I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 143

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:24:44 AM

Chapter 143: Demon

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And Guo Xiaoquan's "Absorption" ability can absorb spiritual power for his own use and supplement it to his teammates. This ability may not be so strong in heads-up, because he lacks the means of offense, but in such a group, the role is revealed. During the test, whether it was Lin Hang or the spirit power of the eight of them, he could absorb it, and then feed it back to the other seven. This not only strengthens himself, but also weakens Lin Hang's recovery in disguise, because The spiritual power between heaven and earth will be much less. When the time comes, when one is going down and the other is up, Lin Hang wants to win, and his hope is really slim.

After everyone's discussion and speeches, Wu Bufan had no objections and agreed to Jiang Huacong's strategy. At this time, half an hour was almost up. The eight of them packed up and rushed to the competition venue prepared by Wang Lao.

When they rushed to the east side of the field, they found that besides Wang Lao and others and Lin Hang, there were also some elite disciples of the same period. They were surrounded by the outer circle of the field, obviously waiting for the start of the competition.

Seeing the eight people coming over, Mr. Wang called Lin Hang to come together, and said, "Aren’t you going to try? We thought, these little rascals are fine, so let them come over and take a look. More insights!"

Lin Hang said, "No, teacher, we didn't say this at first! If I lose the competition, it won't be a shame for everyone!"

Old Wang knew that Lin Hang was joking, and by the way, he also said something for Ba Xiaoqiang, so he did not accuse Lin Hang.

Jiang Huacong and others also understood Wang Lao's plan, and they all stated that there was no problem, and it didn't matter if they won or lost, they just treated it as a performance for other elite disciples.

Elder Jiang stepped forward and said, "Before this starts, I will introduce you to the general rules. We temporarily planned the venue for the competition. The venue is a circle with a diameter of one kilometer. If someone leaves this circle, it will be eliminated. .You can use all means when you are in the competition, but remember one thing, don’t hurt the opponent’s life! Although the old guys of us are watching from the sidelines, no one can be sure that they will be able to react between the flashing stones. So, remember Staying here is just a competition. Don’t be too serious about it. You are all the pillars of China, and we can’t afford any loss!”

Lin Hang and Ba Xiaoqiang both bowed and bowed, and agreed to the rules that Jiang Lao said.

After everyone was ready, they came to the center of the circle planned by Wang Lao and others, separated by a distance of tens of meters. After saluting each other, the announcer game officially started.

As soon as Lin Hang came up, he planned to test the newly acquired ability, so he didn't teleport away, but waited in place for the eight small strong to attack.

Lin Hang had copied all the abilities of the Eight Xiaoqiang, so he also had some research on their offensive methods and team cooperation. He knew that the eight Xiaoqiang's main attackers were Hu Lingfeng and Jiang Huacong, one foreman and one for the other, with the assistance of others. If they face it alone, there is basically no room to fight back. Lin Hang was also about to see the unique cooperation of the Eight Small Teams, and only then gave up his advantage. Anyway, the refund can be defended. Now, let's wait and see.

Seeing Lin Hang's reaction, Eight Xiaoqiang looked at each other and started their preparations.

Jiang Huacong and Zhao Gang directly activated the transformation of their abilities, and their figures soared more than twice. They roared and rushed towards Lin Hang. Huazhi and Hu Lingfeng stood by on the flanks, just waiting for Lin Hang to reveal his flaws under the attack of the two Jiang Huacong, before launching a thunderous blow.

Looking at the momentum of Jiang Huacong and Zhao Gang, Lin Hang couldn't help but nodded secretly. After entering the mid-stage of Qi training, their enhanced abilities have also been greatly strengthened. "Beastmaster Madness" and "Vajra Body" really show their power. Faced with such a mighty two, Lin Hang naturally didn't want to take it hard, and instantly summoned a few thick vines, and entangled them under their feet.

At this time, the gap between Jiang Huacong and Zhao Gang appeared. Facing Lin Hang's enhanced version of the vine, Jiang Huacong was basically not hindered by much, and easily broke the vine and moved on. However, Zhao Gang was a little unable to lift his feet. "Diamond Body" itself focused on defense. In the face of soft vines, his strength was not enough to break the vines directly, so he was restrained in place, struggling hard.

Zhao Gang was temporarily restrained, so at this time, there was only one Jiang Huacong left in front of Lin Hang. Of course, everyone understands that this is only the first wave of probing attacks. Jiang Huacong also wants to see Lin Hang's response. Is it to leave directly, or launch a large-scale offensive? Jiang Huacong looked forward to it a little, because no matter which way, their team had already prepared the way to deal with it, just waiting for Lin Hang to make a decision, and then implement the plan.

The corners of Lin Hang's mouth were slightly raised. He didn't leave the place, nor did he perform a wide range of attacks. Instead, he raised his hand to reveal a two-meter-long condensed version of "Psychic Cudgel". Standing the stick behind him, his right hand hooked Jiang Huacong.

Li Yuluo in the rear frowned. Judging from Lin Hang's actions, he did not avoid Jiang Huacong's fierce offensive and was ready to fight Jiang Huacong in a close fight? Does Lin Hang have other preparations?

When Li Yuluo was about to speak to make Jiang Huacong retreat, Hu Lingfeng stretched out his hand to signal Li Yuluo and said, "Yuluo, I know that it is the best choice to make Lao Jiang retreat now, but Lin Hang has faintly become Lao Jiang’s inner demon. Now! If you retreat this time, it will be a big blow to Lao Jiang’s mental cultivation! So, let him and Lin Hang have a good fight this time! Even if we lose in the end, Lao Jiang’s heart It won’t be so tight anymore. After all, after doing all you can, no regrets will be left!

Li Yuluo hesitated for a while, after all, he didn't speak, because no matter what Jiang Huacong chose in his heart, the seven of them would unconditionally obey Li Yuluo's command on the court, a habit formed for a long time. Li Yuluo thought for a while, and decided to listen to Hu Lingfeng's suggestion and let Jiang Huacong and Lin Hang fight in close hands. The seven of them could stand by at any time to meet Jiang Huacong, and at the same time be ready to challenge the relay.

Lin Hang's choice is also based on his own considerations. After several months of cultivation, Lin Hang has not only improved his spiritual power cultivation base. As a half-human and half-witched existence, Lin Hang's physical potential is very large, and the improvement is even higher than his spiritual power cultivation base.

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