I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 155

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:23:13 AM

Chapter 155: Fragment of Universe

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Looking at the two figures that appeared almost at the same time, Lin Hang couldn't help but say, "The great elder and the high priest, you two responded really quickly! Is it because they sensed the call of the high priest? So I dare not delay a little bit of effort!"

The high priest gave Lin Hang a blank look and said, "Lin Hang, you dare to make us fun! Zhou Shu, Hou Lin, this time I am looking for you, there is an important thing that I need you to help me remember!"

The two elders and the high priest did not expect that the high priest did not greet each other. They directly stated the purpose of this time, and immediately understood that it is not a simple matter. They straightened their faces and said, "Jane Sister Yue, you say slowly, the two of us will do our best to help you!"

Hou Li also nodded and said, "Well, yes, Zhu Yue, you suddenly came to us. This matter must be very important. Don't worry, we will definitely do our best!"

The high priest nodded and said, "This matter should start with Lin Hang. Lin Hang said that his father broke through to the foundation building period, and it was an earlier event. From this analysis, we should be in the outside world. Forces that I don’t know exist. This time I’m looking for you, just to let you analyze which power is most likely to be. After all, the catastrophe is coming, and we are on this piece of Eternal Light. I know, so this force is an enemy or a friend, and there must be a result!"

After hearing this, both the great elder and the high priest fell into contemplation. After a while, the great elder Zhou Shu said, "Zhu Yue, you also know that we followed the Emperor Qin and failed against the Heavenly Dao at that time. We had no choice but to retreat. In the famous fragment of Zhouguang, therefore, the details of the fragment of Zhouguang have not been investigated in detail. We don't know what forces exist here! So, you have to make us suddenly remember, and there is really no clue. ."

Hou Lin also agreed and said, "Indeed, we are forcibly joining this piece of cosmic light. From a rough investigation before, we only know that this is a planet dominated by humans and witches, but there is something behind it. really do not know."

Hearing this, Lin Hang couldn't help but ask, "Great Elder, what do you mean by this fragment of Zhouguang? Listen to what you mean, it seems that there are multiple different worlds?"

This fragment of Zhouguang has been bothering Lin Hang since the high priest mentioned it. Now that several elders mentioned it again, Lin Hang couldn't help but finally asked.

A smile appeared on the young high priest's face, and he said, "Originally, at your current stage, there is indeed a long way to go before you come into contact with such things, but now that you know it, there is no problem in understanding it in advance. If you want to understand the cosmic light fragments, you must have a certain understanding of our real world, which is the primordial continent. The primordial land is also called the real world. For various reasons, the real world will separate its own fragments. It is split from space, like a gap in a piece of cake, and another is split in time. It may split into a similar world, but the time sequence will be earlier than the real world, and what happened on it It will also follow the trajectory that happened before."

Lin Hang nodded. After all, he is a pure modern man. He has been influenced by modern technology. The introduction by the high priest is relatively easy to understand. Lin Hang already understands that the fragments of the universe are like the concept of a parallel universe, but It’s not the same. All the existence of Cosmic Light Fragments, no matter how they develop, must be behind the real world, and the real world is also the upper world of all Cosmic Light Fragments. Through the advancement of strength, life is on the Cosmic Light Fragments People have the opportunity to travel to the real world, which is also popularly called "Ascension."

Lin Hang said, "Well, I understand what you mean. According to what you said, our place is just a piece of Cosmic Light?"

The high priest nodded and said, "This is indeed a piece of cosmic light, but it is not that simple. Otherwise, the twelve branches of the Wu clan will not choose this place as our development base. Also, don't think there are many. The cosmic light fragments must be very weak. You must know that since the prehistoric age, many great abilities have been separating the real world and turning into their own cultivation caves, and these caves are the first batch of cosmic light fragments. There are many of them, and we can't find their traces, but the real world today is already the absolute realm of the heavens, but the strength is not necessarily comparable to the many powerful caves. So, you just have to keep working hard. , It may not be impossible to make this fragment of Universe Light into an invincible existence!"

Lin Hang understood the meaning of the high priest. Although from the perspective of hierarchy, the major cosmic light fragments are lagging behind the real world, after so many years of development and evolution, the number of separated fragments is countless. Those with supernatural powers are the last cultivation blessings. Including the Kunlun Mountains of the Yuanshi Tianzun, the boundless sea of ​​blood of the ancestors of the Styx River, etc., even the first heaven has left the control of the heavens. Under such circumstances, the great supernatural powers have set up their own Dongfu, and the overall strength of the real world will inevitably drop to a great level, and the current masters of the real world are some human races who surrender to the heavens. They have no upward fighting spirit. There is also no pressure for extinction, so many years have passed, and a real strongman has not been produced. The situation of the ruler human race is still like this, and the other forces are even more unavailable, that is, the great cosmic light fragments headed by the six saints, who still maintain respect for the heavens, otherwise, there are at least ten cosmic light fragments The strength can crush the current real world.

Lin Hang also introduced his father's performance to the two elders. After listening to them, the two elders were lost in thought again.

After a while, the elder said, "Well, your analysis is also very reasonable. Since you dare not appear in front of you, then this power is worth studying! Your father must understand from this power After going through the history of ancient times, I knew that this force was not so friendly to the human race, and for some reasons, he himself couldn’t leave and get rid of it. This created such a scene in these years. We seem to have none of this matter. It’s a great way to help you. You can only find out on your own. What we can do is teach you some small ways to distinguish the monster race."

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