I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 182

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:42 AM

Chapter 182: total

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Lin Hang smiled and said, "Priest priest, time is running out. My deity needs to stay in the cave, so I can only let the clone come. You are right, the kid is indeed having a problem. I need your help. Let me answer."

The high priest knew Lin Hang’s plan of action, heard Lin Hang’s description, and knew that he had already touched the unknown cave sky, nodded, and said, "In that cave sky, you have encountered some difficult problems. ?"

Lin Hang began to introduce, "Priest, this cave sky is indeed the same as we guessed. It was created by the ancestor of a branch of the demon clan, and it was named "Red Feather Realm." As you said, the demon in "Red Feather Realm" The clan is all the same Dao body as our human clan, and there is no difference in appearance. But this is not the most important thing. After I contacted them, I found that they are not the same as the monster clan you mentioned before. They are not only I don’t hate the human race. Even before, I took in a branch of the human race. Now the two races live together very harmoniously. This kind of scene makes me very confused, I don’t know if I should believe them, so I came here separately , I asked you for advice."

"Oh?" The high priest frowned, and said, "Will the monster race live with the human race? This news is indeed different from what I know. You have been in contact with them, how do they feel about it? "

Lin Hang said in a deep voice, "Priest, let's not tell you, they really feel the same as their own words, they are indeed pacifists among the demons. They have no intention of hating the human race, and I can I vaguely feel that they don't seem to have any feelings about the Wu Clan, and the focus should be on the next great calamity."

The high priest nodded and said, "Lin Hang, you have always been astute in everything. I naturally trust your judgment. If they are really pacifists among the monster race, as you said, then this is unprecedented. Jie, it’s not that we can join forces with them. It’s just that the premise of all this is that your information is accurate, and the cooperation of our three races must have a link of contact, otherwise the ethnic groups are different, even if the concept Almost, it is also difficult to maintain. Have you figured out how to build this bond?"

Lin Hang laughed at this moment and said, "Priest, you and the elders trust me so much, except that I am half-human and half-witch, the kid helps you get the ancestral inheritance, does it also occupy a lot of Part of the proportion? So, if we want to cooperate with "Akabane Realm" and other monsters in the cave, it is impossible to be harmonious only by concept. In "Akabane Realm", the kid accidentally learned an important thing. I think this is possible and can be our breakthrough direction."

The high priest asked curiously, "What is it that gives you such confidence to achieve cooperation with the monster race?"

Lin Hang did not sell the gates, and said with a smile, "I discovered that their humanoid monster race will have an accompanying "Demon Spirit" at the beginning of their birth. This "Demon Spirit" has played a very important role in their practice. Important role. Before crossing the catastrophe period, they must integrate this companion "Demon Spirit" with themselves, otherwise they will never hope to survive the catastrophe. The process of integration is very difficult and requires an auxiliary spirit. Treasures can greatly increase the success rate. However, the main material for refining this kind of spirit treasure is gradually exhausted. Therefore, the current "Akabane Realm" is not as strong as before. And I I am planning to start with this auxiliary Lingbao."

The high priest is also a character who has lived for a thousand years. He knew Lin Hang's plan as soon as he turned his head. He said with a smile, "You are going to provide them with the main material for refining this spiritual treasure, so as to achieve a relationship with the monster. Cooperation?"

When Lin Hang heard Ling'er introducing "Demon Spirit", he understood the existence of such an auxiliary Lingbao, and his heart was already moved. Lin Hang's current strength is low, and there is no way to shock the monster race in battle or talent, but such auxiliary Lingbao gave Lin Hang a different way of thinking. The scarcity of main materials is not a problem, and Lin Hang's ability to replicate can be solved. And Ling'er said that the grade of this auxiliary spirit treasure is not very high, so the main material for refining it must not be a high-level genius treasure, it is only rare because of its special effect. Relying on Lin Hang's current strength, it should be possible to copy it directly.

Lin Hang nodded and said with a smile, "As the chief priest expected, I do have this idea. Of course, although the kid's expectation, this plan should be very easy to succeed, but it has not been implemented yet, so everything must Look at the future development."

The high priest said, "Lin Hang, your ability to replicate is the most magical ability I have ever seen. You can replicate even innate things like Xiantian Lingyun, presumably this main material is nothing. The problem. But, I have a problem. If you provide such a main material, the monster clan of all major transformation stages will break through, this will inevitably cause the strength of the monster clan to increase. At that time, their thoughts said Uncertainty will change, and you will want to control you. What confidence do you have that this situation will not happen?"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Priest, what you said is very reasonable. Such a situation is indeed very possible. But the kid has also considered that the premise of all cooperation is that the two sides have similar strength conditions. And it can benefit each other. If we want to provide them with this main material, we must get something from them. This is the default condition of both parties. High priest, if you agree, I think I can reveal it to them Let’s talk about the existence of the witches. Of course, I don’t want to reveal all the details of the witches to them, but vaguely show that there is the support of the witches behind me. When we reveal this news, not only can they shock them, but also It can be tested whether their attitude towards the Wu clan is as indifferent as they said. With the support of the Wu clan, I have the premise of negotiation with them, plus the special I can replicate. After I believe Cooperation, it’s not difficult to promote."

The high priest listened carefully to Lin Hang's plan, and the more he listened, the more reasonable he felt. Lin Hang's consideration is still very comprehensive. Moving out the Wu Clan will not only shock the Demon Clan, but also look at the Demon Clan's attitude. Under such a premise, Lin Hang again demonstrated his ability to replicate, plus the conditions put forward by Lin Hang in the follow-up, I believe everyone in the Yaozu should give priority to Lin Hang's suggestion.

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