I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 171

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:56 AM

Chapter 171: Xu Xianhai

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Lin Hang nodded lightly, and then asked questioningly, "Master, you just said that there are only seven families that advance and retreat with our Huaxia? Then you just said that our Huaxia has more than 20 top families, except for these seven. The family supports our China, what is their position?"

Huaxia has a large area and the distribution of personnel is not very even. This has led to differences in the humanities and habits of different places in Huaxia. Although a few decades ago, the Chinese military had sorted out the regime and became the nominal leadership of China, but the long-standing families were not necessarily convinced in their hearts. Among them, the Lin Family, Ye Family and other seven major families also played a very important role in the process of the rise of the Chinese military, and naturally maintained the dominant position of the Chinese military consciously or unconsciously.

Old Wang explained with a smile, "Except for these seven families, the other families are not what you think they are all working against our military. Most of the families have been passed down for a long time. The military is not too cold, but our military has never interfered with their actions and development. They are still the overlords in the areas where their families are located. Therefore, they only stabilize the area where they are located. What damage our China’s interests have caused. After all, that is the place where their ancestors have always lived, how can they not hope to develop well! You have also been in Huicheng for a long time before, and the Ye family’s status in Huicheng, It's like the position of these families in their ancestral lands, which cannot be easily shaken."

Lin Hang noticed Wang Lao's words and asked, "Master, you said that these families are not all opposed to our military, which means that there are indeed families that are opposed to our military?"

As soon as Lin Hang's voice fell, the smile on Wang Lao's face diminished in an instant, and he nodded slightly and said, "Well, that's good! Although the vast majority of families are on their own, do not care about world affairs and have been practicing silently, there are still a few that are unwilling to the status quo , Want to find more things! Among them, the most powerful is the two of the four big families in Beijing-Liu Family and Wang Family! Their two ancestors have always been in Beijing, and our Chinese military occupy the leading position of China. After entering the capital, they have always been very resistant. If it were not for the Lin family's secret containment, it would be impossible for our military to enter the capital so easily. Therefore, after this, the two have never given us China What a good look on the military, especially in the first few years, our military’s top combat power was not as good as the two of them, so their arrogance was also more arrogant. Until later, old man Jiang and I both broke through to the innate. This is the only way to stabilize the position of the military. The continuous development of these years has finally made our military straighten the rocker!"

Having said this, Old Wang changed his voice and said with a smile, "Of course, now they are no longer a problem for me. If they do something that is not good for China in the next days, Don't blame me for not being affectionate!"

Lin Hang also nodded and laughed. Indeed, as Wang Lao said, the Chinese military now includes the seven major families that support the military, and its development has far surpassed other families. Forces like the Wang family and the Liu family are fine for the rest of the day. If Wang Lao is offended, what awaits them may be destroyed.

Lin Hang said, "Well, although we need to improve China's overall strength, if there are black sheep in it, it will be counterproductive. Our temporary plan is to consider only these seven families, and we will observe later. It's about the future of our human race. There must be no sloppyness!"

Lao Wang asked Lin Hang a few more words, and Lin Hang nodded in agreement. Since Lin Hang had never been to Ningcheng, Wang waved his hand and sent Lin Hang to the vicinity of Ningcheng.

In the days before, Lin Hang had never been in contact with cities in the northwest. Looking at the completely different scenery here and Huicheng in the south, Lin Hang also felt that he had a special flavor.

Mr. Wang had already informed Lin Hang of the location of Xu's family in Ningcheng. After Lin Hang had a little appreciation of the scenery, he went straight to Xu's family and asked to see Xu Xianhai, the head of the Xu family.

After Lin Hang came to Ningcheng, he did not hide his traces. Therefore, when Lin Hang suddenly appeared, Xu Xianhai had already felt Lin Hang's arrival. Therefore, Xu Xianhai did not refuse Lin Hang’s request to see him. Hang invited to Xu's waiting room.

After Lin Hang followed the guide to the waiting room, only one kind-hearted old man was sitting in the first place in the huge hall, and no one else was present. Lin Hang thought about it and understood Xu Xianhai's consideration. He didn't know Lin Hang's intentions, so he didn't let other members of the family come together. No matter what Lin Hang's purpose is, these juniors can't help much. Don't let them out.

Lin Hang smiled and folded his hands and said, "Xu Lao, boy Lin Hang, this time I will visit directly without saying hello. I hope that Xu Lao will not mind!"

Hearing Lin Hang’s words, Xu Lao realized that Lin Hang’s name was naturally heard. He was shocked when Wang Lao accepted his disciples. In addition, his grandson Xu Li kept talking about him. It is relatively familiar.

Xu Xianhai waved his hand and said with a chuckle, "Lin Hang, it doesn't have to be that! My master and I are old friends. What, what's the matter when you come home at this time? Li'er has gone to participate in the military plan. In terms of your qualifications and talents, it is definitely under consideration of this plan. How could Wang Min let you run around and come to our Ningcheng?"

The sudden appearance of Lin Hang really made Xu Xianhai very puzzled. When Wang Lao talked to him about the "Candle World" plan, he emphasized the cultivation of elite disciples. But now it's only a year, but Lin Hang is not in the military. Arranged for a good practice and ran to Ningcheng, it really made Xu Xianhai wonder. Of course, if he knew Lin Hang's true state now, he would not think so.

Lin Hang sat aside and replied with a smile, "Old Xu, when I come to Ningcheng this time, there are two main things to do. First, I want to explore a ruin near Ningcheng. This is something the military attaches great importance to. I hope that Mr. Xu can arrange for the forces of the Xu family to help me cover up. Secondly, this matter is related to you."

"It has something to do with me?" Xu Lao wanted to directly agree to the first thing, but the second thing that Lin Hang continued to say made him a little unclear.

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