I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 140

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:24:47 AM

Chapter 140: Singles out the top eight?

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This is what Lin Hang said, not all respect for several seniors, or his own humility. Indeed, this is basically the case. Not to mention the younger generation, Lin Hang is already ahead of them, but Wang Lao and the others are not comparable to the younger generation, after all, they are still a generation apart. Their cultivation time also has to be much longer. Although the time for each of them to break through to innate is not at the same time, there are first and then later, but they have been immersed in the state of innate for many years, because they have been unable to break through, so they all Consistently polished their own psychic abilities, looking forward to quantitative changes to produce qualitative changes, and eventually cross that hurdle.

Although they couldn't succeed in the end, their foundation and deep roots were absolutely terrifying. This also led them to just step through the foundation building, and the subsequent period of cultivation will be extremely smooth. The hardships suffered in the early stage will be rewarded one by one later. Of course, this state can’t continue forever, probably after a few more realms, it will lose its effect, but it also makes their cultivation at this stage much faster. Lin Hang wants to catch up with them, definitely not overnight. Things.

Old Yu said with a smile, "Lin Hang, you are still too modest! How long have you been practicing? I heard Lao Wang say that it's only about two years after you have been in the "Candle World", right? Entering the later stage of Qi training steadily, you must know that this was in the previous cultivation world, but it was equivalent to entering the innate! The innate realm is so yearning. We old guys rely on the accumulation of time and the family's shadow , That’s when you entered this state. But you only spent such a short time. Although there is the help of cultivation techniques, your own excellence and dazzling cannot be concealed. So, don’t say this again, otherwise we These old guys, where should I put my old faces!"

Lin Hang scratched his head and said with a smile, "Aren't these some of them all seniors! The respect you should have is still not to be lost. By the way, my boy, watching your disciples fighting on stage, feels itchy for a while. No. I know, can I also learn from them?"

Hearing Lin Hang's request, several old people looked at each other, you look at me, I look at you, don't know how to answer Lin Hang.

After all, it’s his apprentice. In this case, it can only be said by Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang gave a light cough and said, “Hang'er, you are not clear about yourself. According to your current strength and vision, and these children Isn’t it bullying people? Even if you suppress your own cultivation level and maintain the same level with them, they will not be your opponents. So, some of these competitions are too boring, I think, let’s forget it. Right!"

Lin Hang was indeed aroused by such a test, and when he heard what Wang said, Lin Hang was a little anxious and said hurriedly, "Teacher, don't! Although what you said makes sense, I will compete with them. Some are not fair, but we can adjust the rules! For example, under the premise of suppressing my own strength, I can play against a few more people! Do you think this is okay? Let the eight small tops in the army come together, and I will face them alone. Eight people, can you?"

Hearing this, several old people couldn't help but admire Lin Hang's courage. You know, what Lin Hang said was to suppress his own cultivation level first, keep it in line with everyone, and then play against the whole team of eight small strong. The Eight Xiaoqiangs were not easy to deal with. At the time, several of them caused a lot of trouble to Lin Hang in the Rising Star Contest in Beijing. The situation now is different from that time. If you want the eight small strong to play in a small team, then it is not as simple as adding eight people. The eight people are originally a small team, and the tacit understanding between each other is very good, and the ability of the eight people is also possible. work cooperatively. Therefore, when fighting against the eight of them, even if the number of people is quite large, I dare not say that they will win. What's more, there is only one person. How sure is Lin Hang that he can win the eight of the same level?

After listening, Mr. Wang did not directly refuse, but seriously asked, "Hang'er, have you thought about it? I want to tell you that the eight of them are a tight team, and the style of the entire team is all-powerful. People have their own areas of expertise, but together there is no shortcoming. Coupled with suppressing your own cultivation base, this kind of match is also very difficult for you!"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Teacher, of course I know what you said. But you also understand me. Although I said that because I wanted you to agree to let me try, I also have my own considerations. So, you Don't persuade me anymore, just agree to my request!"

Lao Wang stared at Lin Hang for a while, carefully calculating in his heart that once Lin Hang lost such a competition, although it would not affect anything, it would be a small blow to Lin Hang's reputation. In Wang Lao's heart, he hoped that Lin Hang would lead the Chinese race forward in the future, so naturally he did not want things that would affect Lin Hang.

Looking at Lin Hang who is so persistent, coupled with his long-standing understanding of Lin Hang, Wang Lao said in a deep voice, "Okay! Hang'er, since you have this confidence, what reason do you have to limit your self-confidence as a teacher! You wait a while, I will make arrangements!"

After speaking, Mr. Wang dashed away and left where he was, apparently to summon Ba Xiaoqiang.

Seeing Lao Wang, who had suddenly changed his decision, left in a hurry, several elderly people were also a little confused. Only Ye Lao, who had a deeper understanding of Lin Hang, probably understood the meaning and thoughts of this pair of masters and disciples.

Taking advantage of Wang Lao's departure, Ye Lao said with a smile, "Lin Hang, it seems that you have gained a new harvest in the past few months without seeing you! I am looking forward to seeing you and the eight of them later. Fight! I heard Guangyuan said before. Among them, several of them are ashamed of them! I know your confidence and habits, but you should be careful after a while, don't capsize in the gutter! "

Lin Hang also smiled and replied, "Lao Ye is still observant of the details as always! The kid has indeed gained some new gains and insights in his practice recently, and he is now ready to practice it. But although the kid is more confident in himself, but I don’t know the cultivation situation of those eight people, so even if I lose the competition later, I won’t be surprised. After all, when you are improving yourself, others are also working hard to cultivate and improve yourself. Who dares Say, I can always be ahead of others!"

After Lin Hang explained, Ye Lao felt like that in his heart, and Lin Hang was prepared.

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