I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 179

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:48 AM

Chapter 179: Grilled fish

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Before Lin Hang had heard the high priest talk about the entanglement between the two families of the Lich, he knew that in the heart of the high priest, the two families of the Lich were not as irreconcilable as they were back then. Especially for those who stayed out of the monster clan, the witch clan did not have much hostility towards them. What Lin Hang thinks now is that if Chi Liming and Bai Yu didn't lie to him, then in the subsequent Great Tribulation, the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan might not be able to cooperate to fight the Great Tribulation. But now Lin Hang couldn't grasp Chi Liming's attitude, so he couldn't put it forward for a while.

Lin Hang said with a smile, "The two seniors are so sincere, and the kid is naturally trustworthy. You just said that there are nine non-fighting forces among your monster races, and they have come to Earth Star to settle down. Are they the same as you? Will you be unable to communicate with the outside world before you arrive?"

Chi Liming’s explanation just now deepened Lin Hang’s doubts. If the Yaozu’s nine caves are the same as Chi Liming’s description, then they have not been in contact with the outside world, and Lin Jingtian’s contact with the Yaozu is excluded. Presumably, what is the reason for Lin Jingtian's cultivation base and retreat?

Chi Liming nodded and said, "These nine branches of our monster race came to this planet together because of the same ideas. Therefore, the most important one in our ancestral training is the same, that is They live in seclusion and do not communicate with the outside world. I believe that despite the loose access to the outside world over the years, they should not be able to communicate with the outside world."

Lin Hang nodded lightly, thoughtfully, if Chi Liming hadn't lied, then Lin Jingtian's matter would have been fogged up again.

Although Lin Hang was very puzzled, he didn't say it. After he was about to leave "Akabane Realm", he discussed with Wang Lao and the people of the Wu clan, explained to them the attitude of the Yao clan, and then decided to take over. intend.

Lin Hang arched his hands towards Chi Liming and Bai Yu, and said with a smile, "Senior Scarlet, Senior White, the boy came to "Red Feather Realm" for the first time, and he was deeply novel. I don't know if I can visit this "Red Feather Realm". ?"

Chi Liming and Bai Yu glanced at each other, and they both nodded secretly. After they had learned about it from Lin Hang, they were ready to go back and discuss it. Now that Lin Hang took the initiative, they were naturally very happy.

Chi Liming smiled and said, "What's wrong with this? You are alone in this "Red Feather Realm", and you are not familiar with the place of your life, so let's go, Linger, you accompany Lin Hang to stroll around our "Red Feather Realm", by the way He understands the customs of our monster race."

Chi Liming also had his own considerations for letting Ling'er take Lin Hang. Although from their first contact, Lin Hang was not a person from a hostile force, but necessary precautions were indispensable. Although Linger's mind was simple, she did not have much contact with the affairs of "Akabane Realm", so facing Lin Hang, not only could she feel more comfortable, she would not leak much news to Lin Hang.

Standing behind Chi Ye, Ling'er, who didn't say a word, heard Chi Liming's words and immediately jumped out from behind Chi Ye and said in surprise, "Okay, Grandpa Patriarch! Ling'er promise to introduce you! Big brother, Come with me!~"

Before Lin Hang could respond, Linger pulled Lin Hang around, making a gesture to leave the small building. Lin Hang arched his hands to the first few seniors, Chi Liming smiled and waved his hands, indicating that it was all right, Lin Hang followed the excited Linger and left the small building.

After Linger pulled Lin Hang out of the small building, there was wind under her feet, and she actually took Lin Hang to fly. Lin Hang felt this unprecedented flying journey, and the two slowly flew out of the valley and came outside. On the vast red earth.

Ling'er was flying with Lin Hang while introducing the scenery along the way to Lin Hang. Lin Hang also listened carefully, and soon the two came to a lake.

Ling'er stopped by the lake, and the two slowly landed. Ling'er leaned in Lin Hang's ear and said mysteriously, "Big Brother, today, Ling'er will take you something delicious!"

Just as Lin Hang was puzzled, Ling'er was already standing on the edge of the lake, closing her eyes, Lin Hang could feel Ling's hot spiritual power, pouring into the lake in front of him, and it didn't take long for the lake to bubble up. , Just heard a'bang', the lake exploded, and a few flaming little fishes blew directly to the shore. Ling'er opened her eyes at this time, stepped forward and grabbed one in one hand, and happily came to Lin Hang, grinning, "Big Brother, Ling'er, please eat fish!"

Lin Hang couldn't help but laughed, straightened Ling'er's wet hair, and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, thank you Linger! Linger should rest on the sidelines, and give these two fish to Da Brother!"

Ling'er sat obediently on the side of the rock, with her cheeks in her hands and wide eyes, watching Lin Hang clean up the fish step by step.

Lin Hang stretched his hand and pointed, and a barbecue grill appeared on the ground instantly. Lin Hang skillfully put two fish on skewers, waved his hand to light the stove, put the fish on the barbecue grill, and slowly grilled them.

Before long, Lin Hang took out the seasoning and sprinkled it on the grilled fish, picked up one, and handed it to Ling'er.

Ling'er had been attracted by the aroma of grilled fish. If she wasn't familiar with Lin Hang, she might have already grabbed it. At this time, she took the grilled fish handed by Lin Hang and immediately took a bite. .

"Wow, it's delicious~ Big brother, you are amazing! Ling'er has never eaten something so delicious!" Ling'er praised as she ate it. After a while, a whole grilled fish was caught by Ling'er. After eating, Lin Hang shook his head, looking at Ling'er's eager eyes, and passed the other fish in his hand. Linger naturally did not hesitate, but after taking it, she wiped out the grilled fish in front of her.

After eating, Linger looked at Lin Hang, who was sweating profusely in front of him, and said embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, big brother, originally Linger was going to invite you to eat fish, but now Linger has finished eating by herself. Sorry!"

Lin Hang touched Ling'er's little head, and said with a smile, "It's okay, just treat Ling'er as the big brother asking Ling'er to eat fish! As long as Ling'er feels delicious, you can grill it again. Yeah!"

Linger laughed happily now, and the birds on her shoulders were also flying around Lin Hang'tweeting'.

Looking at the bird in front of him, Lin Hang was a little puzzled, because in his perception, although this flaming bird had vital signs, it was different from ordinary life. It seemed to have a feeling of incompleteness, and There seemed to be an inseparable relationship with Linger in front of her.

Ling'er raised her right hand at this time, and after the bird flew a circle, it landed on Ling'er's palm and stood still obediently.

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