I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 163

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:23:05 AM

Chapter 163: Wang Lao's discovery

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After leaving Liu Ruyan's sight, the high priest stopped and Lin Hang also stopped, waiting for the high priest to speak.

After a period of silence, the high priest adjusted his mood and said, "Lin Hang, do you know why I hesitated, and why did you finally agree to your request?"

Lin Hang shook his head, feeling more confused in his heart, so he asked directly, "Priest, is my sister something special?"

The high priest shook his head lightly and said, "Actually, I am not very sure, so I left her by my side for a period of observation, and now I can't say a conclusion. It's just that when I saw her for the first time, Her appearance reminds me of a person, and when I look at it again, I suddenly feel like that person! As you know, it is not unusual for her to look similar in this world, but I have observed that person up close. Comparing with Liu Ruyan, I found that there is no difference at all. This is not something that can be explained by the similarity. If she was not brought by you and her cultivation level is low, I would even think that she is that person. So, I can’t tell you anything for the time being. During this period of time, while I am teaching her to practice, I will observe it secretly. If she really has a relationship with that person, even if there is only a little relationship, then This matter is also very serious, and we must treat it with caution!"

Lin Hang was also at a loss, and he didn't understand what kind of person Liu Ruyan would be involved with. He knew that the high priest was temporarily unable to grasp it, so he did not continue to inquire. After he came back, he would get along for ten years. I believe the high priest would have an answer at that time.

Lin Hang said, "Priest, I trust your judgment. However, I hope you can teach it well, no matter what is involved behind her, I will stand in front of her and bear it for her! Time, I will trouble you!"

After adjustment, the high priest has recovered his mentality and replied with a smile, "Lin Hang, you don't need to be so nervous! In fact, what I can tell you is that if Liu Ruyan's affairs are handled well, it may not be one thing. Bad thing. During this time, you can explore the situation of your father and that force outside with peace of mind. Don’t worry if she leaves it to me! Just don’t let your cultivation level fall, otherwise you will come back next time, Liu Ruyan Maybe his cultivation base will surpass you!"

After listening to this, Lin Hang's hanging heart was finally relieved, and he smiled and replied, "Then thank the chief priest again! Don't worry, I am half man and half witch. I don't need your supervision and reminder for cultivation. , The kid will naturally be interested!"

The high priest exhorted Lin Hang a few more words, and the two returned to the hall. Liu Ruyan was still waiting quietly.

Lin Hang hurriedly stepped forward and said to Liu Ruyan, "Sister Yan, I just asked the high priest to take good care of you in the coming days! So, in the next ten years, you won't think so much. , Follow the high priest to practice well, and strive to improve your strength!"

Liu Ruyan heard the meaning of Lin Hang's words and hurriedly asked, "Xiao Hang, you mean, you will not be in this "Candle World" the next day? Where are you going?"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Sister Yan, I naturally have something to do, so I can't stay here to accompany you. Don't worry about me. Next, just practice hard!"

After speaking, Lin Hang didn't wait for Liu Ruyan to react, he walked out of the hall with a big laugh, and waved his right hand against Liu Ruyan's figure, which was the right hand for farewell.

Liu Ruyan stared at Lin Hang's back in a daze, the high priest slowly walked to Liu Ruyan's side and said softly, "His path is not something you can limit. If you don't want to be so weak in the future, take it. Come down and practice with me! When your strength improves, you will have the capital to pursue him!"

Liu Ruyan nodded vigorously, and followed the high priest toward the depths of the hall.

Old Wang was waiting for Lin Hang outside the hall early in the morning. He saw Lin Hang walking out and said with a smile, "How about that girl Liu Ruyan arranged?"

The moment Wang Lao saw Liu Ruyan, he understood Lin Hang's thoughts. Lin Hang was going to let Liu Ruyan also improve his cultivation as soon as possible, so that he could have a better self in the next great calamity. The ability to protect Lin Hang is no longer so worried.

Wang Lao watched Lin Hang walk all the way. Everyone who was kind to him, Lin Hang would never forget after Lin Hang had the ability. He has always been adhering to the principle of "dripping water, repaying by spring" to repay these people. Just like the Ye Lao family at the beginning, because of Lin Hang's relationship, it has now faintly become the top three big family in China. The same is true for Liu Ruyan now. Wang Lao believes that in a short while, the Liu family will have Liu Ru. The relationship between the smoke and the rise of the smoke are all changes brought about by Lin Hang alone.

Lin Hang nodded with a smile, did not say what the chief priest said, smiled and replied, "Teacher, have you arranged the more than 100 students?"

Old Wang smiled and replied, "Where do I need to worry about this? Lao Ye and Lao Jiang have the best experience in doing this. I will throw the more than one hundred people directly to them, and I will come here to wait for you. Go out!"

Lin Hang nodded, opened the light door, and left "Candle World" with Wang Lao.

The two came to Wang Lao's room in the capital, discussing the next action items.

"Hang'er, are you really planning to go on the road alone, not letting you be a teacher?" Wang Lao asked seriously.

Lin Hang smiled and replied, "Teacher, I have already considered this clearly. Teacher, you need to sit in Huaxia. No one knows what power will appear now. It is better for you to stay in Huaxia. Moreover, your Yuan Yingxiu To be a little too ostentatious, I went out to investigate with me like this, and some were too frightening. So, I acted alone, and the goal was much smaller. On the contrary, it was easier to detect some things secretly."

Old Wang knew Lin Hang’s temper, so he nodded and said, “Hang’er, the high priest said that last time, the fragments of our universe are not so simple. After I came out of "Candle World," With Yuan Ying’s cultivation base and control of space, I silently scanned this piece of Zhouguang fragment and found some details that I had not paid attention to before. Originally, with my cultivation base, the entire world should be under my control. It’s right, but I scanned it and found out that there are many spatial structures, just like the locations of the three caves we found are very complicated and seem to have overlapping spaces."

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