I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 184

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:22:26 AM

Chapter 184: talks

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The fact is also true. When Lin Hang and Ling'er went out to visit "Akabane Realm", Chi Liming and Bai Yu, including other senior officials, discussed some of the news brought by Lin Hang. After all, some words are still inconvenient. Said in front of Lin Hang. After discussion, most of the high-level officials unanimously decided that the current situation is to maintain a peaceful relationship with Lin Hang and the forces behind him. Because this great calamity of heaven and earth is different from the past, all the creatures from all walks of life are in the calamity, and the response to the ground is slightly inappropriate, which may lead to the destruction of the entire ethnic group. Therefore, at such a critical moment, to be able to live in peace with other forces, it is better to be as peaceful as possible.

Lin Hang handed his hands and said, "Chief Patriarch, the style of "Akabane Realm" is indeed very different from the outside world. The kid has also gained a lot of knowledge here, "Akabane Realm" is really good!"

Chi Liming nodded and said with a smile, "It's fine if you feel satisfied! I heard Xiao Ling'er just now, Lin Hang, do you have something to discuss with us?"

When Chi Liming heard the news, he felt very strange. He didn't understand how Lin Hang and Ling'er would come up with new ideas when they went out. He naturally didn't know Lin Hang's movements on Earth Star, so he had such doubts.

Lin Hang put away his smile, his face became solemn, and he said in a deep voice, "Patriarch Chi, you must have some guesses about my origins. The kid will not hide from you here, the human forces living on the earth and stars outside, Indeed, as you said, the inheritance was lost, and now it is only slowly resuming the path of cultivation. The most advanced cultivator is just equivalent to the cultivation level of the later stage of Qi training. The reason why I can cultivate to the present foundation stage Because I have some special chances."

Chi Liming knew that Lin Hang was ready to tell the power behind him, nodded, and replied in a deep voice, "Well, we do have some guesses about you. Being able to embark on the path of cultivation again is definitely not based on the talent of one person alone. What can be achieved, it must take a long time to accumulate, and the current earth and stars do not meet this condition at all. But, you are not just as simple as getting chance? Can you clearly understand so many secrets, the forces behind you, It must not be easy?"

Lin Hang had long been prepared to tell the existence of the Witch Clan, so there was no surprise, and he smiled and replied, "The environment of the Earth Star is special. In addition to your nine branches of the Monster Clan here, there are other strengths hidden in it. So. I don’t know Patriarch Chi, have you ever heard of the ancient Wu Clan?"

"Ancient Wu Clan?" Even though there was some speculation in his heart, Chi Liming couldn't help exclaiming when he heard Lin Hang really say it.

Before, Chi Liming, Bai Yu and others also discussed the possible origin of Lin Hang. The most direct thing is that Lin Hang found the lost ruins and passed on the knowledge in the ruins. But this is not in line with the current attitude of Lin Hang, there must be a strong support behind Lin Hang. Regarding this power, Chi Liming and others also had different guesses, and the monsters, humans, and witches all had doubts. They didn't want to understand it so early, and they were ready to take a side attack, but they didn't expect Lin Hang to say it so bluntly. They were really caught off guard.

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Their Witch Clan came to Earth Star a little later than you did. They came to Earth Star after the most recent catastrophe. I believe these nine branches of your Monster Clan, You should have avoided many catastrophes on Earth, right?"

Chi Liming sorted out his emotions and replied, "Well, it is indeed the same as what you said. It has been a long time since our nine branches came to the earth and the stars. Moreover, the connection between our cave and the outside world is complete. Interrupted, so when the Witch powers you mentioned came to Earth Star, we were completely unaware of it. I believe that if it weren’t for the imminent catastrophe and the loosening of heaven and earth, you wouldn’t have noticed the existence of our Dongtian, right?"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "That is to say, in the last twenty years, the Cave Sky where the Wu Clan is located slowly appeared in our sight. The kid also unintentionally discovered the existence of the Wu Clan Cave Sky, and they treated us The attitude of the human race is still very friendly, so I slowly learned a lot of information from ancient times on their side. This is also the reason why I keep a distance from you monster race, because every time there is a big catastrophe, there will always be people in the monster race Take action to deal with the human and witch races. Therefore, the first time I know that you are the monster race, my heart remains vigilant."

Chi Liming smiled and replied, "Lin Hang, your thoughts, we can fully understand. Among our demons, there are many tribesmen who have always adhered to the traditions of the Lich War and held deep prejudices against the Lich tribe. , And some monsters have been fighting against the monsters. But please believe that we "Red Feather Realm" and eight other monsters in the cave, all advocating peace, we have done the battle of the lich in ancient times Analyzing, we know that this kind of war is all driven behind the scenes, and we are also involuntarily. Therefore, when another world catastrophe is coming, and every creature can’t escape, our nine branches hope to be able to make peace with the Wu tribe’s forces. Get along! Please also Lin Hang, tell the Wu leaders behind you, express our meaning and see if we can achieve cooperation!"

Lin Hang looked at Chi Liming’s sincere gaze, and slowly said, “Patriarch Chi, this kind of cooperation is a very important decision for both the Lich clan of the Earth Star. Therefore, there is no way for forgiveness. Orally, I will confirm it directly with you. And the kid has already contacted several seniors of the Wu clan, and they have entrusted me to take full responsibility for this matter. Therefore, Chief Chi, I would like to ask you, can you directly enter into the "World Spirit Contract" ?"

After listening to Lin Hang’s words, Chi Liming and Bai Yu felt a little more shocked in their hearts. They thought that Lin Hang was just a good fortune with the help of the Wu Clan, but from Lin Hang’s words, they could know that the Wu Clan was very Lin Hang's attention is so great! Such an important matter was turned over to Lin Hang, a human race kid, to be solely responsible. They put away their contempt for Lin Hang, knowing that the young man in front of them must have some unknown outstanding qualities in order to be recognized by the Wu Clan.

Chi Liming frowned and replied, "What do you mean is that we are going to use the "world spirit" of "Aka Feather Realm" to conclude the "world spirit contract"? Can you really replace the Witch Clan completely, and , Do you really believe in our'world spirit' and choose to use our'world spirit' as a guarantee?"

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