I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 176

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:52 AM

Chapter 176: meet

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Lin Hang didn't suspect that the elders of the Wu clan deceived him, but the current situation is indeed far from what the elders said. Lin Hang decided to wait patiently, and then consider the next plan after learning more.

Lin Hang replied, "Senior Chi Ye's suggestion is very good. The kid has no reason to disagree! That kid is waiting here. I hope you can bring good news to the kid soon!"

Chi Ye nodded and took Ling'er to fly back into the canyon where she had come out. Behind Chi Ye, Ling'er kept blinking at Lin Hang, and Lin Hang smiled and waved at Ling'er until the two of them met. The figure disappeared into Lin Hang's sight.

The aura of "Akabane Realm" was so hot that Lin Hang had to carry the "Elements-Fire" ability, sat down cross-legged, and waited for the result, while quietly using the "Akabane Realm" environment to exercise his body.

After Chi Ye returned to the canyon where his clan was located, he immediately reported to Chi Liming, the current patriarch of the monster clan of "Aka Feather Realm", and Chi Liming, upon hearing this news, also attached great importance and immediately notified this generation. The leader of the "Akabane Realm" human race, and gathered high-level personnel to discuss this change together.

In a small wooden building, there is a square wooden table. Chi Liming and an old man are sitting opposite each other. Chi Ye, Ling'er and others are standing behind Chi Liming, and another old man is also standing behind him. Three people.

The old man did not greet Chi Liming, and he asked directly, "Brother Chi, the news you just ordered to inform is true? Is there really a human race from outside who has come to our "Aka Feather Realm" again?"

Chi Liming nodded, and said, "Well, Bai Yu, my subordinates should have already told you about the matter. However, you don't have to worry, because this human race is just a monk in the foundation building period. , Does not pose a threat to us. I am looking for you to come over, not for this monk, but to explore the things behind this monk. After all, what it means for him to appear here, I believe that you also know what is meant by him."

Hearing this, Bai Yu's expression calmed down a bit, Lin Hang, who was in the foundation period, was indeed not even a threat in his eyes. But Chi Liming's last sentence also pointed out what Bai Yu was worried about.

Bai Yu was silent for a moment, and said, "Brother Chi, why did our ancestors come to "Red Feather Realm" back then, I believe you also understand. Our ancestors once said that when the outside world gets in touch with us again, it means that the world is great. The catastrophe is about to come, and the sacred place that our ancestors found for us is no longer safe. Brother, here I want to ask, do you have any plans for your branch next? To deal with this catastrophe, What should our attitude be?"

The question Bai Yu asked was exactly what Chi Liming was worried about. The great catastrophe of heaven and earth is coming, and the quiet and peaceful homeland will inevitably fall into disputes in the days to come. His current plan will directly determine the fate of this entire race. Chi Liming's heart is under a lot of pressure, and he doesn't know what to do to preserve his race's survival. After all, every time a catastrophe comes, countless lives will be annihilated, and the affected area will radiate all the fragments of Eternal Light. Although this boundary is hidden and mysterious, it still cannot be hidden in front of Heaven.

Chi Liming did not answer Bai Yu's question. Instead, he changed his voice and said, "I don't know if Bai Yu has any plans in his heart, or whether your ancestors have left any plans and methods to face the catastrophe?"

Bai Yu smiled bitterly and said, "Brother, our human race has survived for so many years in the "Red Feather Realm", and it depends on you to take care of it. Therefore, I won't hide it from you. Avoiding the world in "Akabane Realm", he knows that we will not live peacefully all the time. In the prophecies left by our ancestors, the scale of this catastrophe is unprecedented, and all races will be involved involuntarily! The result of the Great Tribulation is not predictable by the ancestors, but, according to the words left by the ancestors, the protagonist of the Great Tribulation this time must be the tribe of humans and witches! The final result, we cannot predict, but human witches The demon tribes will definitely occupy the most important part of the big catastrophe. The final development depends on the meaning of our tribes."

Although Chi Liming also had warnings left by his ancestors, he did not have Bai Yu in such detail. He believed Bai Yu's words, because the ancestor in Bai Yu's mouth was indeed an amazing and brilliant character, if not for lack of opportunity If that is the case, maybe you can reach the realm of the saint that everyone dreams of. But even if there is no sanctification, his strength is invincible under the saint, and his prediction can almost be seen as a fact.

Chi Liming lowered his head in thought, and after a while, he said, "Brother Bai Yu, our two clans have been closed for such a long time in this "Red Feather Realm", and we are not familiar with the outside world now. Now that someone has come in. Now, we just need to know the news. Why not contact this foreign monk, and after some understanding, we will make our decision? Anyway, let me just say a word, our two clans must rely on each other and help each other in this catastrophe. , Other decisions, what about when we learn more about it?"

Bai Yu obviously agreed with Chi Liming’s suggestion, and said with a smile, “Okay! We just need to keep the catastrophe in our hearts, and we can’t let him affect our mood. I just want to see the human race now, in the past. After so many years, after losing the inheritance, what kind of development is it?"

In this discussion, the opinions of both parties were basically the same, and the heads of the two clans decided to follow the will of the ancestors and unite to fight the next catastrophe.

After a few people have discussed it, Chi Liming said, "Ye'er, go talk about that cultivator bring it over, and be better!"

Chi Ye agreed with his hands, turned and left the small building, before long, he led Lin Hang back.

Lin Hang looked at the many faces in the small building without showing any timidity. He smiled politely, and said, "Predecessors, boy Lin Hang, this time I came to the "Red Feather Realm". It is really a bit abrupt. Hope you Haihan!"

Chi Liming and Bai Yu looked at each other, and they both saw the consternation in each other's eyes. The aura created by many people on their own side, let alone talking, even standing there would be a little unstoppable. This Lin Hang's cultivation base was only in the middle of the foundation construction period, and he was able to talk and laugh in such a manner, which is really amazing.

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