I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 15

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:47 AM

Chapter 15: Survival assessment

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After listening to Liu Shijie's words, Liu Chengye's face eased slightly. In fact, he also knew that Liu Tianlin and Zhou Mo must have been completely defeated by such a thing this time, and the enemy would never leave anything behind. The reason for his anger was that the plans that the Liu family had been carrying out for so many years were likely to be exposed, and his heart would inevitably be a little impatient.

Liu Chengye said to everyone in the Liu family, "You are all direct descendants of my Liu family. You must pay attention to it in the future, and you must not make such mistakes again! Our Liu family has been preparing for this plan for so long. Now this is the most important thing. At the juncture, whoever dares to drop me anymore, don't blame me for not being affectionate. Shijie, you are left with the things you just said. You should focus on investigating and do more beautifully."

Liu Shijie nodded and said yes, the people Liu Chengye left behind went upstairs alone.

Liu Shijie waved to the crowd and said, "It's all gone, Tianqi, you stay." After that, he signaled Liu Tianqi to follow him into the study.

"Tianqi, you heard it just now. I am going to let you participate in this training camp. Your task is to contact the disciples sent by the Ye family and see how much their family knows about our plan. This is the most Important! Of course, this is also an opportunity for you, so you must do it beautifully for me, you know?"

Liu Tianqi is the second child of the Liu family. After Liu Tian is dying, he is the oldest of the Liu family. He is different from Liu Tianlin. He doesn't care much about his family status and rights, but he is obsessed with strength.

He nodded calmly and said, "Dad, don't worry."

Soon, three days passed, and Lin Hang arrived at the Ye Family Villa early in the morning. As soon as he arrived at Ye's house, Lin Hang saw a private jet parked on the open space in front of the villa. Ye Guangyuan greeted him and took him onto the plane.

After more than two hours of travel, the plane gradually landed smoothly. Lin Hang got off the plane and looked around, and found that it was a basin surrounded by mountains. It was about the size of two football fields. There were dozens of large and small buildings forming a base. A group of people were standing in front of the base and waiting.

Lin Hang saw that many people had arrived early, and these people gathered in twos and threes. He didn't know anyone, so he simply closed his eyes and rested, waiting for the personnel to arrive.

After more than an hour, Lin Hang heard the sound of gathering, opened his eyes, and gathered towards the base.

There were about fifty people present, and they surrounded four people in a semicircle shape. The four are male and female, and they all wear military uniforms.

Seeing that everyone was there, without naming the names, I saw a majestic man in the middle opening and saying, full of air, "I know you are all here to improve yourself, but our research results are not available to anyone. Only by passing our assessment can we be qualified for the next training."

Seeing everyone starting to whisper in the audience, he shouted, "What is the noise! ​​I know that many of you are from big families and have been accustomed to being dignified since childhood, but this is the China Military Training Camp! Put away your attitude, Here, everything must obey our arrangements, you know?"

Everyone gradually calmed down, and the majestic man in uniform motioned to the female officer next to him to read the rules. The woman stepped forward and said loudly, "In the next ten days, you will enter the mountains behind. Each of you will only have one day's dry food. After ten days, the last ten people will enter the base behind me. Train and eliminate everyone else! During this process, no one will be monitoring your actions, and a watch will be issued to each of you later. If you want to quit halfway, or when your life is threatened , It can be activated. It is a one-time spirit soldier developed by our military. It needs two seconds of activation time. After that, a protective film will be formed, which can withstand the full blow of the acquired strong, and at the same time send a signal, our people will quickly Arrive, take people away. Of course, I need to remind you that our assessment is regardless of life or death, and this spirit soldier also has time to launch, so before you act, think about your own strength and don't be too confident. Although many of you are It is the elite of a big family, but everyone is the same after death. I hope this sentence will not be remembered before you die in the end."

Someone was puzzled and asked, "What if there are more than ten people in the end?"

The female officer sneered, "Didn't understand the rules? We will only accept ten people at most. If there are more than ten in the end, even if it is eleven, I'm sorry, everyone will get out of here!" After that, the four officers turned and entered. The base.

Many people are obviously familiar with such rules. After receiving the necessities, they all found an open space and closed their eyes cross-legged to refresh themselves.

It is the first time that Lin Hang has heard of such an assessment, but he knows that this competition will definitely be fierce. First of all, everyone has only one day's food, which is simply to encourage everyone to grab other people's food, because this will not only get supplies, but also eliminate others by the way. The hardest part is the final hard and fast rule: ten people can only be ten people. This also causes all players to only care about themselves. They must be active in confrontation, otherwise there will be insufficient positive strength, but strong survival ability. In the end, everyone failed. This assessment seems simple, but the actual test is very comprehensive.

Lin Hang saw that many people in the distance had begun to form gangs. This was also human nature. If there were a few reliable teammates, the collective strength would definitely be easier to pass the assessment.

At this time, Lin Hang saw a young figure walking towards him, it was Liu Tianqi.

In fact, after Ye's family and Liu Ruyan's cover up, Lin Hang did not appear in Liu's investigation list, so Liu Tianqi didn't know who Lin Hang was. This time I originally contacted the Ye family disciples to understand the situation. Unexpectedly, it was Lin Hang who had been sent by the Ye family. This was a mistake.

Liu Tianqi smiled and asked, "Hello brother, Liu Tianqi in the Liu family, are you the representative of the Ye family participating in the training camp this time?"

Looking at Liu Tianqi with a gentle smile in front of him, Lin Hang had a hint of alertness in his heart. He didn't show it, and smiled and replied, "Exactly, I don't know what Brother Liu can advise?"

Liu Tianqi's observer, Lin Hang, didn't notice anything wrong. "Does the Ye family know nothing about our Liu family's affairs? The eldest brother's affairs have nothing to do with the Ye family?" Liu Tianqi thought in her heart.

Liu Tianqi said, "No, no, I think you are alone now and will be assessed tomorrow. Do you want to consider joining my team, the talents of the Ye family, I believe my teammates will be happy to have you join."

Liu Tianqi was going to woo Lin Hang for the time being so that he could observe it secretly, and if he found any clues when necessary, he could also react accordingly. After all, Lin Hang was under his nose.

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