I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 146

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:24:40 AM

Chapter 146: Shock

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Jiang Huacong said, "It's extraordinary, Yu Luo's decision is correct! If you don't believe it, just ask Lao Guo. The situation you envisioned will not happen at all. It will only be us who will be killed first! "

Wu Bufan said in disbelief, "How is it possible? He created such a large venue alone while dealing with the seven of us, such a huge consumption, I don't believe he can sustain it for a long time! In the end, Lin Hang will either play his own training. The strength of the late Qi stage can only be dragged to death by us! Lao Guo, you said, right?"

Guo Xiaoquan stepped forward and said with a wry smile, "It's extraordinary, you really think too much! After these soil walls were erected, I felt something was wrong. Originally, Lin Hang cast a spell on such a large area, there would be a lot of spillage between the world and the earth. Spiritual power is right. But the strange thing is that I didn’t feel a trace of spiritual power, including your spiritual power, and I couldn’t absorb it. I don’t know what method Lin Hang used, but I guess these spiritual power should They were all recycled and used by him! And, I don’t know if you have paid attention. When his vines restrain us, the spiritual power in our body will be slowly absorbed, but we are all using spiritual power and struggling hard at the time. , So I didn’t pay attention to this detail. Thinking about it now, our strategy has failed from the beginning. Lin Hang is definitely not the one who will be defeated by consumption!"

Several other people who hadn't noticed this all thought about it carefully and found that Guo Xiaoquan's words were very reasonable, and there was indeed such a slight absorption power at that time.

At this time, Li Yuluo said, "Our estimate of Lin Hang is still too low! His abilities are changeable and we can't limit it at all! Let's not be too frustrated, at least we have proved it. , Have the spirit to dare to challenge. Hua Cong, you don’t have to be discouraged by this matter, some people are born like this, we have no way to decide, we can only continue to work hard and work hard! The most important thing is, as long as you do yourself well, everything There is nothing to regret!"

Facing the eight Xiaoqiang post-war discussions, Lin Hang, Wang Lao and others did not bother. In their view, it is very important to be able to summarize the problems and discover them by themselves. Leave this time to them, and it will also allow them to grow better.

Jiang Huacong nodded, and his desire to improve his strength became stronger.

Jiang Huacong and the other seven people turned around together, sailed to the forest on the tree, and said, "Thank you brother Lin for your teaching today! Indeed, our practice during this period of time has increased a lot of unrealistic confidence in ourselves. Especially It’s me, knowing your true strength, Brother Lin, and thinking of being able to defeat you, I’m really overwhelmed! This competition is still very meaningful, it allows us to recognize ourselves, and the future will be more down to earth. One step at a time, it won't be so high!"

Lin Hang hurriedly jumped off the tree, bowed in a respectful way, and said in a deep voice, "You don't have to do this! I'm just trying out new insights below, and I don't mean to educate you! The test just now made me understand. Everyone, during this period of time, there is really no wastage. I can see that your strength has been greatly improved. I also believe that you will definitely become the pillars of our China in the future!"

At this time, Wang Lao and others came up with a smile, and Jiang Lao said, "You know now that there are people outside the world and there are heaven and heaven! If it hadn't been for Lin Hang to teach you a lesson today, some of you would be afraid It’s getting more and more floating, and in the end I don’t know who I am! Today is also a reminder for you. The strict requirements for yourself are naturally indispensable, but more importantly, you must have a clear understanding of yourself and don’t look too high. If you think about everything, you can go further, you know?"

Eight Xiaoqiang all responded respectfully, and Jiang Huacong said, "Mr. Jiang, Mr. Wang, a few of us are ready to go back to review our own problems, so we won't stay here any longer! Hope next time, when you call us again, We can hand in your answers to your satisfaction!"

Old Wang nodded and said, "Okay! This is what the elites of our military should be like! Go back, your own cultivation is important, but you still have to constantly hone your skills and fighting spirit so that you can better play. Own strength!"

As Ba Xiaoqiang left, Lin Hang was also stared at by several old people, making him a little hairy for a while.

Lin Hang touched his head and said with a smile, "Teacher, several seniors, what are you doing looking at the kid like this? Is there anything on the kid's face?"

Elder Yu spoke first, and said, "Good, you Lin Hang! How come you got our Yu family's ability unknowingly? Do you have any thoughts about my granddaughter!"

Lin Hang grew his head when he heard this, and hurriedly said, "What's the matter? The kid did get Yu's "Fantasy" ability by chance, but I promise, he just shook hands with Yudieyi. Nothing, there is absolutely no other action!"

Elder Ye interjected at this moment, "Lin Hang, ignore him, I am more curious, what method did you use, Jiang Na and Hu Lingfeng stayed in place? Do you know that we old guys are also very knowledgeable It's so wide, I can't see what moves you are using, and even your teacher can't be sure, but you tell us, we also have a long experience!"

Lin Hang hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Don't say that! I met a senior in "Candle World". He has a very high talent for time. After losing his ancestral heritage, he abruptly comprehended time. The ability to be still. This senior also saw that I was predestined and handed this skill to me. Just now, I used the ability to be still for this time to immobilize the unprepared Hu Lingfeng, and then sent him out of the competition venue."

Hearing this, the old Wang on the side said in shock, "Time is still?! Hang'er, you really have a good chance! As a teacher, he has been carrying the power of time for many years in the middle of the foundation building. Just a little bit of mastery of the flow of time. You can directly master it now, which is really good!"

Lin Hang said embarrassedly, "Teacher, it's actually not as strong as you think. Although time is still more domineering than space, but when using the same level, I find that there is only less than one second to control time. In actual combat, it works. It's not as big as I imagined. According to my current strength, compared to my higher level, it has no effect, only a little slowing down.

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