I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 148

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:24:08 AM

Chapter 148: Ye Guangyuan's confusion

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Hearing this, Lin Hang replied respectfully, "Okay, then I will trouble you the chief priest! The kid will come back in a few days, and I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer by then!"

The high priest smiled and said, "Lin Hang, don't worry! Since it's such an urgent matter for you, I will definitely try my best to help you find information. You should go back and practice with peace of mind. I will naturally notify you of any news!"

Lin Hang nodded, and after bidding farewell to the high priest, he returned to his room. Before he could rest for a while, two people came to him.

Looking at the two directly sitting down after coming in, Lin Hang said with a smile, "Guangyuan, Brother Tian, ​​what did you two say today? Come to me together? Seeing how you look, it won’t be anything wrong. Look for me!"

Tian Dayong poured a cup of tea on his own, drank it, and said with a smile, "Lin Hang, Guangyuan and I heard that you had a trial against the eight small strong in the army and won easily? So it seems that you have It's surpassing my old Tian! It's really amazing, Lin Hang, how many days have you been cultivating, and let people not live!"

Ye Guangyuan on the side also smiled and said, "That's right, Lin Hang, you don't treat us as brothers too much! Everyone said that we would become stronger together, but you quietly threw away all of us. It's really not enough. Meaning!"

Lin Hang and Tian Dayong Ye Guangyuan hadn't seen each other for some days. They didn't know that they had come here today to make fun of him, but they hadn't seen each other for a long time and just came to get together.

Lin Hang replied with a smile, "Where is it? Don't listen to the news from the outside! Jiang Huacong and I are just a few friendly discussions. We didn't use our full strength and there was nothing to be proud of. But Tian Brother you, I heard that you broke through to the late stage of Qi training not long ago, congratulations!"

Before Tian Dayong entered "Candle World", he had already reached the level of the late acquired day. This time he chose elite disciples without considering the acquired personnel, but because Tian Dayong is the only disciple of Old Jiang, Lin Hang also has his own considerations. , Which brought him in. After more than six months, Tian Dayong not only perfectly transformed the spiritual power in his body, and steadily stepped into a new training system, but with the help of Jiang Lao and others, he successfully broke through to the late stage of Qi training. Tian Dayong's breakthrough time is still before Lin Hang, so although he is not young in his grade, his own potential is still very good, and he has not failed Jiang Lao and Lin Hang's painstaking efforts.

Ye Guangyuan smiled and said, "You are both in the late stage of Qi training, and I will be ready to break through and build the foundation in a while. And I, although I took a step first, I still stop at the middle stage of Qi training. I'm afraid, the farther behind, the bigger the gap between me and you!"

Ye Guangyuan did have such troubles these days. He and Lin Hang were the first ones to convert the spiritual energy in the body into spiritual power and embark on a new cultivation path. But now, Lin Hang has entered the late stage of Qi training, and he is side by side with Tian Dayong, and he is still in the middle of Qi training. Seeing these disciples who entered later, they have already broken through to the middle stage of Qi training, and they can't help but become a little impatient.

Tian Dayong usually has a good personal relationship with Ye Guangyuan. During this period, he also keenly felt this problem, so today he took Ye Guangyuan to find Lin Hang. On the one hand, the three of them gathered together, on the other hand, Tian Dayong also wanted Lin Hang to enlighten the guide Ye Guangyuan, not to let such thoughts affect his subsequent practice.

Seeing Tian Dayong winking at himself, Lin Hang understood in his heart.

Lin Hang stepped forward, patted Ye Guangyuan’s shoulder, and said with a smile, “Brother Guangyuan, don’t be too impatient! You know, the progress of your Ye family’s cultivation is like running water, and it’s endless. At the latter level, the more difficult it will be to cultivate! At that time, your aptitude and comprehension will be tested. Moreover, if the opportunity is big enough, you are not without the opportunity to go beyond! As long as you can maintain your state of mind, the future Achievement will never be low. Let’s take a look at Ye Lao. Although he entered the innate realm at the latest among several seniors. But because of this, after he entered the innate, he was out of control, and the progress was still Even and steady, the same is true now when it comes to foundation building. I'm sure that after this period of outbreak, Ye Lao still has the fastest improvement in strength among the seniors. This is the benefit of steady cultivation!"

Ye Guangyuan lowered his head, thoughtful. He remembered what his grandfather Zeng Jin had said to him. The most precious treasure handed down from their Ye family is not a profound school, but a simple and unpretentious ancestral motto: water drops through stone! For so many years, the Ye family has always been the top family in China, relying on the outstanding disciples of each generation to support the Ye family's appearance. When Ye Lao was young, he was not very brilliant in the same generation, but he still broke through to the innate realm by relying on continuous cultivation hard work and persistence.

Ye Guangyuan is actually one of the few disciples of the Ye family with outstanding talents for so many years, so Ye Lao has valued him very much since he was a child. However, even though Ye Guangyuan was impeccable in terms of his character and talent, he was too smooth to practice along the way, so when he encountered some small setbacks, he couldn't do it like his predecessors did. However, once Ye Guangyuan can truly understand the inner meaning of the ancestral instruction and practice it all the way, his achievements will be even better than the many ancestors of the Ye family.

Ye Guangyuan thought for a while, and finally raised his head and said with a smile, "Lin Hang, thank you. During this period of time, I did have a lot of emphasis on cultivation level, and almost forgot our Ye family's ancestor training. Tian. Brother, thank you too. Take me here today, don’t worry, I won’t do this again in the future, I will only see my progress and cultivation situation in the future, let them go with the rest!"

When Lin Hang heard this, he stepped forward and hugged Ye Guangyuan’s neck, hammered Ye Guangyuan’s chest with his right hand, and said with a smile, “Guangyuan, you are too polite! Don’t worry, they are all brothers. We will carry them together in the future. We have set up the banner of China, so let us fight together and move forward together!"

The three chatted for a few more words, and then left each, Lin Hang finally regained his own time to think alone.

Lin Hang remembered what the High Priest said today, during the Qin Emperor period, the existence of other forces coexisting with the human and witch clan. And many of them are hostile forces. If his father came into contact with such a force, he would be able to make sense without returning to China.

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