I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 173

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:54 AM

Chapter 173: Hot cave sky

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Two days later, with the help of Lin Hang, Xu Xianhai stabilized the realm he had just broken through. Under Xu Xianhai's arrangement, the entire Ningcheng became tight and loose. Lin Hang saw that the time was ripe, so he bid farewell to Xu Xianhai and went to a forest in the east of Ningcheng alone.

According to Wang Lao’s information, the two relics not far apart were arranged on the east and west sides of Ningcheng. According to Lin Hang’s Wang Lao’s plan, he was planning to explore both of these relics, so he first came to the east to see It depends on the situation.

During the two days that Lin Hang stayed in Xu's house temporarily, he also asked Xu Xianhai about it, but what made him puzzled was that there did not seem to be any strange things happening near Ningcheng. The same. Throughout the three caves where the Wu Clan has now been discovered, each of them has been discovered by local forces. Although there is no way to open it due to physical reasons, there are clues. As for the remaining nine caves of the Wu Clan, Lin Hang believes that the surrounding forces should have heard the news early, but they have not made it public. But for the two relics near Ningcheng, Xu’s family in Ningcheng did not respond at all. This is very far from Lin Hang’s expectations. The next actions will not be as easy as the Wu Clan Dongtian. There are many unforeseen things that have appeared, which also made him more vigilant in his heart.

However, under the arrangement of the Xu family, the location requested by Lin Hang has been silently cleared. Therefore, in the current Eastern Forest, even the Xu family has no one of its own. This also gives Lin Hang a lot of space and can use it freely. Means.

Lin Hang closed his eyes and let go of his spirit, carefully feeling the fluctuations in the surrounding space. Wang Lao Yuanying’s cultivation base can be found in the capital, and he can check space fluctuations all over the world. Lin Hang's cultivation base is not enough, but he also has such a profound knowledge of space. Now he only explores the surrounding space. Before long, Lin Hang discovered the abnormal place in space.

A dazzling light burst into Lin Hang's eyes, releasing the "Eagle Eye" with spatial abilities, and the scene in front of him instantly changed. Originally, in the forest where Lin Hang was located, because the Xu family has always been well protected, big trees over 50 years old can be seen everywhere, and there are even many old trees over a hundred years old. There is nothing strange about this at first, but under the observation of "Eagle Eye", which is now blessed by Lin Hang's spatial abilities, between the two towering trees about ten meters away, there is a transparent, and a little looming. Portal to come.

Lin Hang knew that he should have found the goal, and slowly stepped forward, carefully feeling the strength of this transparent portal. After careful observation, Lin Hang discovered the difference between this portal and the Witch Cave Sky. Lin Hang had a feeling that his current spatial ability seemed to be able to forcibly tear a hole into the portal. But in the previous Wu Clan Dongtian, there was no jade card in hand, but even the portal could not perceive it, which made Lin Hang a little more vigilant in his heart.

After experiencing so many things and learning many ancient secrets, Lin Hang has also become more cautious. He is no longer the reckless teenager before, only knowing that he has bumped his head in. After thinking about it for a while, Lin Hang had a plan in his heart.

Lin Hang took two steps back, mobilized his spiritual power, and activated a long-unused ability-"Clone"! Soon, a exactly the same'Lin Hang' appeared in front of Lin Hang. The strength of this clone was limited by Lin Hang to the mid-stage of foundation construction. He was going to let the clone enter this unknown relic first, and explore it. After analyzing the situation, I will consider the following questions on my own body.

Lin Hang stepped forward, stretched out his hand and slowly tore open the transparent door, then backed down and sat down, diverting his attention to the body of the clone. Clone's confused eyes began to have spirituality, and slowly walked into the gap opened by Lin Hang. As Lin Hang's clone entered, the small openings that had just been torn back slowly closed together, and no traces were seen anymore.

After Lin Hang's clone entered, he quickly converged his breath and watched the surroundings vigilantly. Under Lin Hang's observation, the situation here is indeed different from the general relics. It's like the Wu Clan Cave Sky, and it doesn't feel like a run-down. The spiritual power of heaven and earth is not much different from the outside world. After confirming this, Lin Hang nodded secretly in his heart, Wang Lao's opinion was correct, these unknown areas are indeed cave heavens, and they are completely different from the Wu Clan.

After Lin Hang determined in his heart, he began to act in this cave sky. As Lin Hang progressed, he discovered a strange phenomenon. The temperature of this unknown cave sky was much higher than the outside world. Most of the plants The colors are all red. In addition to this, the entire world is also full of hot spiritual power. This clone of Lin Hang is also the cultivation base of the middle stage of foundation construction, but within an hour, he has already felt his mouth dry. Dry and sweaty.

During this hour's journey, Lin Hang saw a lot of scenes, but he didn't see a creature on the way, which almost made Lin Hang feel that this cave sky was a dead place. But this is obviously impossible. Although the spiritual power and the environment are a bit overheated, they are not Jedi, and should be able to accommodate living creatures. Lin Hang can only continue to explore with the doubts in his heart.

Later, Lin Hang had to mobilize his spiritual power every moment to resist this hot environment. Although it consumes a lot of spiritual power, but fortunately, before Lin Hang's clone came in, he prepared enough elixir. So it doesn't constitute a major problem. However, Lin Hang's heart inevitably became a little irritable after seeing no figure for a long time.

After moving forward for another half an hour, Lin Hang, who was walking silently, suddenly felt the violent psychic fluctuations from the northwest. Lin Hang knew that he had finally encountered the creatures in the cave. He wanted to rush to the northwest, but then changed his mind. I thought about it, although I am a clone now, I am not afraid of death, but I have to spend a lot of spiritual power and mental power, it is better not to risk risk easily. Lin Hang felt the moving direction and speed of the psychic energy fluctuations, and found that the speed was not very fast. If he adjusted the direction and went all the way, he could reach the front of their path in a short time. Thinking of this, Lin Hang adjusted his direction and started to gallop at full speed. He was going to go to the front of the fluctuating route first, then hide it, observe it, and then decide what to do next.

Lin Hang felt the psychic energy all the way, while advancing fast, after about twenty minutes, Lin Hang stopped and hid in a big tree beside him. According to his estimation, that wave of psychic energy will pass this neighborhood soon, and Lin Hang patiently waited on the tree.

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