I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 175

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:53 AM

Chapter 175: Chi Ye

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Lin Hang had a plan in his mind, chuckled, and said, "Ling'er, the eldest brother came to you from the outside world to your "Red Feather Realm". Naturally, he is not familiar with everything. Ling'er can tell me that in "Red Feather Realm" How is the relationship between the Human Race and the Monster Race?"

Ling'er thought for a while, and said, "We have a very good relationship with Human Race! According to the patriarch, we lived with Human Race a long time ago, and Linger also has many Human Race friends! Let’s go, big brother, you and Together with Ling'er, I will take you to meet your fellow human beings. If they know that someone is coming in from outside, they will be very happy!"

Hearing Ling'er's suggestion, Lin Hang nodded, he was going to meet with Ling'er the people living in "Akabane Realm". Being the same human race, it shouldn't be a big rejection to him, even if he is hostile to him, Lin Hang is just a clone now. No matter what the Human Race's attitude towards him this time, he can get a lot of useful clues and news.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Okay, I just want to see them too, are they far away?"

When Linger heard Lin Hang's decision, she jumped up happily and replied with a smile, "Big brother, Linger ran out secretly this time, and the patriarch and grandpa didn't let me come out to play. Linger would have been out for a long time. If we are on our way, it will take about four hours to return to our family land. This time, Ling'er took her elder brother back. They should not scold Ling'er if they want to come to the patriarch grandfather. Right!"

Looking at Ling'er, who was not shy about thinking carefully, Lin Hang couldn't help touching Ling'er's little head, and said with a smile, "Ling'er, don't be so troublesome, where is the direction of your family? how far?"

Linger thought for a while, stretched out two small hands, and calculated carefully. After a while, he pointed to the east direction and said, "Big brother, it's about eight hundred miles in this direction. Big brother, why are you asking about this?"

Lin Hang smiled without saying a word, closed his eyes and felt the space silently, and found that there was not much restriction, and it was basically the same as the outside space. After getting the bottom of his heart, Lin Hang stretched out his right hand and said with a smile, "Come on, Linger, give me your hand."

Although Linger was very puzzled, she did not refuse Lin Hang, and obediently put her little hand on Lin Hang's. Lin Hang perceives the space with all his strength, and said softly, "Ling'er, hurry up!"

Linger heard the words and immediately obediently grasped Lin Hang's hand. In the next instant, Linger saw that the surrounding environment had become different. After looking carefully for a while, she found that she had returned to the forest near the family land. in.

Linger shouted in surprise, "Wow! Big brother, you are so amazing, can you teach Linger? After Linger learns it, she will be as good as big brother!"

Lin Hang just smiled and didn't answer Ling'er's words. He knew that the spatial fluctuation brought about by the teleportation must not be able to hide the perception of Ling'er's elders. He stood quietly in place, waiting for Ling'er's people to come.

Sure enough, as Lin Hang had expected, just a moment after the two arrived, someone quickly came to Lin Hang from a distant canyon. Lin Hang took a closer look and saw that the person came was the image of a middle-aged man with a long hair shawl tied behind him and a long beard on his chin. Lin Hang guessed that this person might be Ling'er's father.

Because he wanted to know more about the truth, Lin Hang did not pretend to be his identity. After all, Linger is still young, she has not been exposed to many things, and her mind is simple. What she just said may not represent the high-level thoughts of "Akabane World". Lin Hang simply faced it with a real attitude to see if the reaction of Linger's elders was consistent with the guess in his own heart.

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Hang, who was holding Ling'er's little hand, frowned, and said solemnly, "Ling'er! Why did you sneak out to play again? Didn't Daddy tell you that it is dangerous outside, don't go out privately!"

After that, the man stepped forward, stretched out his hand to pull Ling'er behind him, looked at Lin Hang with an examination of his face, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you? How come you are with our Ling'er?"

Just as Lin Hang was about to answer, Ling'er behind the man said first, "Daddy, big brother, he is a human from the outside world. He knows many powerful and fun spells! By the way, what is your big brother?"

"What! Humans from outside?" Although the man discovered Lin Hang's human identity for the first time, he only thought he was a junior from the "Red Feather Realm" humans he didn't know. Hearing Ling'er's words, his face instantly darkened. Down.

Lin Hang also noticed the change in the expression on the man’s face. The matter in his heart was not as simple as what Linger said. The human race in "Akabane Realm" can coexist with the demon race, and they must have some secrets unknown to them. The human race from the outside world appeared rashly, and it was still very dangerous.

As a clone, Lin Hang didn’t have any fear. He gave a fist to the man and said with a smile, “Boy Lin Hang! As Ling’er said, he comes from an outside human race. You don’t have to worry that I will be against Ling’er, boy. It’s just a small foundation-building cultivator who came down to your realm just to find out a little bit of news. As soon as I came in, I met Linger and asked her about it. I hope you don’t mind!"

When Lin Hang mentioned his cultivation base, the man nodded secretly. Indeed, as Lin Hang said, the cultivation base he showed now during the foundation construction stage did not pose any threat in the man's heart. This is also the reason why he can talk to Lin Hang. If it is not Lin Hang who comes in, but a master at the level of the elder, the man's attitude will have to be different.

Ling'er on the side also whispered to the man what happened after meeting Lin Hang. After listening, the man's complexion eased slightly and he said, "Well, listening to what Ling'er said, you are still acting. Honestly. The old man's name is Chi Ye, Ling'er's father. As for the inquiries you mentioned, I can't reply to you now. After all, since "Akabane Realm" was closed, it has been a long time since the human race from outside entered. If I think I can wait, I will report it to the senior leaders of the "Akabane Realm" and the demons. If there is news, I will notify you as soon as possible. What do you think?"

From Chi Ye's words, Lin Hang did not feel the demon clan's rejection of the human clan, but because Lin Hang came from the outside world, he could not decide for the time being. However, in the cave of the Witch Clan before, the three predecessors of the Witch Clan instilled in Lin Hang the concept that the Monster Clan was never friendly to the Human and Witch Clan. In this "Red Feather Realm", the Human race not only coexisted with the Monster Race, but even compared to the Monster Race, it seemed to be an equal relationship, which made Lin Hang's heart full of doubts.

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