I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 160

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:23:08 AM

Chapter 160: Confuse Liu Ruyan

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Lin Hang smiled and said, "You are in this Dian City, I naturally have no opinion. It's just that your granddaughter should have gone to the military area together. Don't you worry about it?"

Old Yu shook his head and said, "That girl doesn't practice seriously, and I am very relieved to follow Old Man Wang to the military area. In fact, you and I know that the current Old Man Wang alone is enough to control this place in China. , I'll stay alone in this Dian City and strive to break through the realm behind!"

Lin Hang smiled and arched his hands and said, "Okay, that kid is here to congratulate Lao Yu in advance! I hope that when we meet next time, you will become the real Yuan Ying!"

After that, Lin Hang bid farewell to Mr. Yu, and came to the side of Mr. Wang in the capital, said hello to Mr. Wang, and left.

Because Mr. Wang had to arrange the more than fifty students who had just brought out, and he had to screen out the next batch of disciples who would enter the "Candle World" again, so he was busy now. It was still a while, so I left alone and went to work on my own business first.

Lin Hang came to the door of Liu Ruyan's villa and knocked on the door gently.

Not long after, Liu Ruyan opened the door and saw Lin Hang, who hadn’t seen him for a long time. He couldn’t help but exclaimed, “Xiao Hang! Come in, come in, how come you have time to come to me? Did you encounter something? Trouble, come to the capital to find your master?"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "No, this time I come to Beijing, I have something to tell you."

Liu Ruyan is also an extremely smart woman. After such a long time, I saw Lin Hang again and guessed the ruins Lin Hang mentioned last time. There should be some different discoveries. Now let’s tell her. I have a good opportunity to offer it to myself.

Liu Ruyan smiled and said, "Xiaohang, the ruins you talked to me last time, did you get a good chance after entering? If I guess right, you promise me that you don’t have to think about it for me. Yes! The opportunity you get yourself should be directly invested in your own cultivation level improvement! You must know that the burden on yourself is still relatively heavy, and the aunts are still waiting for you to take them back!"

Liu Ruyan knew in her heart that Lin Hang really saw her as a relative, so every time she had a chance, she would want to give her a little. But Liu Ruyan also understands that unlike her, Lin Hang is not able to enjoy the resources of a big family. She hopes that every opportunity Lin Hang has worked so hard can be used to strengthen her own strength and not to waste it on her.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Sister Yan, after you listen to me, you won't have this kind of thought! I know you have been thinking about me all the time, but the times are different now, not just me. You must step up and improve your strength in the future, so that I can rest assured!"

Liu Ruyan said strangely, "Xiaohang, since the last time I got the "Gathering Pill" from you, I have directly broken through to the acquired realm. Now more than a year has passed, and I am also steadily moving towards the middle of acquired Going forward. You know, my current strength is the first person in our family's generation! How do you want me to improve my strength, I am not working hard!"

Lin Hang explained, "Sister Yan, do you know the ruins that I explored this time, and what news have you learned?"

Liu Ruyan shook his head and said, "Indeed, there has been no news for more than a year, and I am still worried about this! Let's talk about it, you go to this ruin, what good opportunity you get, and then come to me to show off!"

Lin Hang did not sell Guanzi any more, and said directly, "Sister Yan, the ruins I told you last time, after entering, I realized that it is not a ruin, but a cave with living creatures! And I am in this cave. , I have also received a lot of valuable news, and these news are the most precious things I have obtained in this exploration."

Liu Ruyan said in surprise, "Xiao Hang, you mean, there are creatures in the cave sky you are talking about?"

Lin Hang's short sentence immediately aroused Liu Ruyan's interest. In her previous cognition, the ruins were left by the predecessors and resembled the ruins, and they all went to the ruins. With the intention of cleaning up the ruins and exploring treasures. But I have never heard of someone in the ruins, which greatly refreshed Liu Ruyan's cognition.

Lin Hang nodded and said, "After I entered, it was quite strange and shocked at the beginning. After getting to know it slowly, I contacted the locals and discovered that they are the witches and are closely related to us humans. But a completely different race-the Wu Clan! Through contact with the leaders in this cave, I discovered a lot of things that I had never understood before. The most valuable thing for me is the information I got from them. It gave me a deeper understanding of the history of our human race."

Liu Ruyan did not speak, silently slowly digesting the huge impact Lin Hang brought to her, Lin Hang did not continue to speak, he knew that it would not be easy to receive such a big news for a while, so he waited quietly. Liu Ruyan digested.

After a long time, Liu Ruyan finally said, "This witch clan you are talking about is the witch clan in our myths and legends? If it is true, then the ancient books of our China are some things that happened in the past. What happened?"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Although those legends are not necessarily correct records, many of the characters in the legends do exist. For example, the tyrant of our Qin Dynasty, he was in the mouth of the Wu Clan. But it is an emperor of two clans, so history is not necessarily credible, we still have to rely on our own judgment."

After answering, Lin Hang continued, "I only learned after contacting them that, in fact, the human races we currently exist are not all purebreds, but formed through intermarriage with the witch race and passed on for many generations. Mixed blood. As a result of mixed blood, our human race will also have a very small chance of possessing some of their witch race talents. This is the reason why our so-called supernatural powers are produced. Moreover, the history of our superpowers is a bit too Short, so the entire cultivation system is very simple in their eyes. I took advantage of this opportunity to learn the cultivation methods they gifted, transformed my own cultivation system, and transformed the original spiritual energy in the body into a new one. The spiritual power of this makes our potential even higher and can break through the realm behind."

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