I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 151

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:23:50 AM

Chapter 151: Strong and weak

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Lin Hang was shocked in his heart, and said, "Priest, you mean the Sanqing and the Second Western Buddha, the five of them proclaimed and sanctified on the same day?"

Lin Hang was not surprised at this incident. Hearing from the high priest said that Nu Wa had walked her own path and used a lot of merits, and only then succeeded in proving that, other latecomers could not copy this path. However, there is no one in the Sanqing and the Western Two Buddhas, and they are proving the Dao on the same day. I don't know what great opportunity it is to achieve five people at the same time.

The high priest nodded in sympathy, and said, "When I heard the seniors talk about this period of history, I felt the same as you. These five innate gods can be said to be the top group, although they I also referred to Nuwa, but saw that this is not a path that suits me, so I gave up decisively, and turned to the method of slaying the three corpses to prove the way. Before the Fifth Holy Day, all five of them were on this road. I've walked most of the distance, just the last step. On the day of the Fifth Holy Day, one of the three Qings, Taiqing Moral Tianzun, was the first to feel and understood the key to his own way. He immediately swore an oath. , The loud voice spread throughout the entire prehistoric land: "I am too moral, and today’s prehistoric testimony, starting from today, I will teach Liren, I will be the leader of the people’s religion, and all races can be protected by me to teach the Fa!’ As soon as it fell, the heaven and the earth felt it, and directly gave a ray of merit, so that the moral gods took the last step, proving the way and sanctifying!"

"The leader of the human religion?" Lin Hang asked suspiciously, "Priest priest, since this moral **** is the leader of the human religion, why has our human race never felt his existence?"

The high priest shook his head and said, "In fact, it's not what you think. Although in fact, the old man of the moral **** only uses the human race to take the last step, but he did teach the human race for a while. Because of this enlightenment, the human race has officially entered a stage of vigorous development, and the powerful understanding of the human race has also begun to show, and other races have gradually noticed."

The high priest continued to introduce, "And after the Tianzun Daoist successfully preached, he inspired several others. Tianzun Yuanshi of the Shangqing Dynasty immediately learned the vow of the Tianzun Moral: "I go to the Yuanshi of the Qing Dynasty, today the predecessor testifies, and today I will make Li to explain and teach , I am the leader of the evangelism, all qualified creatures can come into my door and explain the ultimate truth between the heaven and the earth!' Just as soon as the voice fell, the Yuanshi Tianzun also gained a ray of merit, although it is slightly inferior to the moral Tianzun, But it also allowed him to take the last step and become holy on the spot! Yuqing Lingbao Tianzun was one step behind, and said: "I am Yuqing Lingbao, today the prehistoric testifies, and today I use Lijie Jiao, I will be the interception. Master, intercept the ray of life between the day and the earth! The world’s creatures, who have the heart to seek the truth, can enter my door, there is no kind of teaching!” With the oath falling, Lingbao Tianzun also succeeded in proving to be holy. And the situation of the two Western Buddhas , There are some differences."

Lin Hang asked, "What is the difference between them? If it's just the last step, just imitate the previous Sanqing and create a sect. Can't it succeed?"

The high priest shook his head and said, "How can it be that simple? Although Sanqing swore on the same day and founded their respective sects, this is the ideal in their hearts. The moral heaven advocates the rule of inaction, so he has always allowed human freedom. Development. And Yuanshi Tianzun advocates the supremacy of aptitude. Only with strong aptitude can he advance in the path of cultivation. Therefore, his disciples are all those with outstanding aptitude. The last Lingbao Tianzun has a broad mind, advocating that there is no kind of education, intercepting the world. Therefore, there are many disciples in the school. Every time the lecture is opened, the scene is extremely magnificent, and it is called "The Dynasty of Ten Thousand Immortals"! They Sanqing founded their own sects according to their own ideas, which conformed to the rules of heaven and earth. Only then can they help them break through the shackles and prove to be holy. If the two Western Buddhas simply imitate without their own beliefs, they will not succeed."

Lin Hang chuckled and said, "Then since you said that the two of them are also the second of the five sacreds of this day, then it was naturally successful. I don't know what method they used?"

The high priest also replied with a smile, "Since the two Buddhas in the West have been practicing together, they have a close relationship. When they noticed that the Sanqing proclaimed the Dao together, they swore together: "I see the West. Barren, I want to establish a Western religion, and I are the two leaders of the Western religion, and I will save all the destined people in the world!' When this statement comes out, the world is also impressed, but the merits are only enough to attract the Taoists to prove the Tao. And this is the key. At that time, the Taoist Zhunti also understood his mission. He immediately said: "I have made 48 ambitions today! I am willing to do all the suffering for the world, and the suffering of the world will not be eliminated in one day, and I will not become a Buddha in a day!" After that, the Daoist Zhunti finally succeeded in proving the Dao. So far, the Sanqing and the two Western Buddhas all proclaimed the Dao and became holy. This day is also called the "Five Holy Day" by later generations."

Lin Hang opened his mouth wide. He didn't expect that the quasi-said Taoist actually proclaimed the Tao by issuing aspirations. This is equivalent to spending in advance. After getting things in hand, he will slowly repay his debts in the future. Lin Hang can't help but sigh. , This quasi-speaking Taoist is also a ruthless person, who can actually come up with such a way to prove the Tao, he is indeed a person of great wisdom.

As if he knew Lin Hang's thoughts, the high priest said with a smile, "Lin Hang, are you thinking about this last prospective Taoist?"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Priest, I am really thinking, you said that although these five sages proclaimed the Dao on the same day, they also have different order and methods. Do they have the same strength?"

The high priest explained, "Actually, for us, there is no difference between saints. They are all immortal existences. But according to the ancestral home, the ancestors also have their own views on them. Because we are the twelve ancestors of the witch race. The witch is the closest to the existence of the saints, so they also left a judgment on the strength of the six saints. According to the ancestors, the strongest of the six saints is the Taiqing Moral Tianzun, followed by the Shang Qing Yuan Shi Tianzun, Yuqing Lingbao Tianzun, and Western religion’s enlightenment Taoist, the four of them are not very different in strength, and it is difficult to tell the winner. But the **** Nuwa is a pure demonstration of merit, so the magic power and perception are both It is the weakest of the six, but because of innate merit and protection, there is no need to fight. The last quasi-tutor, although he barely succeeded in proving the Dao, is destined to lag behind the others because of the existence of forty-eight ambitions. , If the ambition is not fulfilled in one day, the strength will not be improved."

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