I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 158

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:23:10 AM

Chapter 158: ten years

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The great elder and Lin Hang also got along for a long time. He is also familiar with Lin Hang’s fighting style. This is why he will give Lin Hang a quick arrow. Hearing Lin Hang’s explanation, the great elder nodded. , But the next moment he frowned and said, "Lin Hang, I know that you have a strong life-saving ability and you never take risks with your body, but when you use your full strength to manipulate Lingbao or assist "Dijiang Arrow" to attack , Your attention will inevitably be distracted. At this time, your own defense will appear a little weak. You are still too impatient. When choosing Lingbao, you should not choose this one. You should protect yourself as the first element. what!"

Hou Lin also nodded and said, "Zhou Shu is right. Your importance is self-evident. With such a good opportunity, you can get the innate life spirit treasure. You should choose one to protect yourself. what!"

Lin Hang and Zhuyue looked at each other and laughed. Just when Zhou Shu and Hou Lin were both puzzled, Lin Hang explained with a smile, "Elder, high priest, goodbye Anxious, listen to me slowly. Although the kid’s "Emperor Arrow" is inspired by the airspeed arrow of the elder, it also has the ability to speed and shuttle through space, but I thought of it at the beginning In order to defend this attribute, I specially added barbs on both sides of the small arrow, and I carefully guided the arrow when it was conceived, so that it had spirituality as soon as it was born. Therefore, if I am in danger, , It can fly back quickly and resist me. This function has been personally tested by the chief priest, and the defense ability is not inferior to offense. So, you can rest assured, the kid will naturally put his own safety first. !"

The great elder and the high priest were relieved, and said with a smile, "Lin Hang, you "Emperor Jiang Arrow" used Zhou Shu's template, but obviously you have more potential for growth! Born congenital and become your destiny treasure, you can slowly upgrade your grade as your strength grows. This is an opportunity that the ancient gods also dreamed of! I believe that in time, Lin Hang, you and this "Emperor Jiang Arrow" His name will surely resound through the nine heavens and ten realms, no one knows!

Lin Hang scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "High Priest, please don't praise me! The kid is just a little monk who has not reached the foundation building period. How can he afford such an evaluation. But don't worry, I will inevitably move in the direction you said and continue to work hard. I believe that one day, after my hard work, Nine Heavens and Ten Realms will remember my name!

Hou Lin smiled and said, "Well. Your current strength is not important. The important thing is that you have the goal of going forward and the courage to move up. Now you have it all, but how can it be done in the future?"

High priest Zhu Yue also said with a smile, "Lin Hang has all the conditions to become a strong man, but on the road of improvement, it is inevitable that there will be many accidents. So, Big Brother Hou Lin, should you also say, Give Lin Hang some life-saving props? I think, this small request, in your opinion, is just a trivial matter for you who are at home and have a lot of business!"

The great elder also said to the side, "Yeah, Hou Lin, as far as I know, you, "Hou Jie", but inherited the "Hou Tu Treasure Pavilion" from the line of the Hou Tu ancestor witch. The treasures in it are numerous. , Just take one out and give it to Lin Hang. Not only does it have no effect on you, Lin Hang can also get good self-protection. What do you think!"

Before I thought about it, I laughed and said directly, "You two! Do you think I am such a stingy person? Why should I stop Lin Hang and ask about you giving him Lingbao? Actually, I was hearing about this. After the incident, I felt that I did not do well enough. Lin Hang helped us so much in "The Back World". I didn't say anything. It really made me uneasy! So, Lin Hang, wait for this time. After the practice of "Candle World", come to our "Back World", I have prepared a gift for you, you should like it very much!"

These days, Lin Hang has become accustomed to being cheeky in front of several elders, and immediately replied with a grin, "Okay! Since the high priest is interested, the kid will go there after a while, and just go to see your old man! "

Several people chatted for a while and ended the conversation.

After bidding farewell to the high priest, Lin Hang returned to his room and began his daily practice.

In this way, Lin Hang began his meditation practice for more than nine years. In addition to his own necessary practice exercises, Lin Hang will discuss some insights in practice with Wang Lao and others every day. After Wang Lao and others have had a few hands, they have nothing to do with their latest moves and skills.

This is the longest period of time since Lin Hang entered the world of cultivation. Before that, Lin Hang had basically been running for competitions or participating in some activities. He has never practiced seriously for more than three months at a time. This time in the ten years of "Candle World", his cultivation base has not only improved by leaps and bounds, but also some of the problems and small flaws in his own cultivation have been solved in these ten years. Lin Hang now feels that his cultivation is no longer the same as before. Generally, there are no heads of flies, but the feeling of seeing every step of cultivation in the future. After straightening out the previous path, Lin Han feels that his future cultivation will also be smoother, and there will be no bottlenecks that hinder progress. Now, this can be considered a little reward from ten years of hard work!

Lin Hang's spiritual power cultivation base, under his continuous efforts, exceeded the high priest's expectation. It did not stop at the middle stage of foundation foundation construction, but broke through to the latter stage of foundation foundation construction a few days ago, which is considered a result. It's gratifying. Because of his own talent, Lin Hang's physical cultivation and spiritual cultivation are stronger than spiritual cultivation, and he has reached the level of a golden core.

However, Wang Lao and others are not as fast as Lin Hang. As mentioned before, because of the suppression for too long, after breaking through to the foundation, the next few realms are very easy for them, so Wang Lao and Ye Lao have reached the initial stage of Yuan Ying's cultivation level, and Yu Lao and Jiang Lao are also in the late Jindan stage, still leading Lin Hang by a large margin. This is also no way. Judging from the age of cultivation, this is also the reward that Wang Lao and others should get. As much effort is made in the first place, the amount of reward will be obtained later. However, in the next few levels, the cultivation of the old people will slow down again. At this time, Lin Hang has a good chance to surpass them.

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