I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 138

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:24:48 AM

Chapter 138: test

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Hearing this, the high priest's brows gradually unfolded, and he took over the "Emperor Jiang Arrow" in Lin Hang's hand and looked carefully.

The high priest nodded and said, "Well, I did feel the spirituality that belongs to it in this arrow, and because it was born all because of you, this spirituality, as soon as it appears, will treat you very much. Dependence, which is also conducive to later manipulation. Given time, its spirituality may not be able to improve and become your most powerful helper."

Lin Hang was also very happy, and said with a smile, "Priest, you happen to be here. The kid has a gratuitous request. I hope you can agree!"

The high priest asked questioningly, "What's wrong? Just finished this thing, what do you want?"

Lin Hang scratched his head and said, "Priest priest, this boy's "Emperor Jiang Arrow" has just been born, and the boy is a little itchy for a while. I would like to ask you to help me try its power so that I can fully understand it. Understand!"

The high priest couldn't help but laughed and said, "Okay! You Lin Hang, you want me to be your test product! Okay, how do you want to experiment, I will be with you today!"

Lin Hang said, "Priest, first of all, I want to try its maximum offensive distance and strongest attack power, and then, I want to try to get back to me in an instant as far as I am from my body. "

The high priest thought for a while, stretched out his cane, and left a transparent energy shield in place, suspended in the air.

The high priest pointed to this energy shield and said, "Lin Hang, this is my crystalline shield condensed with spiritual power. You only need to let your "Dijiang Arrow" attack it later, according to the strength it bears. I can get the approximate power of it."

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Well, let me first try its strongest attack power, how strong it is!"

After Lin Hang finished speaking, he came to ten kilometers away, his spiritual power attached to "Dijiang Arrow", with a sudden force, "Dijiang Arrow" swiftly shot towards the shield, almost for an instant, only There was a muffled sound, and the shield remained in place. Standing behind the shield, the high priest nodded with his hand against the shield, and he already had a rough data in his heart.

In the next moment, Lin Hang returned to his place. The high priest stepped forward and said, "Your judgment is not wrong. For your "Emperor Jiang Arrow", an acceleration of ten kilometers is equivalent to an instant, further away. The time will be longer. After 10 kilometers of acceleration, it does have a great bonus to its attack power. Just now, I estimated that it is equivalent to the power of the peak of Qi training. This is quite good. After all, "Emperor Arrow" has just been released, and as you slowly cultivate, it will become stronger and stronger!"

Lin Hang nodded, just as the high priest said, the power to reach the peak of Qi training is already very impressive.

Although Lin Hang had the airspeed arrow gifted by the great elder, it could hardly be received within the foundation, but because it can replenish energy in advance, it does not require Lin Hang to provide it, so it can have such a great power. And because it takes a long time to replenish energy, it has only one blow, which is equivalent to a one-time life-saving artifact. But Lin Hang’s own "Emperor Arrow" is different. Although he has spirituality since he was born, in addition to resisting attacks for Lin Hang, the power of attack depends on Lin Hang’s spiritual investment and manipulation, so the power at this stage is naturally up to Less than the level of airspeed arrows. But only need to give Lin Hang and "Emperor Jiang Arrow" time to grow, the power will definitely gradually become stronger.

Seeing Lin Hang's unexcited look, the high priest smiled and comforted, "Lin Hang, in fact, in theory, your "Airspeed Arrow" has no upper limit on its power, as long as you give it unlimited acceleration distance and time. Its power will also continue to improve. Of course, this function is relatively tasteless now, and the distance required to increase its power is a bit too long. It is useless in actual combat, but it is also a new direction!"

Hearing this, Lin Hang's eyes lit up, and he said, "Priest, my "Emperor Arrow" has the characteristics of space shuttle, then you say, if I spend some time to let it continuously accelerate and improve Power, and then suddenly teleported to the designated location. In this case, does it retain the power and make people unable to react at all?"

The high priest originally said this with the intention of comforting Lin Hang, but he didn't expect Lin Hang to have a new idea. After listening to Lin Hang's words, the high priest also fell into contemplation.

In fact, "Emperor Arrow" has the ability to shuttle through space, and the chief priest is not surprised. After all, Lin Hang also admits that it was inspired by the airspeed arrow of the elder, so it is understandable that it has similar functions. However, the high priest did not expect to combine this function with acceleration.

The high priest thought for a while, nodded, and said, "Well, according to reason, your method is very feasible. Now that we have an idea, let's try it out!"

Lin Hang nodded in excitement, and controlled "Dijiang Arrow" to float in the air. Following Lin Hang's command, "Dijiang Arrow" flew away quickly. Lin Hang closed his eyes and silently sensed the position of "Emperor Arrow". After a minute or so, Lin Hang felt that "Emperor Arrow" had reached a position where he could manipulate it. He opened his eyes and pointed at the shield. Position, sipped "Go!", I saw "Emperor Jiang Arrow" suddenly appeared in front of the shield, and stabbed it severely.

The high priest stood behind the shield a long time ago. She felt it silently and said, "Well, Lin Hang, our idea is feasible. After your acceleration, the power has indeed been improved, and she barely crossed the building. The threshold of Ji can be said to be the power to crush all gas refining periods."

Lin Hang said, "Isn't it! I accelerated a distance of nearly a thousand kilometers, but only increased so much power? High priest, you are not wrong!"

The old Wang on the side saw that Lin Hang was about to be guilty again, and he was about to fight, and he reprimanded loudly, "You kid, don't get cheap and sell well! How big is the gap between the Qi refining period and the foundation building period, don't you guys know? As long as you have the offensive power of the foundation building period, you can just steal it. Why are you still questioning the high priest? High priest, don't care about him!"

The high priest shook his head and said, "Lin Hang, your intention to accelerate is a bit too obvious. I suggest that you can first teleport "Emperor Arrow" to a distant place, let it accelerate by itself, and then suddenly take it back. It's more secretive, and it's hard to guard against, what do you think?"

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