I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 170

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:57 AM

Chapter 170: Wang Lao's plan

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Old Wang leaned forward and carefully looked at the map that Lin Hang took out. In order to facilitate observation, Wang Lao provided Lin Hang with eighteen locations. Lin Hang used two color marks to distinguish the nine caves of the Wu people from the remaining unknown caves.

After reading it, Wang Lao said softly, "Of those nine mysterious caves, four of them are in our China, and there are two of them, very close, in our northwest region. In my opinion, Lin Hang, you can put these two locations as your first choice for exploration. Comparing the two locations together can help you draw correct conclusions."

Hearing Mr. Wang’s analysis, Lin Hang also looked at it seriously. For a long time, Lin Hang pointed to the two points in the northwest that Mr. Wang said, and asked, “Master, these two points are in our northwest China. Which area of ​​the world?"

Old Wang smiled and said, "They are close together, just on the east and west sides of Ningcheng in the northwest. Ningcheng has been sparsely populated since ancient times, and it is more convenient for you to explore and will not attract much attention."

"Ningcheng?" Lin Hang said in surprise, "Are you talking about the Ningcheng where the Xu family is located?"

Lao Wang nodded slightly and said, "Yes, it is Ningcheng. When I just saw the two adjacent areas, both near Ningcheng, I thought about it a bit and it was indeed the most suitable area to explore. The Xu family, who controls Ningcheng, has always been in close contact with our Chinese military. After you arrive in Ningcheng, you don't have to worry about hiding your traces and you can focus more on exploring. One more thing, we can just do it by the way. Last time we didn’t plan to hand over the follow-up exercises to some old men who are at the peak of their innateness? The current Patriarch of the Xu Family in Ningcheng, Xu Xianhai, is my choice. One of the staff of, these days have passed, I have never had the opportunity to see his recent situation. It happens that you will visit Xu's family first this time, and briefly explain your intentions. He will help you cover your whereabouts, and then you can pass by 'Give me advice' for him!"

Speaking of the last, Mr. Wang couldn't help but laugh. No one pointed and discussed. With only a follow-up exercise book, Mr. Xu's cultivation progress must not be particularly fast. Although he must have broken through to the foundation, but the realm It will definitely lag behind Lin Hang. Lao Wang asked Lin Hang to visit Xu's house, thinking of Xu Xianhai seeing Lin Hang's scene, secretly looking forward to it.

Lin Hang has been following Mr. Wang for some time, and he has some understanding of Mr. Wang’s children’s xinxing from time to time. Hearing Mr. Wang’s last words, Lin Hang stroked his forehead and said with a wry smile, “Master! You will follow-up practice. Give the Fa to them. After their own exploration, even if they can break through to the foundation building, but they have only practiced for a year, and now it is at most only the cultivation base in the middle and late stages of the foundation building! You let me come to visit , Do you want to show off your disciple!"

Seeing that Lin Hang had pointed out his true thoughts, Wang did not admit it, and said without changing his face, "Hang'er, what are you talking about? I asked you to visit Xu Xianhai and help him by the way. Now, what other ideas can you have? Don't think too much, just follow my arrangements!"

Although Lin Hang was still complaining in his heart, he didn't seem to expose his master and nodded in response, "Okay, then I will visit Xu's house at the first stop! But Master, there is one thing I always wanted to ask. Individual disciples of families like the Xu family, such as Xu Li and Lu Sanjin, have been practicing in "Candle Realm" for ten years. And this second "Candle Realm" training plan, the innate masters of their families, there is no One proposed to go in for cultivation?"

Lin Hang didn't pay attention to this matter before, but after thinking about it carefully, he discovered the contradiction. Wang Lao and others selected elite disciples from the major families and sent them into "Candle World". Doesn't any of the innate masters of these families want to follow? Lin Hang couldn't think of the answer, so he asked directly.

Wang Lao chuckled and said, "Of course I have considered this. You have not participated too much in our plan, so it is not clear. When I notified the major families, I just told them that our military has a The plan can train a large number of elite disciples, but it did not explain the various characteristics of "Candle World", so they did not know what kind of place they were going to. After the first batch of students came out, I did not let them Back to the original place, but arranged together. On the one hand, it is indeed because of their strength that they can already cause a great threat to other ordinary forces in this world. On the other hand, it is here. Of course we don’t I hope that they will go home and spread the news of "Candle World." In a short time, this secret is still in our hands."

After listening to Wang Lao's explanation, Lin Hang nodded to express his understanding. Mr. Wang and his plan are still very meticulous. They just say that they want to train disciples. These old men will naturally not look down and beg for entry without knowing the particularity of "Candle World." After restricting the actions of the first group of disciples, their family naturally did not get the news. In the future, with the increase in the number of people entering, this secret could not be kept, but by that time, Mr. Wang and the others had the confidence to face everything.

Lin Hang was quite curious about which family Wang had passed on for the first time when he came out, so he asked, "Master, in addition to the old Xu family, you have also given the exercises to several seniors. Huh?"

Old Wang smiled and replied, "To tell the truth, our top family power in China is distributed in major cities. In detail, there are at least more than 20. Among them, the Chinese military has always been advancing and retreating. There are as many as seven families! They are: Huicheng Ye Family, Diancheng Yu Family, Jingcheng Lin Family, Ningcheng Xu Family, Binhai Lu Family, Mengcheng Hu Family, and Jincheng Wu Family. They have been there for so many years, whether they are The family has always supported China Huaxia from the light or the dark. Therefore, when I came out, I ran into six houses separately. Naturally, the old man of the Ye family didn’t need to say that the other six family heads were all from the innate level. Without choosing, I directly agreed to give the exercises to the six of them. I believe that by now, all of them should be in the foundation building stage!"

This information is absolutely confidential by the military. After all, a family like the Lin family has a close relationship with the military that is not known to outsiders. But Lin Hang's current identity and strength, knowing this is nothing.

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