I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 136

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:24:53 AM

Chapter 136: select

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The high priest thought for a while, and said, "I can't tell you the exact time, because in that era, we didn't experience it personally. The innate spiritual treasure obtained by the ancestors does not know when it was born. However, according to my estimation, such a small group of innate spiritual clouds should not be conceived for more than a thousand years. Therefore, you should wait here for ten days. After ten days, we will look at the situation. What else will happen? Solve it again."

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Okay, then I will stay here for ten days. Tell me how to conceive!"

The high priest said, "This is a set of methods handed down in ancient times, and no one has tried it before. During these ten days, you need to instill spiritual power into the spirit cloud in this enchantment every once in a while. This spiritual power is not to provide energy to it, but to keep you in touch with it, so that the spirit treasure bred in the end is like your companion spirit treasure, which fits very well. However, this spiritual cloud is a bit of yourself. It’s a bit of a piece together, so this matter is not difficult for you, you just need to pay more attention to it. The ten-day time I just said to you just now is just my guess, and the real time is not necessarily , If Lingbao is about to take shape, then you will feel it. Before taking shape, you must think about the shape, size, function, etc. you want. It’s too late! You only need to use your own spirit when shaping. Strength, slowly guide the formation, so that the last born Lingbao will fit your mind."

Lin Hang nodded to express understanding, then smiled and replied, "Well, the high priest, you said very clearly, I already understand the operation process. You go back first, here I am alone, if there is anything, you Just come over again."

The high priest thought for a while, and felt that what Lin Hang said made sense. Although this place is quite far away from the center of "Candle World", there is a lot of distance between it, but it is still in the sense of the high priest. If there is some unexpected change between the two, the high priest can get the news in the first time, and then through Wang Lao, he can rush to this side instantly, so it doesn't matter if the high priest is not here.

The high priest nodded and said, "Well, I'll go back first. Here is a bottle of spiritual power replenishing medicine. After you instill spiritual power, you can use it to restore spiritual power. This will not delay your daily practice too much. Knowing that for your cultivation talent, every day's time is very precious, so don't slack off these few days!"

Lin Hang didn't decline either, he reached out to take it, smiled and replied, "Priest, don't worry, I can save it naturally!"

The high priest laughed, did not speak, waiting for the enchantment to open.

As the dazzling snake-shaped light chart slowly shrank the light, an oval opening was slowly opened at the bottom of the chart.

The high priest breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Well, according to this situation, the records left by the ancestors are not wrong. You only need to put the spirit cloud into this oval opening, and the enchantment inside will naturally revolve for a hundred years. . You only need to provide spiritual power at intervals."

After saying this, the high priest nodded to Lin Hang, turned around and left here.

After the high priest left, Lin Hang did not immediately put the Lingyun in, but sat down to the side, thinking about what his future life spirit treasure would look like.

Lin Hang secretly thought, "Since it is a life-saving treasure, then I must have a special one. I don't plan to have any ordinary knives, swords, guns, etc. What should I want?"

This really made Lin Hang a bit of a headache. These days, before he came into contact with these caves of the Witch Clan, Lin Hang hadn't used Lingbao much, so he didn't know much about Lingbao.

Lin Hang took out the dagger previously copied in Huicheng from his portable space. When he was free, he once took it out and asked the high priest. After careful inspection, the high priest confirmed that this dagger was indeed a product of the pre-Qin period a long time later. However, although there was no damage on the outside, the internal structure was almost destroyed, which also caused a complete drop in grade and no power. .

In fact, the cultivation world in China and even the whole world does not have a very good method of refining spiritual weapons, because compared to the cultivation methods, these refining methods have been lost more seriously. Therefore, the highest level of spirit soldiers can not reach the level of innate. This is also the reason why Wang Lao and the others never use spirit soldiers, because the increase for them is equivalent to no increase.

The degree of damage to the dagger in Lin Hang's hand can be said to be scrapped, but it can still be used as an intermediate spirit soldier, which also reflects this fact from the side.

Lin Hang took out a few pieces of spiritual treasures during the foundation construction period he had obtained from the high priest and the high elder, hoping to draw some inspiration from them.

The small umbrella presented to Lin Hang by the high priest is a self-protecting defensive spirit soldier. It does not need to be controlled by Lin Hang himself. If it is not too low in grade, it can definitely become Lin Hang's first spirit treasure. The Orb of Stillness is a one-time treasure, so there is nothing to say. As for the airspeed arrows that the great elder admired, Lin Hang is still very satisfied. He does not pursue other bells and whistles. As long as the ultimate speed and attack power, this is undoubtedly a great deterrent to the opponent. If used properly, it is completely It can be a killer weapon.

After thinking about it, Lin Hang had two general directions in his mind: either as a small umbrella, which can protect himself in all directions, or like an airspeed arrow, the ultimate offensive, directly crushing the opponent.

Lin Hang whispered, "Since I want both of these functions, and the next Lingbao nurtures me, I can participate in it. Why not just put these two functions in? It can nurture one like airspeed. An arrow-like spirit treasure, sacrifice a little attack in exchange for the effect of resisting protection?"

The new idea was confirmed, and Lin Hang began to explore the shape of the Lingbao in his mind.

Because it was born innately, this Lingbao has spirituality when it is born, so the automatic protection function is not a luxury. You only need to shape the shape into an offensive weapon to meet the characteristics of the ultimate offense. The protection function only needs It has speed and spirituality, it can easily complete this condition.

Lin Hang nodded secretly, already knowing what his favorite Lingbao was. According to his temperament, I am really not a good at close combat, so the remote control of flying arrows is very much in line with his intentions, and he can fly back to defend at any time. That would be perfect.

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