I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 172

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:55 AM

Chapter 172: Explore

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After Wang Lao let Lin Hang Road to Ningcheng, he could give advice on Xu Xianhai's practice at this stage. Lin Hang planned to check the progress of Xu Xianhai's cultivation first after he arrived. If he was indeed behind Lin Hang, he would naturally give some suggestions on cultivation. But if Xu Xianhai's realm is still higher than Lin Hang, then the instruction has become a joke.

Lin Hang started observing as soon as he entered the door. Although Xu Xianhai was a little concealed, he still did not hide Lin Hang's investigation. In Lin Hang's view, Xu Xianhai's cultivation base at this time was at the peak of the mid-term construction and was already on the verge of breaking through. Lin Hang only breathed a sigh of relief. This situation is just right for comments, and it won't look embarrassing.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Yes, Mr. Xu, this is what my master specifically ordered. After arriving in Ningcheng, in addition to greeting you, I also need to care about your current cultivation progress."

Hearing Lin Hang's reminder, Xu Xianhai reacted. After Lin Hang came to Ningcheng, although he had been observing him, he did not pay attention to Lin Hang's current cultivation level. At this moment, I made a serious investigation, but found that Lin Hang in front of him couldn't see through it at all. There seemed to be no trace of spiritual power all over his body, just like an ordinary person. But how could Lin Hang be an ordinary person? Xu Xianhai was shocked and had a terrible guess.

Xu Xianhai didn't say any guesses, but instead asked, "Lin Hang, old man, let me say another word and take the liberty to ask, what is your current cultivation level?"

Lin Hang had no intention of concealing, and he smiled and replied, "Old Xu, you are serious! The kid has no intention of concealing it. My cultivation base is low, and now it's only the late stage of foundation building."

"Late stage of foundation building!!" Xu Xianhai couldn't help exclaiming. We can't blame Xu Xianhai for being so surprised. He was in the Innate Realm for many years and finally got the follow-up exercises. After breaking through to the foundation building stage, he was quite proud in his heart. But Lin Hang, a younger generation who hadn't practiced for a long time, actually surpassed him in the realm of cultivation. Xu Xianhai's surprise in his heart was very normal.

Xu Xianhai forced himself to calm down and said in a deep voice, "Lin Hang, you really are a genius born out of the world! The old man is ashamed, and he has cultivated for half his life, and now it is only the middle stage of foundation building. It seems that in the future, this world will all be you The stage for young people!"

Lin Hang said hurriedly, "Old Xu doesn't need to be like this! The kid is just lucky and got the chance. You shouldn't praise it like this! Don't worry, you may have such a chance soon, and your cultivation base will advance by leaps and bounds. !"

Because of Wang's tentative plan, they have not yet decided to tell a few elderly people, so Lin Hang did not directly explain to Xu Xianhai. But Lin Hang's side reminder, I believe that with Xu Xianhai's half-life experience, he should be able to roughly understand what Lin Hang meant.

After hearing Lin Hang’s vague reminder, Xu Xianhai’s eyes lit up, and he said, "Then I hope that the facts are as Lin Hang you wished! The first thing you just said, I will arrange someone to do it right away. Dare to say, but in this Ningcheng, you are guaranteed that no one will disturb you, so you can complete your exploration mission with peace of mind! Before all this is implemented, I would like to ask you to help me. I wonder if you are willing?"

Lin Hang was a little puzzled, but he immediately replied, "Then thank you Mr. Xu! If you have anything, just say it directly. If the kid can help, he will definitely not refuse!"

Xu Xianhai smiled and said, “It’s not a big deal. I’m going to make you laugh at Lin Hang again! Your master gave me a practice book some time ago, and also told me another wider practice path. I passed myself His groping finally broke through the shackles of many years and reached the foundation-building period. However, I practiced alone and barely fumbled forward. To the peak of the mid-term foundation building, I have accumulated a lot of problems along the way. Although I know, at this stage It won’t affect anything, but it will inevitably create some obstacles to my future path. Small problems now may become big problems in the future! So, Lin Hang, can you help me answer some questions?"

Xu Xianhai's words were also made after careful consideration. In his opinion, Lin Hang can make progress so fast, besides his own talent, what should be more indispensable is the guidance of the seniors and the discussion with everyone. Therefore, Xu Xianhai did not hesitate to give up the face of his elders, but also to ask Lin Hang for advice. After all, in the face of the future, what is this little face?

Lin Hang was also moved by Xu Xianhai’s desire for Taoism. He finally understood what Master had arranged before. Mr. Wang knew that Xu Xianhai was such a person, so there was no need for Lin Hang to speak, as long as he knew Lin Hang’s cultivation base. Xu Xianhai is bound to ask him for advice. Lin Hang originally thought that this stage would be more embarrassing, but now it seems that Wang has already foreseen such a thing, and this will allow him to guide Xu Xianhai.

Lin Hang replied with a smile, "Old Xu, you are very admired for your desire to seek the truth, the boy! On this road of cultivation, the boy just walked a few steps first. If you have any questions, even if you raise them, the boy does not Dare to speak and advise, let's discuss and discuss together, this will benefit us all!"

Xu Xianhai let out a long sigh of relief. Lin Hang's words obviously gave him a lot of face, and he was not hypocritical at the moment, saying that he had encountered various problems since this year of cultivation. Lin Hang wasn't perfunctory, but listened carefully and gave some suggestions from time to time. Originally, according to Lin Hang's idea, this kind of guidance should be very simple, but after chatting, I discovered that Xu Xianhai had his own unique insights about the foundation building period. He did not practice rigidly according to the method, but had his own ideas. . After some discussion, Lin Hang found that his understanding of the foundation-building period has also deepened a lot, and he has also gained a lot.

Lin Hang stayed at Xu's house that night, and Xu Xianhai also immediately arranged manpower to arrange Ningcheng carefully. Ning Cheng, who looked like Song Fan, was already fully vigilant inside, and it was bound to prevent Lin Hang's actions from being disturbed by the outside world.

Lin Hang stayed in Xu's house for two days. During these two days, Lin Hang and Xu Xianhai had been discussing matters in the foundation-building period, and both benefited a lot. Xu Xianhai deserves to be a master of the same name as Mr. Wang and others. He has extraordinary comprehension. Not only did he put forward a lot of new ideas, but also when he was discussing the next day, he suddenly got an insight and broke directly into the late stage of foundation building! Lin Hang also has a better understanding of his own realm, and has stabilized his cultivation for the past ten years, and has gained a lot of experience.

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