I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 14

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:48 AM

Chapter 14: Power training camp

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After saying goodbye to Lin Hang, Liu Ruyan left Huicheng.

Lin Hang cleared up his mood and hid the miss for Liu Ruyan in his heart. He also knew that with his current strength alone, it was absolutely impossible to shake a behemoth like the four major families in the capital, so he could only turn this thought into motivation to make himself continue to work hard and improve his strength.

One month later, Ye Family Villa.

Lin Hang looked at Ye Lao with a smile in front of him, with a little doubt in his heart. In the morning, I received a call from Ye Lao, asking him to come to the villa, but I don't know why.

Elder Ye looked at Lin Hang and said, "Lin Hang, I am looking for you this time because I want you to go to a place."

Lin Hang was a little curious, and asked, "Go to a place?"

Ye Lao nodded and said, "Every three years, our Huaxia official will launch a training camp specifically for abilities. Although the original intention was to cultivate abilities, after these years of development, Some places are open to big families like us, and this time I plan to give you the place from the Ye family."

Lin Hang asked strangely, "Huaxia official? Ye Lao, I don't understand, do you still need to participate in this training camp depending on the strength of your big families like the Ye family?"

Ye Lao explained, "Lin Hang, you must not underestimate the power of the country! After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, those of our families who want to hold onto the country and maintain a transcendent position have all died out unknowingly these years! We, China The official power system of the supernatural beings is very terrifying. After all, it is the power of a country. With the support of many families, the Huaxia official is the number one power among the supernatural beings in our country!"

"Moreover, in the development and understanding of abilities, the Huaxia official is far ahead of us. So since the launch of this training camp, many top families have often disputed over the quota. People who came out of this training camp , The strength will not be improved too much, but the development and understanding of their own abilities will be improved to a level. A small number of people will go out of their own way and lay a solid foundation for themselves to become a master in the future!"

After Ye Lao's explanation, Lin Hang also had a little understanding of this training camp. To put it simply, the official research results of Huaxia's abilities will be invested in the training camp, and the practicality of the research results will be tested during the training. In this process, the people in the training camp will also get unexpected benefits. .

Lin Hang felt the importance of this quota and hurriedly said to Lao Ye, "Lao Ye, the quota for this training camp is too important! You give me this quota, the kid can't afford it!"

Old Ye smiled, "Lin Hang, let me tell you that since this training camp is held every three years, my Ye family still has a lot of places. Besides, we don’t have the right people to participate in the Ye family. Guangyuan went there three years ago, and now the other boys have not reached this point, so there is nothing for you."

Lin Hang knows that Ye Lao said this deliberately. Even if Ye Guangyuan had been there three years ago, how could a family as large as the Ye family choose a candidate to participate. Ye Lao said this, but he didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. Great favor.

Lin Hang had to agree. He bowed to Ye Lao, and said solemnly, "Boy thank Ye Lao for his importance to me. I know this is all because of my father's relationship. But I, Lin Hang here, promise that you and the Ye family will be my Lin from now on. Hang Hang’s best friend. Anything you command me in the future, I will do my best to complete it!"

Ye Lao waved his hand and said, "Why is it so serious? Although I paid a little attention to you because of your father's request, now I find that your kid still has an appetite for me. Treat me as a small investment."

Lin Hang thanked Ye Lao again. Although Ye Lao said lightly, Lin Yi silently remembered Ye Lao's care and support to him.

Leaving Ye's house, Ye Guangyuan drove Lin Hang back to his apartment.

As the car was driving on the road, Lin Hang sat in the back seat, and he asked Ye Guangyuan about the training camp.

Ye Guangyuan smiled and said, "When I went to this training camp, I still didn't take it seriously, I just wanted to learn from the disciples of the major families and the elites in the army. But I found out there, It is simply a tormenting'hell'! And it is said that the training mode is different each time, and the training camp will adjust the training program according to the research results of each time. Of course, the effect is getting better and better. My'Rain Field' 'It was developed slowly with the help of instructors."

"But with Lin Hang, you must be fine. I am a little looking forward to your appearance!"

When he reached the destination, Lin Hang got out of the car, Ye Guangyuan waved his hand at Lin Hang and turned around and left.

Lin Hang returned to the room and sat on the sofa.

He silently thought about going to the training camp this time. According to Ye Lao and Ye Guangyuan, the training camp aims to develop the depth of abilities, so what can he get here? You must know that Lin Hang's ability is not what the outside world sees. Will his copying ability find a way forward?

The training camp started three days later, when the Ye family would send someone to send him to the training location.

Lin Hang sank his consciousness into his mind, and saw that his mental space now had more than 20 cubic meters, but it was empty inside, with only a few progress bars floating in the corners. He glanced at the "Flying Sword" that he had coveted for a long time, collected his mind, and started today's cultivation.

At this time, the hall of Liu's villa in Beijing.

Sitting in the main seat was a bald old man, and all the direct disciples of the Liu family below were all present. Obviously, the Liu family is discussing an important matter.

The bald old man asked, "Is there still no news after more than a month?"

The next middle-aged man stepped forward and replied respectfully, "Father, Tianlin must have encountered an accident, and the specific things have not been found out. The most likely thing is that the Ye family made the move, but we have no evidence. Tianlin went to Huizhou. The purpose of the city cannot be let others know, so we can't take the initiative to pressure the Ye family."

The bald old man smiled, but no one can feel the smile. He said, "Okay, you are really good at doing things! Your own son died outside, and now it is possible to expose our Liu family for so many years. Preparations. And you told me that you haven’t found out anything now? How come I, Liu Chengye, have a son like you?"

Liu Shijie's face was earthy at once, and he forced himself to calm down, and said, "Father, there is an opportunity right now. The three-year training camp is about to begin. The Ye family will definitely send disciples to participate. Since we can't go directly to Ye My family’s home base in Huicheng, why not use this person as a breakthrough? Let’s see what the Ye family plans, and how much do they know about our plan?"

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