I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 141

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:24:46 AM

Chapter 141: Engage in

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Mr. Ye said to Mr. Yu and Mr. Jiang, “You don’t know this kid well yet. Now we’re waiting for the game to start. What wonderful performance Lin Hang will bring us! It also happens to be from Lin Hang and them Let’s take a look at what we need to improve and improve when we teach our disciples next!"

Both Mr. Yu and Mr. Jiang nodded, and some looked forward to the contest between Lin Hang and Ba Xiaoqiang.

Just when a few people were talking, Wang Lao brought eight people to this side, and it turned out to be Wang Lao who never procrastinated.

After Wang Lao showed up with eight people, he smiled and said, "This time we are organizing you, there is one thing I want to tell you. Lin Hang, do you all know each other? Just now, he told us old guys , I want to single out the eight of you! I refused on the spot, and bullied the middle stage of qi training. Did anyone do this? However, he later said that he would suppress his cultivation level to the same level as yours. It makes me a little hard to refuse, you decide for yourself, do you want to compete with him in this game?

Several old people couldn’t hold back a smile. These few words of Mr. Wang seemed to be asking a few people, but between the lines, they were secretly agitating a few people, meaning that Lin Hang looked down on you and wanted One person singles out the eight of you, can you pick it up? If you don’t answer, don’t want to look up in the future, because Lin Hang’s test conditions are too harsh for Lin Hang himself. In such a situation, if they dare not accept it, it is really shameless. .

Sure enough, Huazhi, the most direct of the eight, couldn't help being the first to speak out, "Wang Lao, we took this test! Lin Hang, I admit that your talent is really higher than ours, but don't be so. Look down on people! Today, a few of us will fight with you to see how much you are now!"

Jiang Huacong is now faintly replacing Hu Lingfeng and becoming the leader of the eight. He said in a deep voice, "Wang Lao, we have said it, just as Huazhi said, we took this test! Lin Hang, I also want to see. Let's separate this period of time, how far is the gap between us and you! You don't have to suppress your own cultivation base, your strength is also obtained by your own hard work, there is no need to let us on this. We are a group of eight. , Has the courage and confidence to leapfrog the challenge, so please play with the cultivation base of the later stage of Qi training!"

Jiang Huacong actually knew that if Lin Hang did not suppress the cultivation base, the hope of the eight of them would be very slim. After all, he and Huazhi had been Lin Hang's teammates, and had received Lin Hang's favor. They probably knew Lin Hang's abilities. Therefore, he knew how terrifying Lin Hang was, but he didn't want to take advantage of Lin Hang in today's competition. Because, in his opinion, even if they cooperate well and win Lin Hang in this state, they can't beat their own hearts. Conversely, defeating Lin Hang in his heyday would be of great benefit to their future cultivation. That's why this idea was proposed.

Wang Lao said, "Since both parties agree to the test, I will not stipulate the rules. As long as you both agree, I have no opinion. Lin Hang, what do you think of Jiang Huacong's proposal just now?"

Lin Hang reluctantly said, "Brother Jiang, you don't know that the gap between the late stage of Qi training and the middle stage of Qi training is bigger than you think! If there are levels of suppression of my several killer moves, there is no way for you to resist. Yes. So, I didn’t intend to do this on purpose, so let me suppress my own cultivation skills!"

Lin Hang did not exaggerate. The later stage of Qi training is equivalent to the innate realm of the previous cultivation world, and the middle stage of Qi training is only the day after tomorrow. After the transformation of spiritual power, it is equivalent to a small realm, but before, it is equivalent to a large realm. ! Therefore, the gap is still very large, and Lin Hang made this proposal because of the quality of the next competition.

At this time, the military veteran Jiang said, "Hua Cong, listen to me this time! Lin Hang did not say nonsense, he is also considering you. Although you have eight people and have been cooperating with each other, there is absolutely no way. Challenge Lin Hang, who is one level higher than you. Even in the late stage of the weakest Qi training, you are not necessarily opponents, let alone Lin Hang? So, accept Lin Hang’s conditions. This is what several of us think, the current situation The most reasonable conditions are now!"

Jiang Huacong did not directly make a decision, but discussed it with the seven people behind him.

Lin Hang waited quietly for the result. After a while, Jiang Huacong turned around, saluted several seniors, and said, "After our discussion, we finally decided to agree to this competition and agree to Lin Hang. Brother just said that suppressing his cultivation base is the same as ours in the middle stage of Qi training. However, we also have our own dignity. If you wait for a while, Lin Hang, do you think the cultivation base of the middle stage of Qi training cannot resist Our pressure, you can use your true strength at any time, we will not mind, but will be more fighting spirit!"

After listening to this, Elder Jiang couldn’t help clapping his hands and said with a smile, “That’s right! This is the attitude we should have when facing things. Let’s compete with Lin Hang first. There is no start. Who Can you really know the result? Lin Hang is certainly very strong, but the effort you have put in during this period is not less than his! Therefore, in this competition, you have to be a challenger. Don’t feel Lin Hang at the beginning. Hang let you, don’t put you in your eyes. Let’s fight for it first. If Lin Hang really can’t match you, then your excellence has been proved. Such facts explain the problem best. method!"

Lin Hang couldn't help secretly tweeting. As the highest person in charge of cultivating elites in the Chinese Army, Mr. Jiang is really good at preaching. It was a simple test like this. Before it started, Mr. Jiang could say so. By the way, Lin Hang really opened his eyes.

Lin Hang also smiled and replied at this time, "Yes, Brother Jiang and Sister Hua, don't you know me? I'm not eager to compete, so you don't have to put too much emphasis on this competition! We are just going to be friendly. I only made this request based on my self-confidence. But each of you, is not so confident in yourself? Therefore, the result of this competition, we can’t predict. We just need to put our best in the competition, it doesn’t really matter whether we win or lose!"

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