I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 154

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:23:14 AM

Chapter 154: Inquiry

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Lin Hang nodded. It is true that after so long, there is no way to determine what the monster race is now, let alone how to find the trace of the monster race.

Lin Hang said, "Priest, you just said that the demon clan of the Qin Emperor's period was born and did you right. I don't know if I can recall it, or discuss it with the elders and see if I can get anything. clue?"

Lin Hang’s proposal is not unreasonable. The chief priest and the chief elder are three people who have lived from the Qin Dynasty. Although at that time, the combat power is not top-notch, they can be entrusted to lead a cave. Their status in the Wu Clan is naturally not very low, so the news in this regard should be very clear. It's just that time has passed for too long, and it's all blurred from memory. If the three of them recall together, they will definitely remember something.

The high priest thought for a while, nodded, and said, "Well, Lin Hang, you are a good method. I am not good at this. I believe that Zhou Shu and Hou Lin, the two old guys, should remember better than me. We I'll contact them later and ask, I haven't contacted them for a while, just to see how they are preparing now."

Lin Hang nodded, and followed the high priest to the room where the treasure of "Candle World"—the Pearl of Time was stored.

While walking on the road, Lin Hang asked curiously, "Priest, were the demons in the Qin Emperor's period very strong? I heard you mentioned that they were crushed by the forces of the human and witch clans. , It seems that the monster race is becoming less and less weatherable!"

This is indeed Lin Hang’s true thoughts. The Human Race and the Witch Clan have achieved unprecedented development during the Qin Dynasty, so that the Qin Emperor has developed the idea of ​​fighting against the Heavenly Dao. It is impossible for the Wu Clan to be unclear about the power of the Heavenly Dao. This idea shows that the strength of the Human Race and the Witch Race at that time has developed very large. For comparison, there is no such situation in the Yaozu. Although they have always followed the ancestral precepts and regarded the Wuzu as the greatest enemy in their lives, their strength has been far thrown away by the Wuzu, otherwise they will not be crushed. Pressure situation.

The high priest shook his head and said, "You are wrong about this! You know, our Wu Clan can compete with the Demon Clan by our powerful innate strength, and the Demon Clan is indeed a race that relies on a huge number of ethnic groups. Before the Lich War, the hundreds of thousands of big monsters and demon gods that formed the Zhoutian Star Fighting formation were all killed and wounded, but there are still many surviving existences. Including the demon master Kunpeng who returned to Beihai, there are many others. Some big monsters exist in the world, but they are different from ordinary monsters. They no longer fight for the monsters, but instead focus on their own cultivation base and the exploration of the great road. Therefore, the monsters’ The cohesion is getting worse, and there are more and more factions. Our Wu clan has always been twisted into a rope, and in so many years of development, even maintained a very good relationship with your human race. The Qin Dynasty fought with us. The monster clan is just one of many demon clan forces. Although the strength cannot be underestimated, it does not cause us much trouble."

Lin Hang was a little surprised. After all, in the description of the high priest, it seemed that the demon master Kunpeng, but there were a few under the saint! Such people still exist in the world, but they don't know what the attitude of these big demons towards the human and witch races is after so many years.

The high priest was also a little worried, and said, "This is what I am more worried about. In the future, our human and witch races, following the will of our bones, will inevitably have contradictions with the sky. This contradiction cannot be reconciled! Under the circumstances, I don’t know what the attitude of these monsters’ great supernatural powers is. They think about the problem not only about race. They will add many factors, including their own avenues and various gains and losses. Anticipating their choice, this is also a big change we will face in the future!"

Thinking of this, the high priest said again, "Just to say this, let me have some other ideas. Our piece of cosmic light is separated from the real world, that is to say, we cannot be sure that it exists in this piece of cosmic light at the same time. Fragmented monster race, which one is it? If it is a monster **** who does not care about world affairs and has a gentle temper, then we will have many opportunities to develop steadily. I am afraid that they are monsters who hate us, humans and witches. Clan, in this case, if we want to continue to develop smoothly, we cannot do so!"

Lin Hang also understood this truth in an instant. Although he was not particularly clear about the meaning of the Universe Light Fragment in the High Priest’s mouth, he vaguely understood it. What is certain now is that there is another force on the Universe Light Fragment they are in. , The most likely is a monster force, the key now is to find out the general details of this force, so that you can also plan the future development direction of the human and the witch.

Lin Hang smiled and said at this time, "Priest, since they haven't appeared in our field of vision for so many years, it means that they have the same limitations as your twelve caves, and maybe they can't affect us temporarily. The outside world. And when the restrictions are truly lifted, your Wu Clan should also be able to enter and exit the cave and return to the world! At that time, we will face them with the same confidence and strength, so we don't need to be so cautious!"

The high priest nodded lightly, and still warned, "Nevertheless, the most important thing at the moment is to step up to figure out their general details. You have to take this matter to heart! We old guys can’t leave the cave. So when you are investigating the trail of your father, you must also find out about this force!"

Lin Hang nodded and responded, and when he looked up, the two had arrived at their destination.

The high priest gently opened the door, and went straight to the long table at the end, holding the treasure of "Candle World"-the Pearl of Time with both hands. Lin Hang felt the Pearl of Time in front of him. As his strength increased, his feeling this time was different from the last time. The Pearl of Time was indeed a rare treasure.

With the spiritual power injected by the high priest, the pearl of time slowly lit up, and the space above slowly formed a light map. The high priest called out the light spots represented by "Emperor Realm" and "Back Realm", Lin Hang Waiting quietly on the side.

It didn't take long for the two light spots to respond, and Lin Hang silently complained that the great elder and the high priest were really fine. When the high priest called for a little bit, the two of them couldn't wait to respond.

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