I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 157

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:23:11 AM

Chapter 157: Shock

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Hearing this, Lin Hang still didn't understand, and asked, "Priest, after you have said so much, I still don't understand. What does this have to do with the demonic form you said?"

The high priest gave Lin Hang a white look, and said, "You kid, listen to me! Don't interrupt! Didn't I just say that there will be many different situations in the marriage of different races of monsters? And this is the rarest one. Species are humanoids at birth, but they are still the purest monsters, but their true bodies are humanoids. With the development of time, there are fewer and fewer purebreds of the major races of the monsters, like this As soon as they were born, they gradually became more humanoids, and gradually became the mainstream of the monster race. Therefore, after the Lich War, the monsters that appeared in each major event were basically these humanoid monsters, so in the long term During the battle, we also came up with a way to distinguish them."

Hou Lin went on to say, "But Lin Hang, you have to remember that although they are humanoids, their blood is actually the blood of the monster race, so they will not be very friendly to our human and witch races, at most they are quite equal. Yu partly does not ask about world affairs, but it will never show us a good face. When you face them, you still need to be careful and don't be merciful at critical moments!

Lin Hang nodded and took the warning that came in his mind. Although he had no idea himself, because he had not been in contact with the relationship of the demon race, he was more curious about this race, as for hatred. It is indeed a little bit unbearable now.

The Grand Elder smiled and said, "Lin Hang, listen carefully. We passed on your method called "Wang Qi". It is a superficial magic to check the potential of aptitude. We are fighting against the monsters. In the age of 1989, an ancestor improved it. Using this "Wang Qi" to observe the human race, it also has the function of roughly checking the talent potential. In your field of vision, the whole body of the human race will show a white light, while the Wu race’s Black light. Because this improved version of "Wang Qi Shu" was specially created for the Yaozu, the Yaozu will show different light in your eyes according to his realm. There are seven kinds of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. , The red color is the lowest, which is the foundation-building state, and so on, the purple is the highest, and then the next level. When you can reach the contact, you naturally don’t need the assistance of "Wang Qi", and you can distinguish yourself. ."

Lin Hang nodded and began to study this "Wang Qi Art" seriously.

This "Wang Qi Art" is not a profound technique, it is just to distinguish Yaozu's auxiliary spells. It is not difficult to learn, so it only took Lin Hang two hours to get a rough grasp of "Wang Qi Art". The rest is the familiar water mill time.

Looking at Lin Hang with excitement after he finished his studies, the high priest couldn't help but said, "Lin Hang, are you really determined to find your father's traces alone? Originally, I was not worried. Your strength is outside. The cultivating world can be regarded as rampant, but since knowing that there are other forces, I think your plan is a bit sloppy?"

Lin Hang did not directly refute, instead he nodded and said, "Indeed, with the existence of this mysterious and special force, my journey of searching this time is not so sure. Therefore, I am going to upgrade my cultivation to the foundation building stage. Then set off. In this case, there will be a lot of protection. After all, many of my abilities and spirit treasures will not show their power until the foundation period."

The high priest nodded and said, "Although the power you are talking about may also be restricted, but your own strength is still the most secure. You still have more than nine years, based on your cultivation progress. It's enough for you to cultivate to the middle stage of foundation building. And the cultivation base of the middle stage of foundation building can also exert the power of your few spiritual treasures."

Lin Hang smiled and nodded. When the high priest was about to end this reply, he said, "Wait, don't leave in a hurry. Lin Hang, I heard that Zhou Shu and Zhuyue both gave you a gift Some spirit treasures to defend themselves?"

Lin Hang nodded and replied, "Indeed, the high priest gave me a small self-defense umbrella and a one-time spirit treasure—the Orb of Stillness. In addition to giving me his self-made spirit treasure—the airspeed arrow, He also gave me a very precious thing-Xiantian Lingyun."

Hou Lin said in shock, "What! Zhou Shu, who was a digger, actually gave you the Innate Lingyun that he has always treasured?"

The high priest smiled and said, "Brother Hou Lin, don't tell me, I also reacted like this when I heard this news. Brother Zhou Shu really did his best this time. He was considering Lin Hang's special ability-- Copy, then I thought of gifting him the Innate Spirit Cloud."

Hou Lin said in astonishment, "Lin Hang's ability to replicate? Could it be that you are thinking..."

The high priest nodded and said, "You guessed it right, Big Brother Zhou Shu wants Lin Hang to copy enough innate spirit clouds, and then bred an innate spirit treasure that belongs to him alone. And now, with the help of our "Candle World "Lin Hang’s innate spirit treasure has already come out. I have tried the power personally. It is indeed very good. Lin Hang’s design and ideas are perfect."

The elder was very proud, and said with a smile, "I thought it would take a while before there was a result. I didn't expect you to have bred it? Lin Hang, what kind of spiritual treasure did you choose? Definitely, take it out and have a look!"

When the great elder said this, Lin Hang offered the warm-hearted "Emperor Jiang Arrow" in his dantian. The "Emperor Jiang Arrow" slowly circled Lin Hang, obviously also very curious about the scene at this moment.

Looking at the flying little arrow, Hou Lin couldn't help but said, "Lin Hang, isn't it? How can your taste become the same as that of Zhou Shu! Zhou Shu Shenping likes being behind the most, secretly hurting others. , You will not be like him in the future, just hide behind you!"

When Grand Elder Zhou Shu saw this scene, he smiled triumphantly and said directly, "Lin Hang, don't listen to what comes later, your choice is very good! What is your arrow called and what function does it have?"

Lin Hang introduced with a smile, "My arrow is called "Dijiang Arrow". I hope it can reproduce the style of the Emperor Jiangzu witch in the ancient times. Therefore, the name is given. The two elders should not say that I am too much. I am arrogant! I thought of this arrow, it is indeed the inspiration from the airspeed arrow of the great elder, because I took into account my own characteristics, I chose a powerful spirit treasure, and I only need to attack it Just provide assistance at the moment."

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