I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 152

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:23:34 AM

Chapter 152: War of the Lich

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Having said this, the high priest continued, “After the six saints appeared on the wild land, according to the ancestors, it seemed that certain conditions were met. The six saints can interfere with the rules of the wild to a certain extent, of course, the premise is that they do not violate the way of heaven. Therefore, in the following period, Tiandao will live in a high place, and the six saints can touch the existence of his decree. The entire land is respected by strength, and the six saints are naturally in the most respected position. Up."

Lin Hang understood the meaning of the high priest and said, "Then what you mean is that after the six saints preaching, every catastrophe of heaven and earth is done by the six saints under the arrangement of heaven? Everything is arranged behind the scenes, and the six saints are just people who help him?"

The high priest smiled bitterly and said, "In fact, according to a certain aspect, this is the case. Although we can't understand their state of affairs, they have played an important role in every major disaster. It is difficult for us not to connect them with Tiandao. Therefore, if there is a chance in the future, Lin Hang, you must be careful with them!"

Lin Hang asked in surprise, "Priest, you mean, how many of them are still there?"

The high priest laughed and said, "Of course, the saint is an immortal existence, how can it not exist? Just like our ordinary witches or human races, as long as they reach the realm of earth immortality, the longevity is basically It can be called endless, not to mention their sages who are difficult to hurt by all methods? It’s just that after the great change of heaven and earth, we are just a piece of cosmic light wandering in the outside world. As for the real world where the primordial land is located, we have not yet contacted Qualifications."

The high priest looked at Lin Hang with a puzzled look, and said with a smile, "I will tell you about the fragments of Eternal Light. Let's go back to the original question! After the six saints gave the testimony, they didn't feel that I began to intervene in the affairs of the great land, our Wu Clan and Monster Clan are naturally not as comfortable as before. And our Wu Clan and Monster Clan are really facing catastrophe, and we have to talk about the Nuwa who repairs the sky. My ancestors of the Wu Clan work together. After crashing into Buzhou Mountain, although the six sages worked together to help Nuwa Empress successfully fill the sky, but the backbone of Buzhou Mountain could never go back. This incident made Tiandao angry and felt that we Wu Clan were in the wild land. These years are a bit too presumptuous and lawless, and the leaders of the monster race Dijun and Taiyi are also people who have never respected the destiny, and are also a thorn in the eyes of the heavens. The heavens arranged secretly, combined the power of the six saints, and began to provoke us witch The battle between the clan and the monster clan."

The high priest paused and continued, "In fact, at this stage, our witch race and the monster race have developed very well because of the division and rule. According to the records of our ancestral books, the twelve ancestor witches of our witch race can naturally arrange A set of formations, called the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals of the Gods, if the Twelve Ancestor Witches are combined, they can summon the phantom of the Great God of Pangu, and can even fight against the saints in a short time without defeat! And the monster race is not easy After consulting the Great God Fuxi and combining the Hetu Luoshu in Emperor Jun’s hands, Fuxi has developed a set of Zhoutian Star Fighting Array for the Monster Race, which is dominated by three hundred and sixty-five Monster Gods, totaling 129 thousand. Thousands and six hundred great demon formations, and every demon race is holding a star banner. Between movement and stillness, the momentum is huge, and this formation is just slightly inferior to our full version of the twelve capital gods of the witch race."

Lin Hang nodded and said his own analysis, "Because of this, both Lich races have the confidence and strength to challenge Heavenly Dao, so Heavenly Dao secretly uses means to make the two clans enemy each other and consume each, and finally Come out again to clean up the mess?"

The high priest nodded and said, "During that period, there were six saints covering up the secrets of heaven, and our Wu Clan was not good at deduction, so we were always kept in the dark. Among the Monster Clan, Fuxi has long been Knowing the cause and effect, knowing that it could not be stopped, we simply left the Yaozu and rushed to his sister Nuwa. With the help of several saints, the contradiction between our Wuzu and the Yaozu became more and more intense. With the constant fighting, we finally ushered in the main force of the battle. The so-called soldiers against the soldiers, the generals, the great witch of the Wu clan against the many great monsters of the monster clan, the opponents of the twelve ancestors are naturally the two monsters The legendary emperor and demon master Kunpeng!"

The high priest felt infinite emotion and said, “The Twelve Ancestor Witches have always been pretentious and never submissive. However, in this battle, they lamented the strength of the two emperors of the Monster Race. If it were not for the lack of natural opportunities, these two It is not necessary for the emperor to prove the way to be sanctified! There are only three people on the side of the monster clan, but the twelve ancestor witches are forced to live against. Although they have the most precious blessings, they cannot conceal their light. You know, Di Jiang The ancestor witch and the candle nine yin ancestor witch respectively control space and time. Under their joint hands, the saint is basically invincible, but in the hands of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, there is a companion spirit treasure-the chaos clock! This treasure is of extremely high quality and step into it. In addition to the ranks of Innate Treasures, when the Chaos Bell rings, the abilities of the two Ancestral Witches are completely restricted, and they can no longer affect them anymore. Instead, they have to distract themselves to resist the chaotic bell."

Lin Hang was enthusiastic about being talked about by the high priest, and he wanted to experience that passionate age.

The high priest smiled and continued, "Faced with such a stalemate, both sides of the Lich had to dispatch the final trump card. The Twelve Ancestor Witches joined forces to set up the Twelve Capitals of the Gods in the Great Formation, and many great Witches also joined it. Together they formed the strongest formation of no one before, and summoned the phantom of Father Pangu. Naturally, the demons were not to be outdone. Dijun and Taiyi waved their hands. Hundreds of thousands of demons each took out their stars. The flags formed an extremely complex formation-the Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation. Because of the suppression of Hetu and Luoshu, the power of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation is also infinite."

The high priest looked a little nostalgic, and said, "Actually, in this battle, both sides of the Lich were somewhat unable to hold back. When the battle progressed, they all understood the whole story and vaguely knew the saints' plans. However, for years In the war, the Lich family can no longer live in peace. They can only grit their teeth and continue the war, because if they win, they can continue to develop. If they lose, they can never rise again. Up!"

Lin Hang nodded. The twelve ancestors of the Witch Clan and the two emperors of the Monster Clan are both figures under the sages of the Primordial Land. It is not surprising that they can perceive the abacus of the sages, but after all, they are a bit hard to beat. Make the mistake and go to the end cruelly.

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