I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 169

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:59 AM

Chapter 169: ready to go!

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After so long and continuous analysis and speculation, the spiritual powers of several elders have been somewhat sluggish, especially the high priest who maintains the formation of the light map. He needs to provide spiritual power at all times to maintain the light map. The existence of and the light and shadow of the high elder and the high priest, so Lin Hang thanked the high elder and the high priest, and immediately let the high priest disperse the light map.

After the two returned to the priest's hall, Lin Hang saluted the high priest again and solemnly said, "Thank the high priest for your selfless help! The kid will remember this kindness!"

The high priest was a little bit dumbfounded, waved his hand, and said, "Didn’t I say that? This time it is speculated that the position of the remaining nine caves of the Wu Clan is not just for you! We will also need to find out in the future. They were opened one by one, and now it’s just taking this opportunity to determine the location in advance. So, Lin Hang, you don’t have to look like this! But before you set off, I still have to remind you. , Don’t take too risky moves! If you find a strange cave in those areas where you don’t know the situation, you can go in, but you must be cautious. After all, they are not our Wu clan, and their attitude towards you may not be How great!"

Lin Hang nodded, in fact, in his heart, he was relatively unassuming. When Lin Hang first entered "Emperor Realm", he didn't know anything about the Wu Clan and Monster Clan. As the so-called ignorant are fearless, Lin Hang dared to directly step into the "Emperor Realm". After learning about the twelve caves of the Witch Clan, Lin Hang thought that the other special caves also belonged to the Witch Clan. Dare to step directly into "The Back World" for the second time. Before entering, he already had a guess about "The Back World". The facts are just as he expected, "Houjie" is also a cave sky belonging to the Wu clan, and then the exploration of "Candle World", everything went very smoothly, so Lin Hang had lost such a strange cave sky in his heart. alert.

But the situation is different now. Since knowing that there are other forces, Lin Hang has always been a little scared when he thinks about it. In case the key obtained earlier was not the one that opened the Witch Clan's Cave Sky, but the Cave Sky of other forces, if he rushed in with such a forehead, the most likely result would be to be regarded as an intruder and killed directly. After all, for the hidden forces that can exist for so long, their own clan's strength should be similar to that of the Witch clan. Anyone who comes out of the clan can kill Lin Hang's existence in seconds.

Lin Hang did not joking any more, and said in a deep voice, "High priest, what you said, I am the most important issue of my exploration journey. Because, before entering, no one knew what kind of power it was. They What's your attitude towards us. Therefore, when I find the location of the cave, I will definitely enter it carefully, and try not to reveal my identity inside, and explore it in secret. If I get any valuable information, I will come out immediately to ensure my own safe!"

The high priest is also a little serious. Lin Hang's decision this time cannot be changed. The path in his heart must be carried on. Although at this stage, the high priest's heart was very opposed to Lin Hang taking risks, but Lin Hang was also a very assertive and thoughtful person. He had always wanted to do such things, and the high priest did not To interfere, I can only remind Lin Hang repeatedly, hoping that he will put his life safety first, think about his responsibilities, and don't take unnecessary risks.

The high priest pondered for a while, and then said, "Lin Hang, before you set off, I have one more thing to tell you! During this exploration, remember to wear this "Hear Earth Ring"! If, you When you really encounter a crisis that is difficult to avoid, "Hou Tuhuan" will give you guidance. You must believe its guidance. Maybe it is your chance to turn the bad."

Lin Hang has never experienced the era of the high priests, and in his mind he has no idea of ​​the type of spirit treasures like "Hou Tu Huan". After all, he has also received modern education. He still has something in his heart for something as vague as Yun Dao. I don't believe it. But the current high priest had a serious expression, and Lin Hang had to say, "Okay, high priest, I promise you! I promise that this journey of exploration will definitely include the "Hou Earth Ring" every moment. Wear it on your hand!"

In fact, this is not very unacceptable to Lin Hang, although there is a sudden addition to his hand, it is a little uncomfortable. But when compared with the changes it brings, it can be ignored. Even if "Hou Tu Huan" doesn't add its ultimate function of enhancing luck, it is also a rare auxiliary spiritual treasure in itself. Lin Hang just got this, but he already felt a little effect. Not only can it help him quickly accumulate spiritual power, but it can also calm down, which is also very helpful to the realm after enlightenment. Lin Hang also felt that after a period of time, after adapting, he might not be able to live without it. How could he not wear it!

This trip to "The Back World" can be regarded as a perfect completion. Lin Hang no longer stayed. After saying goodbye to the high priest, he left the "Back World" alone.

Lin Hang has already obtained the specific locations of the eighteen caves that have not yet been discovered, so he is now going to find Wang Lao, and the two will discuss the best place or two as the key exploration target.

After being busy before, Mr. Wang is now free. When Lin Hang came to the residence of Mr. Wang in the capital, Mr. Wang was enjoying tea by himself, obviously in a very good mood.

Lin Hang directly appeared in front of Mr. Wang. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help saying, "Master, you have a really comfortable life!" After that, he sat down and gave himself a cup of tea. However, there is no such sluggish posture of Wang Lao at all.

Lao Wang put down the tea cup, frowned, and cursed, "You stinky boy! I finally got this tea. Did you drink it like that? Look at you, this time in "The Back World". OK, it seems to be going well, why, the locations of the eighteen ruins have been determined?"

Lin Hang poured another cup of tea, nodded and said, "Well, fortunately, with the help of the three of them, the high priest has finally determined the approximate locations of the eighteen areas. Today, the disciple came to you to discuss with you. Now, where should our first goal fit?"

After Lin Hang finished speaking, he took out the marked map from the space, spread it on the table, and motioned Mr. Wang to look over.

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