I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 17

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:45 AM

Chapter 17: Sap

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It's just that the assessment has just begun, everyone is very cautious, even if it is a match, it is only a taste, and everyone's tricks at the bottom of the box are useless. After all, they still have to survive for ten days, and everyone's strength hasn't been revealed yet. If you fight with all your strength now, it's easy to get shot out.

At three o'clock in the afternoon on the first day, a fat figure came under the tree where Lin Hang was hiding.

"There is such a big tree here, so you can hide it first, and wait until you get in touch with Brother Liu before you get revenge on them!" The fat man murmured bitterly, and he recovered his breath temporarily after the tree.

Soon after, Lin Hang under the Fu Ling Pill regained his psychic energy again, and he suddenly sensed that a strange psychic energy had entered his vicinity. After perceiving carefully through the big tree, he found the chubby figure.

"Why did Qi Xiaosheng appear here? From his appearance, I shouldn't be spotted. It should have been fighting with others and fled to the neighborhood." Lin Hang thought in his heart. He bowed his head for a moment, and thought about it.

Just when Qi Xiaosheng closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, he suddenly felt a cold in the back of his head, and then he was hit hard by a stick from the back of his head. He suddenly felt the sky spinning, and then fell to the ground, vaguely heard a sound in his confusion. Coming from behind,

"Resolve one, this time I have my Liu family, so the Liu family don't want to pass the assessment..."

After Lin Hang said this, he saw that Qi Xiaosheng had fainted. He stepped forward and sent Qi Xiaosheng into the space above the tree, took away his food and water source, and then rushed in one direction.

"This psychic stick is really easy to use with Shadow Escape~" Lin Hang ran and recollected the feeling just now. He just entered the shadow of Qi Xiaosheng, and then manifested the Qi family's psychic stick, hitting Qi Xiaosheng's back with a stick, and stunned Qi Xiaosheng directly, and couldn't help feeling the power of this stick. Although the abilities of psychic weapons are relatively simple, each weapon has special effects. For example, the ‘stun’ attribute of the Qi’s psychic cudgel, combined with Shadow Escape, is really the king of sneak attacks.

Lin Hang is not walking aimlessly in the mountains and forests, relying on Qiu Ziang's perception ability and the information provided to him by the forest vegetation, he is searching for his goal.

Soon, he found that there was a figure running away about 100 meters in front of him. He immediately reduced his voice and quietly approached the target. When he was about 20 meters away from the target, he suddenly disappeared, and he entered the shadow of the nearby trees. He slowly changed the position of the shadow, and finally got the opportunity, without disturbing this person, and entered his shadow.

Zhang Qi felt that he was very unlucky today. He originally wanted to stay quiet for three or four days and not participate in the previous competition. Unexpectedly, Yuanjia Luzhai met the family's rival, and he was not an opponent. He could only get rid of the enemy by using the ability "Blink" to continuously cast. But at this moment, a vine next to him suddenly grew crazily and attacked him. He secretly said that it was not good, and hurriedly activated its superpower. It instantly appeared ten meters away, just as he breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly he was hit with a stick in the back of the head, and he fainted involuntarily.

Lin Hang behind Zhang Qi appeared. He skillfully took Zhang Qi's food and water source, touched Zhang Qi's white face, turned and disappeared into the distance.

Although he successfully attacked Zhang Qi, Lin Hang also felt the high quality of the participants. He actually reacted to the attack he carefully planned. If he hadn't used Shadow Escape in advance, let alone the final sap. , At the moment of shooting, he may be startled away, but he still can't catch up.

"Sure enough, you still can't underestimate others, you must be more cautious before making the next move, and you can't hesitate!" Lin Hang reflected silently in his heart.

In the next two days, a legend of'Sap Madness' began to circulate in the jungle. According to many victims, this ‘sap crazy demon’ made a sneak attack on Sanwei: fast, accurate, and ruthless! No one has ever seen his face, so he doesn't know whether it is a man or a woman, only knowing that although this man likes to sap, he never hurts his life. In addition to food and water, everything on the body will be left to the victim. Zhang Qi, Zhang Qi, said by his real name that the'sap crazy demon' must be a female, because in the confusion he felt that he was being assaulted by others. Although this sentence made people feel unreliable, it was unexpectedly received by many people. Unanimously agree.

As the number of victims slowly increased, everyone became extremely vigilant. There was a team of people clinging to each other, and even many people who did not have a team started to form a team, so as not to be a "sap crazy" because of being alone. Poisonous hand.

And our initiator, Lin Hang, was in a remote low jungle at this time, recovering the psychic energy he had consumed. In these two days, not counting the first fat man Qi Xiaosheng, Lin Hang took a total of 19 shots, and they were basically smooth and profitable, except for one miss. The moment that Lin Hang appeared, he turned into thunder. Not only did he escape the attack of the psychic stick, he also caused a brief paralysis to Lin Hang. Fortunately, Lin Hang copied someone else’s "Physical Strengthening" ability, which slowed it down. After the paralysis effect, it was relieved instantly, and immediately retreated with Shadow Escape.

In fact, if Lin Hang exerts his full strength, he may not be able to compete with the man, but he knows that even if he can win the man, it will definitely be more difficult. Once something happens, it will be easy to expose himself, so he decisively I didn't even use the blinking when I walked back, or even when I left.

And among the victims, there are no lack of capable people. Although they were all knocked out under Lin Hang’s psychic cudgel, several of them joined together and found out that Lin Hang’s hands were not very heavy. But all were stunned. Especially one of the "Physique Strengthening" man is even more suspicious, because his constitution is immune to many control effects, and the physical stunning is basically ineffective for him, but he is still caught, which can only show that it is an ability. The effect or the attribute of the weapon.

Everyone is not a fool. After analyzing the abilities of everyone participating in the assessment, they quickly locked the Qi family and Qi Xiaosheng. Because the Qi family is not a small family either, and both have a relatively high reputation in the capital, the attributes of the family heirloom are naturally not a secret. The unique ‘stun’ effect of the Qi family’s psychic cudgel became everyone’s first suspect.

They analyzed it with reason and evidence, and immediately promoted their views to everyone. Although it was a shame that everyone was attacked and brought down by the same person, they were even more reluctant to see their enemies'impunity'. Therefore, for a time, the slogan of "Down with the scum, Qi Xiaosheng, and return my pure and innocent body" resounded in the mountains and forests.

And where is our poor Qi Xiaosheng now?

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