I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 149

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:23:52 AM

Chapter 149: Yaozu!

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If Lin Jingtian got the chance to break through to the foundation-building period, but accidentally discovered that this force held a great deal of malice against the entire human race. In order to protect Huaxia and the Lin family, Lin Jingtian and the Lin family would cut off contact and leave the boundaries of Huaxia, It's not unreasonable to hide since then.

Lin Hang feels that the direction he guessed is probably correct, but he knows that he can't get any useful information by just thinking about it here alone. Everything has to wait for the high priest to find out. .

For the next two days, Lin Hang practiced with peace of mind, waiting for the high priest's message.

Two days later, Lin Hang received the news from the high priest and came to the hall of the high priest. After arriving, Lin Hang did not see the high priest, but Wang Lao was standing in the middle of the hall, waiting with his hand held down.

Lin sailed in a salute and asked, "Teacher, why are you here? Are you looking for the chief priest for anything?"

Old Wang also replied with a look of confusion, "No, it's just that this early morning, someone notified me that the high priest was looking for me. No, I rushed over in a hurry. But it's you. What's the matter!"

Lin Hang replied, "Teacher, didn't I say last time to find the chief priest to learn about the history of the Qin Emperor? After I asked, the chief priest said that he would go back and read the ancient books, and he came to me today because of this one. Come on!"

The two talked in a low voice while waiting for the arrival of the high priest.

After about a stick of incense, the high priest finally came to the hall.

After arriving, the high priest smiled and said, "You have come so early? I have delayed some things. I made you wait for a long time. Let's sit down. The next thing to say is still a bit long."

The two sat down, waiting for the high priest to speak.

The high priest also sat down slowly, and said, "Lin Hang, the last time you asked me about it, I went back and searched carefully, and I found a lot. I think this is not only about your father, but you Today's Huaxia also has a great relationship, so let your master come and listen."

Lin Hang and Wang Lao both nodded their heads to express their understanding. Lin Hang asked, "Priest, are you a little eye-catching about some of the forces at that time?"

The high priest nodded and said, "Indeed, when I read the ancient books, combined with my own memories, it feels like what you said. It should not be too much to retain the current power. After a review, , I finally locked the target."

Lin Hang asked suspiciously, "Priest, are you saying that you have locked the target? That is to say, there are no other suspects. Is it determined?"

The high priest replied, "Well, I have read all the forces of the Qin Dynasty, including those on our side, or on the side of our opponents. Those who can survive and have the ability to re-birth should be the only one. Up."

Old Wang asked, "Priest, are you talking about the hostile forces of our two clans?"

The high priest nodded and replied, "Well, for a long time, from ancient times to the present, with this strength, and our two peoples and witches have been hostile, only the same ancient race-the monster race!"

The high priest began to introduce the origins of the demon race to Lin Hang, "In ancient times, when the world was first opened, everything was born from chaos. Except for a few well-known innate spirits, the protagonist between the world and the earth was our Wu tribe. Unlike the monster clan. Unlike our witch clan, the composition of the monster clan is very complex. It can be called a monster clan if birds and beasts are capable. Even the noble dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clan are just stronger. That’s it for the monster clan. However, the three of them have never been in the company of the monster clan, so there is no need to be too jealous."

Lin Hang asked suspiciously, "Since these three clans are so strong, why haven't you heard of them?"

The high priest explained with a smile, "Of course, it can only destroy such a powerful race! The protagonist of the first heaven and earth disaster is these three races. At that time, our Wu and Yao races had the same climate. They were not cultivated, so they were just supporting roles. Under the influence of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, these three clans have fought for years and tens of thousands of years. In the end, the vitality of all three clans was greatly injured and they could no longer return to their heyday. Under such circumstances, after the Great Tribulation, our Wu Clan and Monster Clan gradually rose up and became the protagonists between heaven and earth."

The high priest paused, with emotion in his eyes, and said, "But this kind of time is also short, because of the sky, after all, we the witch race and the monster race can't live in peace forever. When we reach the peak, it will usher in The second calamity is also called the Lich's calamity. This calamity is no less tragic than the first. Our twelve ancestor witches of the witch clan, except for the Houtu ancestor witch body incarnation , Maintaining a state of immortality, the remaining eleven ancestral witch adults have all fallen. The two emperors of the monster clan, including their three hundred and sixty road army, were also killed and injured. After the catastrophe, our lich clan It also officially withdrew from the stage of history and can no longer prosper."

Looking at the two of Lin Hang, the high priest laughed and said, "The ancestors in the clan once said that the Lich War is only going to give your human race the protagonist position. Although your human race is nominally It was created by Nuwa, but behind the scenes, the heavens are indispensable. Heaven thought that your human race was a race at his mercy, but he miscalculated. Although your human race was born weak and small, you are very long-term thinking and have a fighting spirit in your heart. It was never lacking, and the following great calamities were all launched by Tian to eliminate the tenacious elements in his eyes. However, after several great disasters, although the human race has yielded some, there is never a shortage of people who dare to resist! It seems that It is the nature retained in the blood of the human race, always pursuing the upward path, even if the memory of the whole race is erased, there will still be a constant awakening of the human race, leading the rebellion of the human race to the rule of heaven. The human race does not want to get anything. It’s just for the freedom of their hearts. They don’t need to be strong, they just want to be able to do what they want. Such an ancestor of the human race is also extremely great and strong!"

Lin Hang and Wang Lao were a little intoxicated. They didn't expect their ancestors to have such a glorious past and unyielding history. It suddenly occurred to them that the current Huaxia people are not the ones whose memories have been erased? But in this era of the end of the law, they still met the Wu Clan, it seems that this time, it is their turn to compete with the sky!

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