I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 144

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:24:43 AM

Chapter 144: fantasy

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Lin Hang knew in his heart that his special physique was destined to stand in front of everyone in the human race in the future. Therefore, he cannot allow himself to have shortcomings. In the past few months, in addition to cultivating "The Flesh Chapter" and increasing his physical strength, Lin Hang also asked the predecessors of "Candle World" for some melee skills. Because Lin Hang has always been interested in the original copy of "Psychic Cudgel", he specially learned a set of cudgel method called "The Qitian Cudgel Method", created by the younger generations of the Wu clan who admired Qitian Great Sage Although the stick technique has nothing to do with the legendary one, it is the most suitable for training the foundation.

Lin Hang's current physical body is one step closer to catching up with the spiritual power cultivation base. It is the physical body in the mid-stage of Qi training. He knows that the current physical strength is no longer lost to Jiang Huacong, and coupled with the new practice of a stick method, he naturally wants to fight. Check it out.

Jiang Huacong is not a simple-minded person either. He understands that Lin Hang's ability to be so calm, holding a stick in place to fight, definitely has the confidence he doesn't know. But as Hu Lingfeng said, he has no retreat. If he retreats this time, the road of cultivation in the future will definitely be very bumpy, and the progress of improvement will become slower and slower. This is not the result he wants.

Jiang Huacong gave a deep cry, inspiring the characteristics of his own supernatural power-madness, his body doubled once again, and he hit Lin Hang with a punch.

Lin Hang nodded secretly. The power of Jiang Huacong’s punches can be said to have reached his own peak level, but this is not what is terrifying, but the power of every punch during his madness. The tireless offensive, few people can withstand the power of Jiang Huacong during this period of time.

Lin Hang chuckled and said, "Good come!" He escaped Jiang Huacong's punch, swept away the psychic stick in his hand and hit Jiang Huacong's left arm directly. Jiang Huacong didn't dodge. The crazy Jiang Huacong, the best way to play is to trade small injuries for big ones. When he resists the attack of others, it is also his opportunity to seize the opponent's action.

Jiang Huacong snorted and did not hesitate. Lin Hang tried his best to grow old. Although Jiang Huacong was surprised by Lin Hang's strength, he did not flinch, and reached out to grab the psychic stick in Lin Hang's hand. Naturally, Lin Hang would not let Jiang Huacong succeed. After months of hard training, he would naturally not fail to face such a situation.

Lin Hang exerted force with his right hand and pulled the psychic stick back, and then pushed it back on the end of the stick, and then directly stepped forward and pressed it against Jiang Huacong's chest. Rao is a big man like Jiang Huacong now, but he was repelled three steps. Jiang Huacong patted his chest, did not suffer much damage, and continued to fight with Lin Hang.

When Lin Hang and Jiang Huacong were fighting, Li Yuluo carefully analyzed the situation on the court. After a while, she said, "In my opinion, the battle between Lin Hang and Hua Cong should not be so fast now. The winner is divided. The current situation is equivalent to Hua Cong dragging Lin Hang, although I don’t know why Lin Hang didn’t use his many abilities, but this is our chance! Sister Hua, you sneak into it first Near their battlefield, wait a while to listen to my command, Ling Feng, you and Sister Hua will carry out a surprise attack on Lin Hang! I will let Zhenjun cooperate with you at that time. Lin Hang may be forced out of this situation. If you have a hole card, there is a high probability that it will be directly transmitted in space, temporarily avoiding the edge. At this time, Ling Feng, you can follow him closely, and fight Hua Cong for a long time, the consumption of spiritual power is bound to be not small, we do not give him a chance to breathe, After Ling Feng entangled him, the other few of us can move closer to him, rely on our team advantage, and grind him to death! It is best to force him to break through the suppression of strength. In this case, even we In the end, we lost, even though we lost."

Li Yuluo nodded and agreed to the next arrangement. And Guo Xiaoquan in the corner has been absorbing the spiritual power spilled from the battlefield, and constantly replenishing it into the bodies of Jiang Huacong and Zhao Gang in front.

Lin Hang and Jiang Huacong are still fighting hard. Jiang Huacong activates the abilities plus the madness effect, and his body still suppresses Lin Hang steadily. Lin Hang can deal with him, still relying on the hard practice of stick skills and Wu Bufan With the blessing of "Somatosensory", we can have the current situation. But he knew that this kind of battle would not last forever, and the other people next to him were not furnishings. Lin Hang observed that Huazhi suddenly disappeared from his sight, and Hu Lingfeng and Wu Bufan were also ready to go. He knew that the eight small strong offensive was coming soon!

Following Li Yu's order, Hu Lingfeng suddenly disappeared in place, and appeared behind Lin Hang in the next instant, with the dagger in his hand piercing the back of Lin Hang's heart fiercely. Jiang Huacong reacted very quickly, using his arms to force, he firmly grasped Lin Hang's psychic stick.

Li Yuluo laughed. The cooperation between Hu Lingfeng and Jiang Huacong was at its peak. Although they did not discuss in advance, they still worked out a perfect cooperation with years of tacit understanding. Now, it depends on how Lin Hang responds.

Just as Hu Lingfeng's dagger hit the spot, only a "ding" was heard, and another dagger suddenly appeared, blocking the front of Hu Lingfeng's dagger, making it impossible to move forward. Lin Hang took the opportunity to disperse and psychic The stick quickly withdrew and backed away, leaving a distance of about 20 meters.

Everyone on the field, including the seniors who watched the battle, showed a look of surprise. They couldn't believe the situation in front of them. It was no one else who blocked Hu Lingfeng's dagger. Seeing that Huazhi's eyes were slightly hollow, she withdrew her dagger, and directly fought with Hu Lingfeng.

The old Ye outside the court said hesitantly, "Old Jade, Lin Hang uses your Jade family's ability "Fantasy"? But, how can there be such a different effect?"

Old Yu said with a wry smile, "Don't say you, I'm not sure, because we have always only created illusions and confuses our opponents, but looking at the appearance of the little girl Huazhi, it is clear that Lin Hang has briefly controlled her. This also makes me a little hard to understand!"

On the other side, Wang Lao laughed. Others didn't know what was going on, but he understood the reason.

After Lin Hang copied "Fantasy" from Yudieyi, he also carefully studied this ability, and found that the power of this ability is that mental power has a considerable increase in power. Opponents can easily make people fall into illusions, and when the gap is really big, they can also control others for a short period of time for their own use.

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