spiritual treasures that the high priest thought for a long time.

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Well, the high priest, I listen to you. Now, our group of spirit clouds has reached the minimum standard for nurturing spirit treasures, but you haven't gotten up with the issue that I was worried about before. I said how to solve it!"

The high priest laughed and said, "You mean the gestation time is too long, you can't wait at all now, right? Indeed, at the beginning, every one of those congenital spirit treasures has passed thousands of years. It took time to finally be born. Although your current Lingyun is small in size, it takes a lot of time. Regarding this issue, I have already said that you don’t need to worry about it. Come on, clean up and talk to me Come!"

Lin Hang collected the Lingyun, followed the chief priest curiously, and slowly left this place of inheritance in the center of "Candle World".

After walking out, the high priest flew hurriedly toward the west, because the speed was too fast to keep up. Lin Hang sighed, he could only open the space teleportation, and headed for twenty miles in the direction where the chief priest disappeared. As soon as he landed, he saw the high priest beside him, quickly passing by and disappearing again. Lin Hang could only teleport continuously, and only then could he barely keep up with the pace of the high priest.

Although Lin Hang was sighing, in fact his heart was calm. When the high priest first came into contact, he only felt that he was a lofty elder, a great wise man who worked hard for the future of the wizard clan. However, after contacting them in the past few months, Lin Hang discovered that there was still a little teasing temperament hidden in the heart of the high priest. And Lin Hang and the high priest have not always been respectful, which has caused the high priest to radiate this temperament more and more, and the number of teasing Lin Hang has increased. In a situation like today, Lin Hang did not panic at all, teleported again and again, hung accurately behind the high priest, and moved forward steadily.

The high priest turned his head from time to time, looking at the helpless Lin Hang, the high priest couldn't help laughing. Seems to be having fun, the high priest speeded up even more, caught Lin Hang behind him by surprise, had to adjust the frequency and continue to follow the high priest.

Thirty minutes later, Lin Hang saw that the high priest in front had stopped, and he teleported directly to the high priest's side.

Lin Hang stepped forward and after looking around, he asked, "Priest, where did you bring me to?"

No wonder Lin Hang couldn't see it. The place where the High Priest and Lin Hang were now was bare and there were no buildings. It looked very ordinary. Lin Hang really couldn't see anything, so he asked directly.

The high priest smiled and said, "Lin Hang, do you think I took you so far to make fun of you? Take a good look, you will be surprised after a while!"

Indeed, at the speed of the high priest, Lin Hang couldn't count the distance traveled in these thirty minutes. Arriving at this far place, after listening to the high priest's words again, Lin Hang began to calm down, slowly waiting for the high priest's operation.

The high priest took out the familiar walking stick and murmured a word. The walking stick drew a strange figure in the air in front of him. Lin Hang carefully distinguished it, but did not see what it was. He just felt that the figure was slender and looked a bit like snake.

With the supply of the spiritual power of the high priest, the figure she just drew slowly glowed with dazzling light and became somewhat vivid. When the figure came on, the high priest stopped his movements and pointed to the figure and said, "This is the totem of our ancestor, the Jiu Yin Ancestral Witch. And in this area, the ancestors who opened up our "Candle World" specially left The area that comes down has never been opened for many years. This time I accompany you to open it for the first time!"

Lin Hang looked at the candle nine-yin totem in front of him, and only felt that the surrounding time was a little unstable. He forcibly calmed his mind and asked, "Priest, what is this place for?"

The high priest explained with a smile, "It will take a while to open, just to tell you. There is a barrier that is usually hidden in this area, and it takes the blood of the ancestors to open it. In this, a day is a hundred years! But! Because the flow of time is too fast, only inanimate items can be stored in it. Its original intention was to accelerate the time precipitation of some items. Now I want to come, and the birth of the Lingbao in the cloud of you, just can fit into it. Together! I don’t know whether the ancestors had anticipated it and set up this enchantment purposely. You know, we don’t usually need it, so it’s been so long in the dust."

Lin Hang nodded. After so many things, he no longer thought that everything was a coincidence as he did at the beginning. These ancestors did have a foresight of what would happen in the future generations, otherwise they would not be able to explain the so many coincidences that happened around Lin Hang. Why is it so difficult to establish a place for inheritance assessment? Why did the great caves just happen to be born when Lin Hang awakened? And why are the three caves that Lin Hang first discovered are "Candle World", "Emperor World" and "Hou Jie"? Lin Hang didn't care at first, but as similar things increased, Lin Hang gradually became aware of it.

Lin Hang said, "According to your opinion, I only need to put this cloud of spirit into this enchantment, and it will nurture the spirit treasure in it at a rapid speed. I just need to wait quietly by the side? "

The high priest nodded and said, "It stands to reason that it is true, but because no one has ever used it, I can’t guarantee what will happen. So, you need to be here and wait until the real Take shape. If something happens, you can also notify me in time. What do you think?"

Lin Hang thought for a while, what the high priest said is very reasonable, he nodded and said, "Okay! Just as the high priest said, the kid has been waiting here these days. But I have one more question. In your estimate, how long will it take for the Lingbao inside to really take shape?"

The outside day that the high priest said is a hundred years in the barrier. So although Lin Hang asked how many days it would take, he actually asked the chief priest how long it would take for a typical Lingbao to form a hundred years before it could be born.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!