I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 16

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:45 AM

Chapter 16: Hang in the next leaf!

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Lin Hang looked at Liu Tianqi in front of him, a little strange. It stands to reason that the Liu family suffered such a big loss in Huicheng, and should not swallow this breath, unless the things Liu Tianlin wants to do in Huicheng are not visible, the Liu family does not want to expose themselves, but also wants to know about Ye family. They didn't discover their secret plan, this was the attitude towards Ye Family Lairen.

Lin Hang changed his mind and said with a smile to Liu Tianqi, "Since Brother Liu can look down on me, I'm more respectful than my fate. I hope you will take care of me in the coming time!"

Seeing that his purpose was achieved, Liu Tianqi smiled and patted Lin Hang on the shoulder, and asked, "By the way, I don't know what brother is called?"

Lin Hang's eyes rolled, and there was a decision in his heart. He smiled heartily and said loudly, "My name is Ye Hang, and we will be brothers from now on! With Brother Liu, I am very confident that we will pass the assessment this time."

Liu Tianqi looked at the stupid Lin Hang and felt relieved a lot. As long as Lin Hang entered his team, no matter whether he was really stupid or not, she would not give him a chance to turn over.

Liu Tianqi introduced the other members of the team to Lin Hang. Liu Tianqi's team and Lin Hang now have a total of five members. The other three are the young masters of the prestigious family in the capital: Qi Jia Qi Xiaosheng, power psychic cudgel, Qiu family Qiu Ziang, power perception enhancement, Sun family Sun Xiuxiu, power agility enhancement. These three families have been passed down for a long time in the capital. They can be regarded as the most powerful forces in the capital under the four major families, and they are also powerful supporters of the Liu family.

Seeing everyone, Lin Hang happily shook hands and hugged them one by one, thundering Liu Tianqi and the four of them. They couldn't think of how the people from Ye's family in Huicheng were such a thing?

Regardless of their eyes, Lin Hang talked and laughed with the crowd very familiarly, acting like a naive and straightforward boy.

At 6 o'clock the next morning, everyone was gathered together again, and under the assignment of the instructor, all of them entered the forest.

Before entering, Liu Tianqi pulled Lin Hang and said, "Brother Ye, more than 50 of us will be scattered in this mountain forest at first, so you must be careful in the first few days. Before gathering with us, you must Pay attention to protect yourself!" Liu Tianqi was worried that Lin Hang would be eliminated before gathering with him, so that his thoughts about trying to win him would be wasted, and he would also delay himself from completing the task given by his father. He said that he stuffed something to Lin. Sailor.

Lin Hang took it, smiled honestly, and said, "Don't worry, Brother Liu, I won't be eliminated so early! You must also be careful!"

Liu Tianqi heard Lin Hang's sincere words, and nodded with a complex expression, and then entered the forest under the guidance of the instructor.

Until everyone was scattered in the mountains and forests, Lin Hang checked the time, and it was fifteen minutes before the start time at seven. He took out what Liu Tianqi gave him, with a small note on the back.

Lin Hang couldn't help laughing, "It seems that my disguise is very successful. Liu Tianqi didn't notice anything abnormal, and he actually gave me life-saving things. But he must have his plan, and I still have to be careful afterwards."

Reading the note attached by Liu Tianqi, Lin Hang knows that this thing is called "Fire Talisman", it is a one-time psychic weapon made by Liu's family. It is said that it is a psychic weapon, but it is actually to enclose the fire attribute psychic energy in the charm. A powerful attack can erupt. Because just arousing does not require a lot of psychic energy, and it is equivalent to an instant, it has always been a life-saving weapon in the power world. But because the refining is quite troublesome, only the elders of the big family will spend time and energy on refining and hand it over to the younger generations of the family.

"It's a good thing!" Lin Hang said with emotion. This "Fire Talisman" seals a large fireball, which is equivalent to an attack in the later stage of forging.

Liu Tianqi thought that he was just giving Lin Hang a piece of "Fire Talisman", but didn't know that Lin Hang got this thing and gave him enough time to recover, Lin Hang would become a tireless output fort!

Soon the time came, and people waiting quietly everywhere started to act.

Lin Hang is not in a hurry to find other people. He does not lack food and water. He now has a bold plan.

When Lin Hang and Qiu Ziang were familiar with each other, they had already copied their abilities. Qiu Ziang's perception enhancement ability combined with the ability of "Element-Wood" is basically equivalent to Lin Hang's home court in this big forest.

Lin Hang injected a tree with wood psychic energy, and the tree grew madly until it reached one meter in diameter. Lin Hang stopped. He climbed up the tree, opened a wooden door about four or five meters above the ground, hollowed out the middle, sat inside, then closed the door, and wrapped a few circles of vines around the tree.

After doing all this, Lin Hang in the tree breathed a sigh of relief. He took out the "Fire Talisman" and activated the supernatural power to scan the "Fire Talisman" into the spiritual space.

Lin Hang took a deep breath, adjusted his state, and began the manifestation of "Fire Talisman". I saw that as the "Fire Talisman" in his hand slowly became clear, the psychic energy in Lin Hang's dantian was also rapidly consumed. About half of the psionic energy was consumed, "Fire Talisman" finally manifested and completed.

Lin Hang wiped the sweat from his forehead, he felt a little strenuous, but also a little excited. We must know that after these days of unremitting efforts to practice, the psionic orbs in Lin Hang's dantian have increased to six, which means that he is now at the peak of mid-training. The next step is to increase the psionic orbs and work towards seven Up. Even so, it would take half of his psychic energy to produce a "Fire Talisman", which also shows that the power of "Fire Talisman" is definitely not low.

He felt energetic at once and made another "Fire Talisman". After a while, with the successful production of "Fire Talisman", Lin Hang's psychic energy was also exhausted. He poured a green pill from a small jade bottle he carried with him, Zhang took it orally, and briefly adjusted his breath for 20 minutes, and then devoted himself to the production of "Fire Talisman".

This bottle of pills was left to him by Liu Ruyan when he left. It is called Fuling Pill. This pill is available in every stage. Lin Hang's hand is suitable for the exercise period and can quickly restore psychic energy. Originally, Liu Ruyan didn’t have a lot. After all, this pill has a strong recovery effect. It is not a popular product among large families, but it can’t stand Lin Hang’s copy. After Liu Ruyan left, Lin Hang’s free time was enough. Made a hundred grains! Although I usually consume abilities when I exercise my abilities, I still have dozens of pills on my body. No, it comes in handy now.

After spending a full fifteen pills of rejuvenation, Lin Hang had 30 more "Fire Talisman" in his hand.

Lin Hang thought in his heart, "It's still too few. After all, there are more than 50 people this time, and there is no guarantee that one person can solve it. No, I still need to work harder!" Lin Hang also knows the combination of work and rest. , He closed his eyes, started the exercises, and started a regular practice every day.

Just as Lin Hang was arrogantly wandering in his cultivation, everyone else in the mountains and forests couldn't help but began to confront each other.

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