I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 159

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:23:09 AM

Chapter 159: schedule

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But even now, Lin Hang’s cultivation speed still makes Wang and the High Priest quite satisfied. In their opinion, if they practice for a few more years or encounter some chance, Lin Hang can break through the realm of Dao Jindan. Regardless of the age, Jin Dan in his thirties is quite a genius. Although Lin Hang was not particularly satisfied with his speed of cultivation, he was not impatient, knowing that he had reached the current state in his step-by-step cultivation, and he was already the top five master of China.

And the first batch of elite disciples who came in, including Tian Dayong and Ye Guangyuan, had a somewhat different level of cultivation. For example, Tian Dayong is now in the middle stage of foundation construction, and everyone else is basically in the early stage of foundation construction. The progress of cultivation has been fast or slow, but they have all reached Lin Hang's expected goal, and all breakthroughs have been made in ten years.

Although the eight small strong and eight people practiced day and night, they are still at the peak of the early stage of foundation building, and have not broken through to the middle stage of foundation building. Although compared with other disciples in the same period, the cultivation speed is already relatively fast. But thinking about Lin Hang's current state, they couldn't be proud of it. A few days ago, I heard that when Lin Hang broke through to the late stage of foundation construction, they no longer had the idea of ​​catching up. After all, with the passage of time, the gap between them will only get bigger and bigger. They were practicing Qi before. It's just one realm ahead. Now when it comes to building a foundation, they are ahead of two realms. Such a gap really extinguishes the flame of chasing in their hearts. Only when Lin Hang is a god, they are relieved in their hearts. In the future, you only need to do Good yourself, never compare with others.

On this day, Lin Hang and the others finally passed the last day of the ten years of "Candle World" and were about to leave "Candle World". Lin Hang, Wang Lao and others gathered all the disciples together and invited the high priest. A small farewell ceremony was held.

Before the crowd, Lin Hang said to the high priest, "High priest, thank you for your care and help to China for the past ten years. The kid is here to thank you on behalf of the entire China!"

The high priest waved his hand and said with a smile, "To me, ten years are just a flick of a finger, nothing. It's just that this time you go out, do you have to start preparing your plan immediately? "

Of course Lin Hang understands what the plan in the high priest’s mouth is, and he also replied with a smile, "High priest, I will send them out this time. I am not so anxious to set off. I will send another group of people in. Excuse me! Then, didn’t I want to go to "The Back World"! The High Priest of the Hou Lin also prepared a generous gift for me. If I didn’t go, didn’t I save his face! After returning from "The Back World," I will really make a plan and then implement it. Don't worry, I will protect myself!"

The high priest nodded, then left alone and returned to his hall.

After the high priest left, Wang Lao faced the crowd in front of him and said with a smile, "Today, we are leaving the "Candle World" that has brought us a new life! I believe you all have it in these ten years. A lot of gains have made great progress! I hope that after you go out, you can continue to maintain your upward cultivation momentum and strive to reach a higher level! One more thing, you know that each of you now has a cultivation base. Is it stronger than the strongest person in the cultivation world before? So, after going out, there is no need to go out and walk, and stay in the military area to cultivate, you know!"

Many disciples off the court all claimed that there was a strong feeling of reluctance in the court. You must know that after these ten years, the many elite disciples present are only about 30 years old, ten years old. Time is equivalent to one-third of their current life. In the past ten years, they have also become good friends with the local disciples of "Candle World". They practice together every day and make progress together. Now they are suddenly separated. They must be a little bit reluctant.

After the discussion of the five of them, they decided to keep two of them in this "Candle World". While restraining the behavior of the disciples entering it, they can also play a certain teaching role. This time it is Ye Lao and Jiang Lao. Lao Ye has a chronic personality, and he has always been a good hand at teaching his disciples, and Mr. Jiang himself is responsible for teaching the disciples in the army, which is naturally perfect. Wang Lao and Yu Lao stayed outside, guarding China at the same time, they also explored the movements of other forces from time to time.

Lin Hang's idea is to try it out for a few years first, and when it is really mature, they can arrange a large number of people to enter the "Candle World" to practice, because the "Candle World" is still very large and can accommodate thousands of people. Of course, a cultivator is not a problem. It's just that their model is not mature yet, so it naturally needs more experimentation before implementation. Once the experiment is completed, they can transfer personnel to "Candle World" and practice for a long time. They only need to arrange personnel to observe the movements of the outside world on a regular basis, and others can just practice.

However, at this stage, time still has some effect on geniuses, but after the foundation-building period, most people rely on their understanding of cultivation and heaven and earth. The cultivation of spiritual power can easily be stored to the limit, but the understanding of heaven and earth is very high. It’s not easy. Most people are stuck at this level and cannot break through. Therefore, in "Candle World" or the outside world, there is actually no difference. This is also Lin Hang and they advocate that one batch is only in "Candle World". Because of the ten years of cultivation, because ten years are enough time for them to break through to the foundation, the subsequent cultivation will be the same everywhere, even if it will be faster in "Candle World," it will not have any real impact.

Lin Hang said to Ye Lao and Jiang Lao, "The two seniors are waiting in this "Candle World" for a while. I believe that with the flow of time inside, I will send the second batch of disciples in. I believe time will not pass too much. For a long time, you two will wait at ease!"

The second elder nodded, Lin Hang took out the jade card and opened a light door, Wang immediately led many disciples to leave "Candle World" in an orderly manner.

Lin Hang was the last one to come out, and he could no longer see Wang Lao and others. He was obviously taken directly back to the military area by Wang Lao to continue his training.

Because Lao Yu was a native of Diancheng, he was still waiting for Lin Hang. Lin Hang said with a smile, "Lao Yu, are you going to stay in Diancheng in the next year?"

Old Yu smiled and said, "If you don't reach Yuan Ying, you can't fly in the air. Naturally, I can't be like your master. The whole world is free to come and go. If you don't stay in Dian City, where can I go?"

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