I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 145

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:24:42 AM

Chapter 145: Admit defeat

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The reason why Yu Lao and others were puzzled was that Lin Hang and Hua Zhi were of the same generation, and their spiritual power would not have such a big difference. Lin Hang was able to control Huazhi, which really surprised them.

Wang Lao looked at his proud disciple in the field and said with a smile, "Hang'er is not a talent, and his mental power has reached the level of the initial stage of foundation building. It is only a little worse than the few of us. I see that girl Huazhi , But it’s just entering the mid-stage of Qi training. Hang'er’s mental power is more than ten times higher than her. It is naturally not a problem to control her for a short time. Now, the truly exciting duel is coming, let’s enjoy it!"

Several old people were surprised. Lin Hang's spiritual power cultivation was enough to make them squeak, and now they know that spiritual talent is actually stronger than spiritual power! They all shook their heads, knowing where Lin Hang's confidence and confidence came from. If they didn't dare to choose eight, then what else would they do for cultivation?

After Li Yuluo and others were shocked for a while, they immediately reacted, Jiang Huacong directly stepped forward, and together with Hu Lingfeng, suppressed Huazhi's attack. Li Yuluo hurriedly stepped forward and injected her spiritual power into Huazhi's body, releasing Lin Hang's control.

Huazhi woke up and looked at the concerned teammates on the side, remembering what had just happened, and said with shame, "I'm sorry everyone! Blame me, let us lose such a good opportunity!"

Li Yuluo waved her hand and said comfortingly, "Sister Hua, don't blame you! We didn't know that Lin Hang actually had this method. Next, you should stop doing it. Lin Hang chose you. It must be the reason Seeing that your spiritual cultivation base is the weakest, then, you will join Bufan first and wait for the opportunity to move in the back! Just leave the battlefield here to us!"

Huazhi nodded and turned back to Wu Bufan's side, while Li Yuluo turned around, facing Lin Hang, Jiang Huacong and Hu Lingfeng stood right behind him.

Li Yuluo said, "Lin Hang, I admit that we still underestimate you when we know you! Next, we won't have any reservations, so please be careful!"

Before Lin Hang could answer, Hu Lingfeng came to Lin Hang in an instant and launched an offensive directly against Lin Hang. Lin Hang had no choice but to take out a dagger to fight. Jiang Huacong and Zhao Gang, who broke free from the shackles, also looked for Lin Hang's flaws from different directions, waiting for opportunities.

With the cooperation of several people, Lin Hang gradually felt the pressure. However, he did not flicker and leave as Li Yuluo expected. Instead, he took a step back, folded his hands together, and uttered a soft "Stop~!". As soon as the voice fell, Hu Lingfeng felt like his whole person was frozen. Both power and mental power are stagnant and unable to function. While he was still struggling, he only felt a huge impact, and Hu Lingfeng was forced out of the battle circle by Lin Hang!

Everyone didn't react to this sudden change in the field. They didn't know what method Lin Hang used. Hu Lingfeng stood upright on the spot, not avoiding Lin Hang's impact.

Seeing this situation, Elder Jiang asked, "Lao Wang, Lin Hang uses space confinement? But isn't the effect of spatial confinement at the same level very weak? The same spiritual power cultivation base in the middle stage of Qi training, that child Ling Feng There is no way to resist in the same place, right?"

Old Wang nodded and said, "As you said, space confinement does not have such a great power. Lin Hang should have gotten a new opportunity in "Candle World". No wonder this kid is so looking forward to a competition. He regards these eight little guys as sharpening stones! Lin Hang must have mastered several new combat methods and skills, only then will he continue to experiment and see the effect in actual combat. , The effect is very good. The situation on the court is already very unfavorable for these eight little guys. Their chance of winning today is very slim."

With the voice of the old Wang, Lin Hang has launched a counterattack. Lin Hang squatted with his right leg and slapped his hands on the ground. In an instant, dozens of stone walls stretched out from the ground, separating the remaining seven people in the field. Numerous vines spread all over the stone wall, making the remaining seven. Xiaoqiang is tired of coping and cannot support each other.

With the passage of time, Lin Hang's spiritual power has not yet been exhausted. Jiang Huacong, who was struggling with the vine, suddenly remembered what Lin Hang said in the United States: "I have copied all your abilities!". Thinking about it now, what Lin Hang was referring to was not only Jiang Huacong and Hua Zhi's abilities, but the other eight Xiaoqiang, including Guo Xiaoquan, had their abilities registered with Lin Hang. Therefore, Lin Hang also has the ability to "absorb", which is the reason why so many stone walls and vines can be maintained, and spiritual power can still be maintained.

Jiang Huacong has always believed that the eight small strong team he is in is invincible, the cooperation of abilities is very reasonable, and each member is a talented existence. Before meeting Lin Hang, he couldn't think of anyone who could stand in front of their team. And now, Jiang Hua is clever and white, and the combination of his own abilities of the eight people is indeed invincible.

At this point, Lin Hang didn't keep his hands anymore, and the vines wrapped around the seven people suddenly burst into violent suction, frantically absorbing the spiritual power in their bodies and supplementing their own consumption. Among the few people present, except Jiang Huacong and Hua Zhi who understood what happened, the others were shocked by Lin Hang again.

Li Yuluo felt bitter in her heart. Before the match, they were full of confidence, and made corresponding plans and preparations for Lin Hang's fighting style and characteristics. Unexpectedly, Lin Hang gave them wave after wave of shock. Sure enough, the competition Lin Hang spoke of was really just a competition. Because if there is a real fight between life and death, Li Yuluo understands that they will be worse than the current situation!

After losing Hu Lingfeng, who was the most mobile, no one was able to pin down Lin Hang, and Lin Hang's current strategy, Li Yuluo knew that they had no hope of victory.

Li Yuluo couldn't see the other team members, so she could only say loudly, "Brother Lin Hang, please stop! We gave up this time!"

When Lin Hang heard this, he did not care about the reactions of the other people, waved away the vines and the earth wall on the ground, and squatted on a big tree, smiling and looking at the eight who came together again. Xiaoqiangs.

Wu Bufan was a little unconvinced, and walked to Li Yuluo's side and said, "Yu Luo, why did you admit defeat? I haven't exerted any strength yet. We will spend it with him. When his spiritual power is exhausted, it will be enough to counterattack. , Why give up?"

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