I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 18

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:44 AM

Chapter 18: Burst acting

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Time pulled back to the afternoon of the first day.

Half an hour after Lin Hang left, Qi Xiaosheng woke up leisurely. After fully awake, he found himself in a big tree hole. After turning over and getting down the tree, he recalled what had just happened.

Qi Xiaosheng raised his head and looked at the sturdy tree beside him, remembering what the man who attacked him had said, and immediately thought of the Liu family. It is definitely the Liu family disciple who can create such a big tree and set a trap to attack oneself!

"What is the Liu family's idea this time? No, I must quickly inform Brother Liu, saying nothing will make the Liu family's conspiracy succeed!" Although Qi Xiaosheng was a little confused, he was still ready to inform everyone of the "Liu Family Plan" he discovered.

In the next two days, Qi Xiaosheng began to look for Liu Tianqi and the others in a low-key manner. However, the forest was indeed a bit big and there was no news. And he also heard the news of'Sap Madness' from others. And after listening to other people's analysis, he himself felt very reasonable, as if he was the psychic of his own family.

Qi Xiaosheng is very uncomfortable now. He feels that the real murderer behind the scenes is really too disgusting. Not only did he stun himself with a sneak attack, but he also didn't know what to use to commit the murder, perfectly setting the blame on himself. He could imagine that if he appeared in front of others now, it would be impossible to argue, and he would definitely be beaten to death.

Therefore, Qi Xiaosheng no longer dared to look for Liu Tianqi and others in a high-profile manner, and could only silently wait for the opportunity.

As for the people who participated in the assessment, although some people were disrupted by Lin Hang, as the initial two or three days of trial period passed, more than a dozen people have been eliminated one after another. Many of the battles that broke out were initiated by the people who were sneak attacked by Lin Hang. Although they had some supplies that could last for a day or two, they had to grab other people's water. Yes, the most important thing in this survival assessment is not food, but water. Everyone brought some pills on their bodies to replenish the energy of the body, so the water source became the focus of everyone's competition.

But what everyone didn't expect was that all the battles that everyone knows on the surface ended in the victory of the major victims. On the one hand, after they were attacked, they all formed a team and they had the advantage in number. On the other hand, it was due to our Lin Hang. They were determined to stay and must personally find out. That hateful'Qi Xiaosheng', otherwise it's hard to get rid of the hatred!

When the time came to the fourth day, the fighting everywhere gradually became fierce. Because after the first few days of investigation, they found that this huge mountain forest did not have a single source of water, and the plants here did not have water storage conditions. This reality has also made many ‘sticky’ players abandon their original tactics and have to participate in the competition in advance. Even if they can persist for three or four days without relying on water, they will inevitably make themselves weak and weak. It is better to take advantage of this and reserve water.

And when everyone was in full swing, Lin Hang often sat on the top of a tall tree, eating braised pork and drinking iced Leibi, watching the battles with interest. Although it was a little leisurely, Lin Hang did not look for nothing. Everyone's various uses of their own abilities still gave Lin Hang some good inspirations.

At this moment, a familiar figure in the distance entered Lin Hang's sight. Lin Hang took a closer look and found that it was Liu Tianqi.

Liu Tianqi was also very depressed for the past two days. After entering the assessment, not only did Lin Hang, whom he wanted to pay attention to, disappeared, but Qi Xiaosheng, who was originally safe, became a ‘sap crazy demon’ everyone shouted and beat. Even though he killed him, he didn't believe that Qi Xiaosheng had this strength and plan, it must have been calculated. But now I haven't found Qi Xiaosheng, and don't know what the situation is now.

When Lin Hang on the tree saw the person he was waiting for finally appeared, the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually became presumptuous.

Liu Tianqi was running on the road, suddenly a figure fell from the tree, he secretly guarded, and took a step back. When he saw the face of the figure clearly, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "Ye Hang?"

At this time, Lin Hang's appearance was as miserable as he was, his whole person was ashamed, his clothes were all broken, and his aura seemed languid. Hearing Liu Tianqi's voice, he raised his head with difficulty, and said weakly, "Brother Liu?! I finally found you! You don't know how hard I have been in these two days!"

Liu Tianqi stepped forward to help Lin Hang up. Although he was puzzled, he still asked with a trace of concern, "Brother Ye, what happened? How could it be hurt like this?"

Lin Hang suddenly felt bitter, "Two days ago, I was looking for you, but I was suddenly attacked. Not only was the food and water source robbed, I was also insulted..."

Seeing Lin Hang's innocence, Liu Tianqi couldn't bear to look straight. He interrupted Lin Hang's nonsense, and then asked, "You were also attacked? I told you that it was definitely not what Xiaosheng did. I Understand him. Have you ever noticed who moved the hand?"

Lin Hang’s appearance obviously hasn’t come out of being'insulted' by himself, but he still replied Liu Tianqi, “Well, even though that person did very concealedly, I am a disciple of the Ye family after all. He attacked me. In an instant, I turned into a water element and blocked his blow. His attack mode was very strange. Although he was holding a stick, it was different from Brother Qi’s psychic stick. What can stun others must be his special effect. The spirit soldier blessed. And after I escaped him and was bound to get a blow, I launched the "Fire Talisman" you gave me, and hit him when he was distracted. But it was still not his opponent, I ended up I was knocked out by him. Thinking about it now, it's better to be knocked out, so you don't have to feel his insult..."

Liu Tianqi automatically filtered Lin Hang's nagging and nodded secretly. Lin Hang said that the situation was similar to what he had guessed. He heard Lin Hang's words that the man was hit by "Fire Talisman" and suddenly had an idea. .

He patted Lin Hang on the shoulder, and comforted, "Brother Ye, it's really hard for you. I already have a solution. Since that person won "Fire Talisman", he must have our Liu family's uniqueness. With a trace of fire elemental aura, we can now rely on this clue to catch him! I, Liu Tianqi, want to see who dares to plot against me behind! I will definitely help you get revenge!"

Lin Hang looked at Liu Tianqi with emotion, tears rolling in his eyes, he resisted not flowing out, and said, "Brother Liu, you are so kind to me! Let's go now, catch the murderer, and give it to Qi Brother restores his reputation!"

Liu Tianqi shook her head at this moment, and said in a deep voice, "We must never act high-profile. Before the real murderer shows up, my relationship with Xiao Sheng will inevitably arouse everyone's alertness and suspicion. Maybe we will directly confront us. Get out! We must first find out the real murderer behind the scenes before we can give Xiao Sheng a name!"

Lin Hang looked at Liu Tianqi with admiration in his eyes.

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