I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 174

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:54 AM

Chapter 174: "Akabane World"

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The fluctuation did not exceed Lin Hang's expectation, and within five minutes, he approached the tree where Lin Hang was hiding. And Lin Hang on the tree opened "Eagle Eye" early, observing the sacredness of this fluctuation of psychic energy. As the goal slowly approached, "Eagle Eye" opened by Lin Hang on the tree also slowly grew wide.

In Lin Hang’s sight, it was a girl about ten years old who caused the fluctuation of psychic energy. She was chubby all over her body. She had two soaring temples on her head. She had silver bracelets on her bare hands and feet. The hanging bell made the sound of'jingle bell'. And the little girl lifted her feet off the ground, chasing a flaming bird, and laughed from time to time, seeming to be playing with the bird.

Lin Hang also saw the girl’s cultivation level at a glance. In the middle of the foundation construction period, this is not surprising. After all, many people like Dongtian of the Witch Clan at this age, the cultivation level is not very low, they have cultivated since childhood. After all, the contact system is not comparable to Lin Hang and the others. Lin Hang was surprised that the little girl was flying in mid-air very easily, and it didn't look difficult, as if she was instinctive. You know, in Lin Hang's cognition, whether it is a Witch or a human, the cultivation base must at least reach the Yuan Ying to fly in the air. The performance of the little girl greatly exceeds Lin Hang's cognition.

Lin Hang didn't show up rashly, he silently picked up the unique "Wang Qi Shu" taught by the Great Elder specifically for the monster race. Lin Hang's eyes burst with aura and looked at the little girl. As soon as it hit, the little girl changed in Lin Hang's eyes in an instant, and a strong red light slowly emitted on the little girl. Lin Hang resisted the shock in his heart. If there was nothing wrong in "Wang Qi Shu", the little girl in front of him was a real monster, and the red light coincided with his cultivation base during the foundation period!

Lin Hang frowned on the tree in thought. According to his plan, after entering, he wanted to observe in the dark for a period of time before considering his next plan. But the appearance of the little girl now made Lin Hang change his initial thoughts. The little girl looked innocent and romantic, and her cultivation level happened to be within the range Lin Hang could handle. Lin Hang was going to try to contact the little girl in front of him first, to see her reaction, and then decide what to do next. After all, Lin Hang is not a person who has experienced the enmity between the Lich race, so from the bottom of my heart, I can't raise any feelings of the Yao race. What's more, the Yao race in front of you is a little girl who is carved and carved. There is no way to raise hostility.

Of course, this is also because Lin Hang is now a clone of spiritual power and spiritual power, allowing him to make some adventurous attempts. If Lin Hang had entered from his body, he would not make such a decision.

Although Lin Hang was ready to show up, he was not unprepared. He used the disguise ability he hadn't used for a long time, imitating the breath of the little girl in front of him, and disguised himself as a ‘demon clan’ in the foundation period. Such a disguise is very clumsy, but it can still play a role in dealing with a girl in the same realm in front of you.

After making preparations, Lin Hang jumped from the tree and came to the little girl.

The little girl was still happily playing with the little bird in front of her, but she suddenly sensed the appearance of Lin Hang, and instantly stopped and landed on the ground. The little bird also obediently stopped on the girl's shoulder.

Lin Hang felt very strange to the little girl. The breath that this person exudes was similar to that of himself, but he had no impression at all in his memory, and he didn't know the existence of this person at all. The little girl frowned and asked directly, in a clear voice, "Big brother, who are you? Why do you feel so familiar to Linger, but Linger can't remember you at all? Yeah.. It's weird!"

Lin Hang was secretly relieved by the first reaction of the little girl who claimed to be Linger. Judging from Linger’s current performance, it was indeed the little girl who was right, there was no suspicion of being tender, and her mind was relatively small. It is relatively easy to deal with.

Lin Hang took a step forward, his eyes narrowed into crescents, and he smiled and said, "Isn't you called Ling'er? What a nice name! Big brother came in from outside, Ling'er, can tell Big Brother, you are here Where is it?"

Ling'er frowned even more when she heard this, and said with a pouting mouth, "Big brother, you are from outside? That means you are from another demon world? But, the patriarch grandfather said that two thousand years ago, Our Nine Demon Realms have defined a rule. The nine great demon realms will not communicate with each other until they live and die!” At this point, Ling'er's eyes lit up and continued, "Could it be that the big brother, your demon realm has reached the moment of life and death? Alone, come to our "Akabane Realm" for help?"

Linger had a simple mind, and Lin Hang had already told a lot of the news before he was ready to inquire from the side.

""Red Feather Realm"?" Lin Hang thought of the name silently in his heart, and the nine great demon realms mentioned by Linger just now corresponded to the nine unknown relics discovered by Wang Lao.

Looking at Ling'er, who was looking forward to Lin Hang's affirmative answer with wide eyes in front of her, Lin Hang felt a little unbearable. Lin Hang's life creed has always been to treat people with sincerity, and now Ling'er is a girl who knows nothing about the world, and Lin Hang really can't do anything to deceive her.

Lin Hang shook his head and said with a smile, "Ling'er, Big Brother is not from another Demon Realm." At this point, Lin Hang waved away his disguise, and continued, "Moreover, Big Brother is not a Demon Race either. , I am a human race!"

To Lin Hang's expectation, Ling'er was not surprised when he heard that Lin Hang was a human race, and nodded, and said, "It turns out that big brother, you are a human race! Ling'er just said that, why can't you remember anyone? But, the spell you just used is so powerful, elder brother, Linger didn’t even see that you are a human race! Elder brother, can you teach Linger?"

Lin Hang knew that Ling'er was talking about the disguise ability just now. Shouldn't Ling'er be surprised that she is an individual, what the **** is this ability to learn to disguise this ability?

Lin Hang asked, "Ling'er, you know I am a human race, are you not surprised at all? Have you seen other human races before?"

Linger looked at Lin Hang strangely, and said in a puzzled manner, "Our "Red Feather Realm" was originally a cave where the human race and the monster race lived together. Of course Linger has seen the human race. It's really strange. Big brother, why would you ask this? Huh?"

Linger didn't know how much impact this simple sentence had brought to Lin Hang. In the cave of the demon race, he actually lived with the human race! Lin Hang had some speculations in his heart, because the current human identity was not dangerous, so he was going to use Linger to get in touch with the high-levels of "Akabane Realm" to understand the truth behind it.

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